
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My name is Robert Wahl and I am a 21 year old full time college student at the University of Washington, Bothell campus. With graduation set for August of 2005, I will be receiving my Bachelors in Business Administration, and plan on going on to fulfill a business related career area (either in Finance or Marketing). I am currently working in a restaurant part-time as a waiter/bartender in order to pay my way through school. While i do plan on moving on to bigger and better things, I will most likely remain a bartender on the weekends in the future- simply because of the fun and social atmosphere.

In my free time, I remain very active, participating in sports such as softball and soccer, as well as slightly more extreme activities such as snowboarding, wakeboarding, river-tubing, bridge jumping, etc. There's nothing I enjoy more than participating in activities that provide an adrenaline rush, and it is because of that, that I tend to be a very accident prone individual. While I do have my conservative moments, i will find it hard in the future to settle for any career that interferes with the recreational side of my life.

Having lived in Everett, Washington my entire life, I would like to get out and experience other parts of the world after graduation, so that I don't go through life wondering what i might have missed had i responded to a spontaneous urge to go somewhere. Overall, I will probably end up settling down in the Puget Sound region at some point in my life, simply because I feel it is one of the best places in the country to raise a family, and for the fact that the rest of my family is already settled here.

View some of my various work at my school homepage: and if you are interested, view my blog that aims toward criticizing MTV at