User:Robert the Bruce/Reimer

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< User:Robert the Bruce

¡Circumcisiophiliacs attack Daivid Peter Reimer! Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 00:35:45 +0000


¿How Fare You?

The circumcisiosexuals desecrate the article about David Peter Reimer. Some of us share the fate of David Peter Reimer, and the any one of the rest of us could have shared his fate. I do not care what those perverts do among themselves, but I hate the way those pædophiles go after children, and I refuse to let them vandalize David Peter Reimer. If it were not for those perverts he and his brother Brian might be alive today and the family Reimer would be much more happy.

If the want total editwar, ¡we will give then total editwar!

The article is here:


This is its history:


This is the page for discussing changes to the article:


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Intactivistically, Ŭalabio

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