Robert Ludvigovich Bartini

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Robert Bartini
Robert Bartini

Robert Ludvigovich Bartini (or Roberto Oros di Bartini) (1897-1974) was an aircraft designer and scientist born on May 14, 1897 in Fiume, Austria-Hungary (now Rijeka, Croatia).

Bartini became a member of the Italian Communist Party in 1921. He graduated from officer school in 1916, flying school in 1921 and Milan Polytechnical Institute in 1922. After the Fascist revolution in Italy in 1923, he was transferred undercover to the USSR as an aviation engineer. He occupied several engineering and command positions in the Soviet Air Force and RKKA. He became the head of the department of amphibious experimental aircraft design in 1928. He was the head of the design department of NII GVF, general designer (chief designer), since 1930.

He was imprisoned from 1938 to 1946. He continued his work on new aircraft designs as a prisoner in TsKB 29 NKVD and in OKB-86 on the territory of Dimitrov Aircraft Factory and Beriev Aircraft Company in Taganrog (1946-1952), then in SibNIA, Novosibirsk. R.L.Bartini was rehabilitated in 1956.

He also published papers concerning aviation construction materials and technology, aerodynamics, dynamics of flight, and theoretical physics.


[edit] Aircraft designer

VVA-14 WIG aircraft
VVA-14 WIG aircraft
  • DAR - amphibious aircraft (long range arctic recon.)
  • Stal-6 - established world speed record
  • Stal-7 -
  • Er-2 (AKA DB-240) -- military version by V.G. Ermolaev. First flown June 1940.
  • Er-2 2xAM-35, April 1942.
  • Er-2 2xACh-30B, December 1943, ~300 were built. 3x1000kg bombs. Max speed 446km/h. Range 5000km
  • A57 - Revolutionary 'boat bomber', a jet powered flying boat strategic bomber
  • VVA-14-1/M-62 - Ground effect aircraft. Designed for the anti-submarine role. Bartini-Beriev 1972.
  • AL-40 - nuclear engine hydroplane. none built. SibNIA, 1960s.
  • R 53.6K - All the aerodynamic surfaces were "calculatable" and have up to 4-th derivative function value. 1940s.

[edit] Scientist

[edit] Aviation

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev named Bartini as his teacher. At various times and to different degrees, Bartini has been connected with Korolev, Sergey Ilyushin, Oleg Antonov, Vladimir Myasishchev, Alexander Yakovlev and many others. In the literature on aerodynamics there is a term (definition) "Effect of Bartini".

[edit] Philosophy of Science

Besides aircraft, R.L. Bartini was engaged in cosmogony and philosophy of science. He created the unique theory of the six-dimensional space-time world which has received the name "World of Bartini".

Works of R. Bartini on key problems of physics were published:

  • Roberto Oros di Bartini. Some relations between physical constants. In: Doklady Acad. Nauk USSR, 1965, v.163, No.4, p.861-864 (In English, Russian); Originally: Доклады Академии наук, 1965, т.163, №4, c.861-864.).
  • Roberto Oros di Bartini. Some relations between physical constants. In the collection: Problems of the Theory of Gravitation and Elementary Particles, Atomizdat, 1966, p. 249-266, in Russian only (сборник Проблемы теории гравитации и элементарных частиц, М., Атомиздат, 1966, с.249-266).
  • Roberto Oros di Bartini. Relations Between Physical Constants. In: Progress in Physics, 2005., v.3, p. 34-40, (in English).

[edit] Engineering creativity

Developed Bartini the method has received the name " And - And " from a principle of connection of mutually exclusive requirements: " Both that..., And another "... The Atmosphere of total privacy in the Soviet aircraft construction has limited using this method of forecasting only in narrow group of the "admitted" experts..

Bartini stated that: " basically search of decisions of type " And - And " is not combined not so (frivolous). Students solve similar problems already on the first rate on seminar employment on the mathematician: take the first derivative of function, equate it to zero and find x's, then y'k "

Direct and unambiguous statement of Bartini: " is resulted... That it is possible matematization of new ideas birth ".

Since matematization is possible only on rigid enough algorithm, undoubtedly, it is very similar later on ARIZ by Altshuller. It basically not could be noticeably other, being is constructed on the same dialectic logic. Supersonic planes "Tu-144" (russ. Ту-144) and "Concorde" differs just in details.

[edit] Quotes

O.K.Antonov: " All projects Bartini are extremely original. But purposely it did not aspire to originality, it was born from its approach to (plane) business... Robert Ljudovigovich was dared boldness of knowledge, conviction in correctness of the conclusions. It was rich, immensely rich with ideas and thus consequently was generous ".

S.V.Ilyushin: " Destiny of Bartini will allow, when it will be studied, to formulate some major laws of revealing and becoming of design talent ".

[edit] Bibliography

In more detail about this person it is possible to read in I.Chutko's book " Red planes ". The book had two editions:

  • 1978. (russ. И. Чутко "Красные самолёты". М. Изд. полит. литературы, 1978)
  • 1989. The collection " the Bridge through time ". (russ. сборник "Мост через время")

Unfortunately, each edition has a material which is absent in other edition.

[edit] References