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Robotrek US boxart
Developer(s) Quintet
Publisher(s) Enix
Enix America, Inc.
Release date(s) JPN July 8, 1994
NA October 1, 1995
Genre(s) Role-playing game
Mode(s) Single player
Platform(s) SNES
Media 12-megabit cartridge

Robotrek (released under the title of Slapstick (スラップスティック?) in Japan) is a role-playing game released in 1994. It was published by Enix and developed by Quintet for the SNES video game console.

As its Japanese name implies, Robotrek was intended as a humorous game. Designed to appeal to a younger audience, Robotrek's main focus is on allowing the player to raise up to three robots which are built from spare parts that may be found, gained through battles, or generated by the player by means of the game's item combination system.


[edit] Gameplay

Robotrek has similar gameplay to that of most RPG video games, with the notable exception that the main character is not the combatant, but rather, the robots he invents are. The robots are highly customizable, in aspects such as armaments, accessories, special attacks, body color and name. The player is allowed to build three of these robots. A sizable part of the game revolves around inventing items to improve the robots, producing weapons which range from swords and guns to exotic weapons such as a hammer that shoots its head off and various manners of shields, boots, and backpack accessories. Also customizable are the robot's stats, including HP, strength, defense, evasion, and speed. This system is based on what are called "Program Points". Initially, at level one, all robots have 40 Program Points, and as the character gains levels, he gets 10 more points each time. All robots have the same amount of points to spend on attributes. But one of the main features of the game's customization is having the ability to create your robots' own unique attacks, ranging from a dash & slash to an awesome explosion.

Robotrek suffered from a notoriously bad translation, a problem exacerbated by the convoluted plot involving time travel. In one memorable exchange, one of the Hackers answers Dr. Akihabara's criticism of his loyalties by responding, "That's what you say, but Evil is good. Evil is the job."

[edit] Battles

Battles are engaged by contact with the enemy on a map. The player usually attacks first, unless the enemy has caught the player's side or from behind. Battling in the game takes place on a battlefield under a variation of the ATB system, in which the player must wait for a gauge to fill up before acting. Only one robot may fight at any time (up against at most three enemies) instead of all of the robots fighting at once; you can switch between robots whenever its your turn at the cost of using that turn. During the player's turn, none of the enemies will act, and the robot is free to move around the battlefield and attack with one of its weapons. After the robot acts, a gauge appears with the letters E (empty) and F (full) at either end. Depending on the attack you use, that is how much of your gauge it will consume. Until the gauge reaches F, all enemies take turns attacking.

Unlike most RPG video games, the character gains "Megs of Data" instead of experience points. Once enough Megs are obtained, the player gains a level. Also all enemies don't give money by default, but certain enemies do drop it on the map after being defeated. Most enemies will drop some item or low-level equipment, but these can be "Recycled" to make money.

This battling system also introduces the concept of bonuses. During battle, a countdown begins with 10 x (number of enemies) seconds. If the battle is won within this time limit, the player gets a bonus of .1 x (tens digit + 1 of the time) Megs of data. Another bonus is that capsules appear on the battlefield while the countdown happens. If the player uses a melee attack on the capsules, the player receives an item, bonus megs, or it could be a fake and cause damage to the robot. If the countdown is up, the capsules explode (without damaging the robot). Lastly, if the robot makes any successful melee attack against an enemy, it adds .1 Megs of data to the bonus, assuming the player can defeat the enemy within the time limit. This could possibly be the precursor to the HP/MP bonuses in the Star Ocean series.

[edit] Inventing

Much of the game revolves around creating and combining items for your robots' benefit, and is essential to make higher-level equipment. Enix's reputation of challenging games lingers (you can see this by the third boss) in this game. The player can do these things through an invention machine (which is a large SNES controller, a screen, and bits of heavy machinery) and with the help of two gnomes and a series of books called "Inventor's Friend". As the player gains levels, he or she can read the Inventor's Friend books at the respective level the character is at or below. This helps with the creation of items.

Items called Scrap aid with combining items for equipment. Each scrap has a base equipment component, and that can be used to upgrade various weapons or accessories. However, combinations to create higher-level equipment tend to be difficult to figure out.

Weapons can also be strengthened by combining one weapon with the same type (swords for a Sword). A weapon can increase strength by nine times (called levels).

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The game takes place mostly on the planet Quintenix, but limited space travel is possible to the neighboring planet of Choco and a space fortress named Fortress. The main world map (on Quintenix only) features a straight path between locations and thus does not offer free exploring, but rather a series of triggered events.

[edit] Story

On the planet of Quintenix, where the situation has long been peaceful, a group calling themselves "The Hackers", headed by Blackmore, suddenly starts an uprising against the population by disrupting the peace of the town of Rococo (and elsewhere). The main character (who appears to be nameless) is the son of a famous inventor, Dr. Akihabara, who decides to move to Rococo. The main character soon sets off to find out that The Hackers want Dr. Akihabara for a sinister purpose, as Akihabara refuses an offer to join them. The story unfolds to the point where The Hackers' ultimate goal is the Tetron, a mysterious stone that allows viewers to observe events past and future and travel through time.

