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"Rob Tow" is a scientist, engineer, and inventor, with experience ranging from electronic warfare through computer graphics, steganography, virtual reality, robotics, to sensor networks.

Rob Tow attended Grinnell College and the University of Iowa, and received a BSc degree. He initially was exposed to computers by way of recording signals from implants in rat brains, and once out of school began his career in 1978 by programming databases in COBOL. Following this, he worked in a Faraday Cage behind two steel doors with combination locks at Northrop Aviation. In 1980 he moved to Silicon Valley, where he worked for Fairchild Camera and Instruments, Compression Labs, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, and Xerox PARC, AT&T Labs, and Sun Labs.

In 1992 Tow was employee #9 at Interval Research Corporation, where he worked with Brenda Laurel on the Placeholder VR project, and later on emotional robots and video search technology, until the closing of Interval. Following that, he worked at AT&T Labs, and Sun Labs - where he was part of the design team for the Sun SPOT wireless sensor network project. He also has been adjunct faculty at the Art Center College of Design.

Tow lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains with his wife Brenda Laurel.

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