Robert L. Brock

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Robert L. Brock, (also known as Ben Weintraub), is an African-American anti-Semite, who prominently allies himself with white supremacists. He is the founder of the organization "United for Holocaust Fairness" and president of the reparation movement "Self-Determination Committee".

Brock became a known associate of Daniel Johnson during the 1980s. Johnson, a far-rightist with close ties to many neo-Nazis, advocated (along with Brock) the "Pace Amendment," which declared that only white people of North-European descent should have the rights of permanent U.S. citizenship. People not fitting that description were to be deported in a period of one year.

As a member of both the Liberty Lobby and the right-wing Populist Party (organizations founded by anti-Semite Willis Carto) Brock spoke on radio programs and authored several articles in the weekly Liberty Lobby newspaper The Spotlight, proclaiming his belief in the purity of the races and the desirability of racial segregation.

Sympathizing with the Christian Identity Movement, Brock was invited to speak at the "Jubilation Celebration and Conference" in 1994, along with Louis Beam. In 1988, Brock, dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe, attended a Christian Identity event hosted by Pete Peters. Brock also takes part as guest speaker at the Annual Gatherings of the German nationalist party Deutsche Volksunion (German People Union), supporters of the W.A.R. (White Aryan Resistance) movement.

Emphasizing the anti-Jewish and anti-immigrant aspects of his politics to cement an alliance of convenience with white supremacist organizations, Brock also maintains a close relationship with Holocaust denier and Adelaide Institute founder Fredrick Toben, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) editor Mark Weber, and German American National Political Action Committee Chairman Hans Schmidt.

In 1995, Robert Brock published in cooperation with the "German National Newspaper" (Die Deutsche Nationalzeitung, DNZ) a book titled Freispruch für Deutschland! (Not Guilty for Germany!), a collection of essays written by non-German historians who rebut "anti-German history and Holocaust lies." The same year, under the pseudonym "Ben Weintraub," he wrote Holocaust Dogma of Judaism — Keystone of the New World Order, in which he expressed his belief that teaching Holocaust studies in public schools and the government funding of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum violates the clause in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. He also claimed that the UN meditation room has a design on its wall promoting Satanism through hidden cabalistic symbolism, and that the "six million" figure (generally acknowledged by mainstream researchers worldwide as approximately the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust) is a rabbinical concoction derived from occult readings of Hebrew letters in the text of the Torah: "Six, the number of the beast: the world-ruler set up by Satan as the Antichrist."

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Encyclopaedia of right-wing extremism by Margret Chatwin, visited: May 2005 (in German)
  • Nizkor Project — Based on Anti-Defamation League. Uncommon Ground: The Black African Holocaust Council and Other Links Between Black and White Extremists. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1994