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[edit] Article SandBox

[edit] Scythia / Svithiod

Civilization spread
Civilization spread
Visigoth spread
Visigoth spread
Viking spread
Viking spread

Scythia ia an ancient region of Eurasia extending from the mouth of the Danube River on the Black Sea to the territory east of the Aral Sea. The nomadic people of the region flourished from the eighth to the fourth century B.C. but were conquered by the Sarmatians in the second century and were soon subsumed into other cultures.

  • The so-called Royal Scyths established a kingdom in the East Crimea before the 9th cent. B.C.
  • They spoke an Indo-Iranian language but had no system of writing
  • They traded (7th cent. B.C.) grain, wine and luxury items with greece and their service as mercenaries was highly anknowledged.
  • The Spartans assembled at full strength and led a pan-Greek army that defeated the Persians decisively at the Battle of Plataea on 27 August 479 BC, ending the Greco-Persian War and with it the expansion of the Persian Empire into Northern Europe (Scandinavia)
  • According to Herodotus, the Sauromatians fought with the Scythians against Darius in the 5th century B.C
  • Alexander the Great, Celts and Sarmatians fragmented the Persians
  • Parts of their empire became Sarmatia
  • The Sarmatians, a confederacy of mostly Iranian tribes north of the Black Sea, was displaced by the Goths in the 2nd century AD.

Jordanes, the best known Gothic historian, always speaks of the Getae and Goths as one people. He also calls them Scythae. We find more evidence in other historical accounts. For example, "The Pictish Chronicle declares that the Scythians and Goths had a common origin" (page 216, The Races of Ireland and Scotland by W. C. Mackenzie).

Herodotus: The ancient Greeks considered the Goths to be Scythians. The name Scythian is used in Herodotus (440 B.C.) to describe barbarians who lived on their horses north of the Black Sea and were probably not Goths. When the Goths came to live in the same area, they were considered to be Scythians because of their barbarian way of living. It is hard to know when the people we call Goths began to intrude on the Roman Empire. According to Michael Kulikowsky, in Rome's Gothic Wars, the first "securely attested" Gothic raid took place in A.D. 238, when Goths sacked Histria. In 249 they attacked Marcianople. A year later, under their king Cniva, they sacked several Balkan cities. In 251, Cniva routed Emperor Decius at Abrittus. The raids continued and moved from the Black Sea to the Aegean where the historian Dexippus successfully defended a besieged Athens against them. He later wrote about the Gothic Wars in his Scythica. Although most of Dexippus is lost, the historian Zosimus had access to his historical writing. By the end of the 260s the Roman Empire was winning against the Goths.

Jordanes in his The Origin and Deeds of the Goths, chapter 4: - " IV (25) Now from this island of Scandza, as from a hive of races or a womb of nations, the Goths are said to have come forth long ago under their king, Berig by name. As soon as they disembarked from their ships and set foot on the land, they straightway gave their name to the place. And even to-day it is said to be called Gothiscandza. (26) Soon they moved from here to the abodes of the Ulmerugi, who then dwelt on the shores of Ocean, where they pitched camp, joined battle with them and drove them from their homes. Then they subdued their neighbors, the Vandals, and thus added to their victories. But when the number of the people increased greatly and Filimer, son of Gadaric, reigned as king--about the fifth since Berig--he decided that the army of the Goths with their families should move from that region. (27) In search of suitable homes and pleasant places they came to the land of Scythia, called Oium in that tongue. Here they were delighted with the great richness of the country, and it is said that when half the army had been brought over, the bridge whereby they had crossed the river fell in utter ruin, nor could anyone thereafter pass to or fro. For the place is said to be surrounded by quaking bogs and an encircling abyss, so that by this double obstacle nature has made it inaccessible. And even to-day one may hear in that neighborhood the lowing of cattle and may find traces of men, if we are to believe the stories of travellers, although we must grant that they hear these things from afar."

[edit] Sarmantia

In the early first century, Sarmatians are mentioned as allies of king Mithridates VI of Pontus, the ruler of several countries near the Black Sea and one of the most dangerous enemies of the Roman empire. In 66, he was defeated by Pompey the Great and expelled from Asia Minor. Mithridates continued his war from the Crimea, still supported by the Sarmatians, but was ultimately forced to commit suicide. The Sarmatians continued the anti-Roman alliance with his son Pharnaces, who was defeated in 47 by Julius Caesar at Zela ('I came, I saw, I conquered').

  • Baltic Sea once was named Oceanus Sarmaticus!
  • Sarmatia Europea, is an ancient region comprising Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the Ukraine and White Russia.

