Roger Lupton

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Roger Lupton was born, it is thought, in the Parish of Sedberg in the year 1456, where he was supposedly raised. in 1483, he was awarded a Bachelor of Law degree from King's College, Cambridge.

Shortly after that, he served in the Chancery Court, and went onto become a Canon of Windsor in 1500. He was elected a fellow and then Provost of Eton College in February, 1503/4, which post he retained until 1535.

1525 is the accepted date at which Roger Lupton began to provide for a Chantry School in Sedbergh.

A few scholars were gathered together under a Chaplain, one Henry Blomeyr. Lupton's intention was twofold: "for the maintaining and increase of learning in Christ's Church", and "for his soul's health"; an agreement was made that the Chaplain and Scholars should have free seats in the chancel of Sedbergh Church.

In 1527, Six Scholarships to St John's College, Cambridge were established, to be awarded exclusively to boys from the School one of the documents held at St John's relating to this says that the Scholars are "to be chosen from the grammer scole of Sedbare, wher the sayd Roger Lupton was borne and bath foundyd a perpetuall chauntry and the sayd grammer scole indued sufficiently with lyvelode and lands truly and suerly purchased and manciones sufficiently bylded". After purchase of land and building of a school, almost certainly on the site of the present School Library, the foundation deed was signed, binding the School to St. John's College, Cambridge, which was to have the appointment of its Headmasters. In 1535, Two further scholarships to Cambridge were established, with provision for two fellowships also.

1539/40 - Roger Lupton died and was buried in the Lupton Chapel at Eton. Named for a generous donation made to Eton College by Lupton himself. A bell tower and dormatory has also been dedicated in his name, and is perhaps the most famous building in the college.

Roger Lupton is currently survived by his descendents, Who currently live in Vancouver, Canada. They are fully aware of Lupton's contributions to Eton, and hope to re-visit their ancestor's burial site and legacy sometime.