Rod Rohrich

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Rod J. Rohrich
Rod J. Rohrich

Dr. Rod J. Rohrich is a Dallas, Texas plastic surgeon and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (UTSW), Holder of the Crystal Charity Ball Distinguished Chair in Plastic Surgery, Holder of the Betty and Warren Woodward Chair in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and recipient of the Rod J. Rohrich, M.D. Distinguished Professorship in Wound Healing and Plastic Surgery.

Rohrich is a graduate of North Dakota State University and the Baylor University College of Medicine. He trained in plastic surgery at the University of Michigan between 1979-1985 follwed by a fellowship in hand surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. After accepting an appointment in Plastic Surgery at the UTSW College of Medicine in 1986, he succeeded Dr. Fritz E. Barton, as Chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at UTSW in 1990.

The academic work of Rohrich has included signifigant work in many areas of both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Publications from Rohrich and associates have included landmark papers in facial fracture repair, nasal anatomy and concepts of rhinoplasty, body contouring surgery and liposuction, injectable fillers, patient safety initiatives, medical education, and breast surgery.

Dr. Rohrich has chaired over 100 national and international symposia and delivered over 900 scientific presentations on all aspects of plastic surgery. In 2005, Rohrich was appointed editor-in-chief of the flagship journal, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Rohrich is author or coauthor of over 300 medline-indexed publications, 30 textbook chapters in plastic surgery, and editor of 4 Plastic Surgery textbooks/monographs.


[edit] Professional Positions Held

[edit] Textbooks & Selected Publications

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.;Jack P. Gunter, M.D.; Mark A. Deuber, M.D.; William P. Adams Jr., M.D., "The Deviated Nose: Optimizing Results Using a Simplified Classification and Algorithmic Approach" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 110(6):1509 - 1523, November 2002 [PMID 12409771]

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; Paul D. Smith, M.D.; David R. Marcantonio, M.D.; Jeffrey M. Kenkel, M.D., "The Zones of Adherence: Role in Minimizing and Preventing Contour Deformities in Liposuction" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 107(6):1562-1569, May 2001 [PMID 11335837]

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; William P. Adams Jr., M.D., "The Boxy Nasal Tip: Classification and Management Based on Alar Cartilage Suturing" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 107(7):1849-1863, June 2001 [PMID 11396487]

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; J. Handren, M.D.; R. Kersh, M.D.; CA Hergrueter, M.D.; JW May, M.D., "Prevention of Microvascular Thrombosis with Short-Term Infusion of Human Tissue Type Plasminogen Activator (T-PA)" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 98 (1):118,1996 [PMID 3124145]

TJ Mickel, M.D.; RJ Rohrich, M.D.; JB Robinson, M.D., "Frontal Sinus Obliteration: A Comparison of Fat, Muscle, Bone, and Spontaneous Osteoneogenesis in the Cat Model" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 95(3):586,1995 [PMID 7870789]

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; Samuel J. Beran, M.D.; Jeffrey M. Kenkel, M.D.; William P. Adams, Jr., M.D.; Franklin L. DiSpaltro, M.D., "Extending the Role of Liposuction in Body Contouring With Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 101(6):1090,1998 [PMID 9514347]

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; Edward J. Love, M.D.; H. Steve Byrd, M.D.; Donnell F. Johns, Ph.D., "Optimal Timing of Cleft Palate Closure" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 106(2):413-422, August 2000 [PMID 10946942]

Rod J. Rohrich, M.D.; William P. Adams Jr., M.D.; Samuel J. Beran, M.D.; Ranganathan Rathakrishnan, B.A.; John Griffin, M.D.; Jack B. Robinson Jr., Ph.D.; Jeffrey M. Kenkel, M.D., "An Analysis of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants: Diagnosis and Failure Rates" Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 102(7):2304-2308, November 1998 [PMID 9858163]

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