The Tetron is later found out to be an invention of the main character's ancestor Rask and one of his friends, Gateau, finds the Tetron's potential as the key to controlling the universe by controlling time. Rask disregards that potential and hides the Tetron in shards throughout Quintenix. Gateau, who — presumedly — formed The Hackers later on, obtains the Tetron and attempts to proceed with his plan for universal domination, starting with Rask's home planet of Choco. It is up to the main character to stop Gateau in his space fortress.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Heroes

Main character A silent protagonist that has no default name, so the player has the liberty of naming him whatever he or she wants. He is the son of the famous inventor Dr. Akihabara and shows promise when it comes to inventions and may even surpass his father. Ultimately, it is up to him to save the world from the evil group, the Hackers.

Dr. Akihabara The main character's father. He has made plenty of inventions in his lifetime, but always sticks to the principle of never inventing something for the sole purpose of harming someone else. He is named after the Akihabara district in Tokyo.

Nagisa An android created by Dr. Akihabara to look like his late wife. She helps the main character by providing hints and saving the game.

Rask A Choco native who lands on Quintenix to hide his invention, the Tetron, from Gateau. He decides to stay and is later revealed to be the ancestor of the main character. Many characters mistake the hero for him, despite the hero having different hair color.

Kotetsu He helps the main character in various places, sometimes where he's least expected to be. His main occupation though appears to be involved with thievery/piracy as he's always sneaking around in Hacker bases to get something valuable.

Mint A reporter for the Rococo newspaper, she follows the main character so she can write great stories. Kotetsu doesn't get along with her and always calls her a tomboy.

[edit] Hackers

Blackmore The apparent leader of the Hackers, at least until Gateau reveals himself. After Gateau kicks him out of his position and demotes him to a plumber, he helps the main character in order to get revenge. The most striking feature about him is he has a pumpkin head, starting midway through the game.

Rose The Secretary of Rococo's newly appointed mayor, she has a tendency to distract the Mayor from doing his job. She later turns out to be one of the leaders of the Hackers.

Gateau A former colleague of Rask. Although it is not known, he could be the founder of the Hackers, but ultimately ends up being the leader of them. He obtains the Tetron attempts to dominate the universe by controlling time. (A minor note: Gateau is the word for "cake" in French.)

Dr. Einst A rival inventor to Akihabara. He creates inventions to aid the Hackers, and is also the leader of their island factory lab. He makes allusion by name and appearance to Albert Einstein, and to Dr. Wily by character.

Dr. G A Hacker computer programmer, Dr. G created a transporter, but he always gets lost whenever he tries to use it.

Assistant Dr. G's assistant, he's always there to help the Dr. He offen complains about having to wash Dr. G's pants.

[edit] Robot's Weapons and Equipment

Usually as each equipment version goes up, its strength does as well.

[edit] Weapons

  • Sword: The basic melee weapon. All robots start with this. There are four versions, but the fourth version is a long-range based weapon that shoots out lightning bolts that hits all enemies and does no melee damage even if the robot is in point blank range.
  • Hammer: A basic melee weapon. There are three versions. Hammer2 has the ability to drain the enemy's HP and adds it to the robot's.
  • Shot: The basic long-range weapon. All robots start with this. There are three versions.
  • Celtis: A basic long-range weapon. There are three versions. It is a hammer that shoots its head.
  • Punch: A mid-level melee weapon. There are three versions. Has a higher critical hit percentage than the Sword.
  • Blow: A mid-level long-range weapon. There are three versions. It is a punch that shoots out the arm.
  • Axe: A high-level melee weapon. There are three versions. Axe3 is noted to be the second most powerful weapon in the game.
  • Laser: A high-level long-range weapon. There are three versions. Laser2 and Laser3's laser changes appearance as it gains power.
  • Blade: A high-level long-range weapon. It is a sword that shoots out lasers. There are four versions. Blade4 is noted to be the most powerful weapon in the game.
  • Bomb: Various backpack weaponry, all long-range. There are four versions. Bomb2 and Bomb3 are fire and ice elemental respectively. Bomb4 is the third most powerful weapon in the game.

[edit] Equipment

  • Shield: Primarily adds defense, there are five versions.
  • Boots: Boots primarily play a role in movement range, but adds defense as a secondary role. There are six versions. While range increases as the version does, Boots5 offers the highest defense, but the shortest movement range.
  • Packs: There are various packs in the game that strap onto the robot's back.
    • Empty Pack: A base pack. Can be combined with some items to create other packs.
    • Power Pack: Adds 10 to the robot's attack.
    • Shiled Pack: Adds 10 to the robot's defense.
    • Quick Pack: Adds some defense and also repairs your robot if it runs out of HP, then it turns into an Empty Pack.
    • Turbo Pack: Adds 2 to the movement range (unless your robot has a range of 8).
    • Solar Pack: The robot recovers a small amount of HP per turn.

[edit] Scrap Bases

  • Scrap A: Used to remake Napoleon
  • Scrap B: Found using weather in the destroyed mansion; use with Scrap 7 to make a "helper"
  • Scrap 1: Sharp weapons (Swords/Axes).
  • Scrap 2: Basic long range weapons (Shot/Celtis).
  • Scrap 3: Boots.
  • Scrap 4: Punches.
  • Scrap 5: Shields.
  • Scrap 6: Hammers.
  • Scrap 7: "High energy weapons" (Lasers, Blade1, Blows)
  • Scrap 8: Blade4.
  • Scrap 9: Second highest version core (used to make second highest version equipment).
  • Scrap 10: Highest version core (used to make highest version equipment).

[edit] External links