Roger Stillwell

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Abramoff Scandal
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Pleaded guilty
Named but not charged

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Roger G. Stillwell (born October 13, 1939), an American lobbyist. Stillwell was charged with "falsely certifying that he did not receive reportable gifts" from Jack Abramoff[1] and on August 11, 2006, pled guilty to a misdemeanor charges. He was scheduled for sentencing as of October 26, 2006.[2]

[edit] Career

Stillwell worked for the Office of Insular Affairs, part of the US Department of Interior, during the George W. Bush administration. He was the desk officer in charge of the Northern Mariana Islands.

[edit] Abramoff Scandal

In December of 2005, the Washington Post reported: "Abramoff's team also cultivated Roger Stillwell, the Marianas desk officer at the Interior Department. In a recent interview, Stillwell said he accepted dinners at Abramoff's restaurant, Signatures, and tickets to Washington Redskins games. But he said that all those actions occurred while he was a contract employee at Interior, not a federal worker. He also said he sent Abramoff copies of e-mails he sent to his boss, but he noted that none of them contained confidential information and that 'there's nothing wrong with doing that.'" [3]

Abramoff and the lobbying firms he worked with were heavily involved in preventing legislation that would put the Mariana Islands, their client under ordinary US Labor Laws. There are allegations that Abramoff overbilled the Islands, as well as illegally funded many gifts. The Legal Times wrote: "As the desk officer at Interior with responsibility for the area, Stillwell would have had considerable involvement in any policy or legislation dealing with the Northern Mariana Islands, though his particular role in any of the proposed legislation remains unclear." [4]

Previously, Stillwell was a "long-time staffer" for the US House Delegate from Guam Antonio Borja Won Pat [5]

[edit] External Links

Roger Stillman's political donations at