[edit] Karelian Europe

Sarmatism (Polish: sarmatyzm) was the name of the lifestyle and culture of the szlachta (Polish nobility) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

[edit] Science and Faith

The word Ariya ("noble", "spiritual") is attested in the Inscriptions of Darius the Great and his son, Xerxes I. It is used both as a linguistic and a "racial" (spiritual) designation. Darius refers to these meanings in the Behistun inscription (DBiv.89), which is written in a language known as Airyan, Old Persian.
The word Ariya ("noble", "spiritual") is attested in the Inscriptions of Darius the Great and his son, Xerxes I. It is used both as a linguistic and a "racial" (spiritual) designation. Darius refers to these meanings in the Behistun inscription (DBiv.89), which is written in a language known as Airyan, Old Persian.

[edit] Egypt stuff

In Egyptian myth's Attis, the shepard of Cybele (Magna Mater)

Attis is eventually either then immortalized and crowned with stars, and becomes leader of the galli priests devoted to Cybele

To take another myth, they say that the Mother of the Gods seeing Attis lying by the river Gallus fell in love with him, took him, crowned him with her cap of stars

CYBELE An Asian goddess adopted by the Greeks and Romans. A healer, mistress of fertility and untamed nature, a protector in war. Cybele is always accompanied by two lions. Cybele granted immortality to those who worshipped her. Cybele's priests danced wildly and mutilated themselves. Her festivals, held at the beginning of spring, were occasions for wild orgies.

[edit] Pre/Early Christian Faith

Up to the beginning of the 4th century Logos was the primary description of Gods essens, the holy spirit. And as the trinity was introduced this Arian way of reason was suppressed and replaced with the Son, whom also initially was related to Logos. From the Anomoean point of view Jesus was an ideal person of true knowledge and understanding whom had suffered no influences on the events preceeding his terrestial birth.

Urphilas (Ulfilas), Visigoth Nobleman was sent by the King of the Goths to meet with the Arian faithful Constantine II. Thereafter he settled in Thracian tribe areas of Moesia (familygrounds of the Constantines) and founded, along with Fritigern, the so called Moeso-Goths. There he translated the bible to Gothic (Codex Argenteus) in year 370. His close relation to the Constantine family may have been a important ingridience to the overwhelming victory in the Battle of Adrianople in year 378. This battle is often considered the start of the final collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

and today known as the first Gothic apostle and bishop of early Arian Christianity,

[edit] Gimel (G)

Phoenician gimel

There are similairities with the original Phoenician letter G, the Gimel, meaning Camel and which in Hebrew is the sign of Reward and Punishment that imply that: man is free to choose between good and evil[1] and which may be related with the Freemason logo's mixture of both G and chevrons as well as the often used symbolism of black and white. The word gimel is derived from the word gemul, which in Hebrew means both the giving of reward as well as the giving of punishment. In Torah, both reward and punishment have the same ultimate aim the rectification of the soul to merit to receive God's light to the fullest extent. Reward and punishment imply that man is free to choose between good and evil.

[edit] Ouroboros

  • What's with the Ouroboros symbol? I have found it to be the best ever explanation to the Original sin methapore! The hostile and evil snake or dragon eat itself to adapt with the environment. But it's representation is allegoric. It's clearly about ordinary life and each time we drop parts of our own individuality. Each time we do not struggle against the obvious wrong and instead choose the short track, we're taking a bite of our tail.

[edit] Interests SandBox

[edit] Various stuff

Painting to be investigated. Lucy equals Lucina!
Painting to be investigated. Lucy equals Lucina!

[edit] Speculations SandBox

[edit] Origin of the Crown of Immortality

Early Christ with Halo of Coptic characteristics.The early version of the Crown of Immortality?
Early Christ with Halo of Coptic characteristics.
The early version of the Crown of Immortality?
  • The ring of stars, Crown of Immortality, today has become the modern version of the ancient symbol, not necessarily in our modern days related to Christianity, which from a gnostic view may be a symbol of God's Essence (The Monad), transparent to different religious lores and teachings.

[edit] Symbolic meaning

  • The symbolic meaning of the Crown is unclear. The ultimate salvation in Christian lore, becoming immortal, may seem to be the crown's obvious meaning and by beeing crowned with it would garantee a seat in the Kingdom of Heaven. It may also symbolize the spirit itself, as the Crown is found mainly related to Mary, mother of Jesus, before God has become the father or when Jesus is a baby pictured without halo or non full halo. The religious meaning then could be more of a transparent and gnostic kind, which would make the possible origin mentioned below interesing.

[edit] New testament

[edit] Interesting stuff

[edit] Related

[edit] References

  1. ^ About the Hebrew Gimmel (HTML).
  2. ^ About Iconography which contain David's proposal (HTML).
  3. ^ Religious martyrdom, International Education Week, Nov. 14–19 2004, University of Oregon. (HTML).