Robert Kinsey

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Stargate character

Former Vice-President Robert Kinsey
Robert Kinsey
Race Human
Gender Male
Rank None, formerly Vice President of the United States and U.S. Senator
Birthplace Indianapolis, Indiana, US, Earth
Relatives Unnamed wife
Unnamed 3 children
Unnamed 7 grandchildren
Portrayer Ronny Cox
First episode "Politics"
Key episodes "Chain Reaction"
"Smoke & Mirrors"
"Full Alert"

Robert Kinsey is a fictional politician in the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1 played by Ronny Cox.

[edit] History

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

From 1996 through 2003, Senator Robert Kinsey held the position of chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Kinsey oversaw allocation of federal funds to various different government agencies, departments and organizations on an annual basis. As such, Kinsey is also one of Congress' leading overseers of the national defence budget. As Chairman of the Defense Appropriations Sub-Committee, he has taken a particularly special interest in - and meticulously tracked - defence requirements and spending, particularly for secret projects such as the Stargate Program.

Senator Kinsey first appeared in the episode "Politics", where he managed to shut down Stargate Command briefly. Although the program is later restarted, he stays as one of the show's main antagonists, trying first to shut down the program and later to take control over it.

It is later revealed that he sponsored a committee known as the NID, a civilian organization that oversees government agencies. Kinsey and the NID appeared hell-bent on shutting down the Stargate program, citing its cost and ineffectiveness in defeating the Goa'uld, though SG-1 has learned that the NID's true motive is to exploit the alien technology that could be obtained through the Stargate.

In "Chain Reaction" he sought to use the NID to control the Stargate by blackmailing General Hammond into retirement, but his replacement was a very military-minded General whose actions resulted in the destruction of a planet and nearly led to the destruction of Earth. Thanks to investigation by Jack O'Neill, he was implicated in Harry Maybourne's illegal offworld operation, but got away scot-free by allowing General George Hammond to retake command of the SGC.

In "2001" Kinsey was interested in making an alliance with the Aschen to gain prestige and even stops Col. O'Neill (who wants to stop this alliance because there is something strange about the Aschen) from reaching the White House. Nevertheless the alliance fails, which infuriates Kinsey (It is worth noting that in the alternate reality witnessed in "2010", where the alliance went ahead, Kinsey achieved his goal of the presidency.

About one year later NID agent Malcolm Barrett coerced Kinsey into spying on the group controlling the NID (The Committee), after which The Committee attempted to assassinate Kinsey and frame Col. O'Neill in the episode "Smoke & Mirrors".

Kinsey's ambition was to become President, and he was made Vice-President in the episode "Inauguration". Soon after, he tried again to take control of the Stargate program, trying to convince President Henry Hayes that the current leadership was a threat to national security. This attempt was foiled when NID Agent Richard Woolsey obtained incriminating evidence against him from General Hammond and gave it to President Hayes. When Elizabeth Weir took command of the SGC, Kinsey tried to sway her to his side, but she soon realised that he was out for himself. During Anubis attack on Earth, Kinsey tried to relieve Weir of command. Hayes, fed up with Kinsey, "accepted" his resignation.

Robert Kinsey as a host to a Goa'uld symbiote
Robert Kinsey as a host to a Goa'uld symbiote

After his resignation from the Vice-Presidency he was cast off by The Trust, a conglomeration of businessmen that, through various questionable connections, have learned of the Stargate's existence and are attempting to exploit it (and the alien technology obtained from off-world) for their own personal monetary and political gain. Without his position he was of no further use and, essentially, kicked out. However, soon afterward the Trust approached him again, hoping to bring him back into the fold. Apparently, they were planning to move from behind-the-scenes business to direct political power and needed a meeting with a member of the Russian government to carry out their plans. Kinsey, who had a personal relationship with the official in question, would set up a meeting and be brought back inside in return. Kinsey, in a startling and rather confusing display of integrity, instead turns to the SGC, showing up in Jack's house, and informs them of the entirety of the Trust's plans and what they want from him. Apparently, despite his complete lack of morals and thirst for power, Kinsey truly is an American patriot and feels that, by allying themselves with the Russians, the Trust has shown its true colors and deserves to be destroyed.

In "Full Alert", the SGC convinces Kinsey to go undercover, wearing a concealed transmitter, in an attempt to flush out and capture the hierarchy of the Trust. Unfortunately, during the meeting, the Trust reveals that they care nothing for a meeting with any Russian officials, and have something completely unconnected - and thoroughly horrible - planned for Kinsey. His transmitter suddenly dissolves into static and, when the SGC soldiers stationed nearby storm the building, the entire Trust membership is gone. It is only later that they learn that the Trust has been completely infiltrated by the Goa'uld, taken through their operatives which had operated outside of the solar system, and they have, in fact, implanted a symbiote within Kinsey and are using him in their plans to start a nuclear war between the US and Russia. Kinsey vanished while attempting to flee aboard an Al'kesh after the SGC foiled the attempt; though the Al'Kesh was destroyed, it is not known if Kinsey died, as he was seen operating a transport device moments before the ship exploded.

Kinsey's political affiliation has been left unspecified.

[edit] Notes

  • Kinsey has a wife, three children, seven grandchildren (as of 2001) and a dog named Oscar.
  • In the alternate timelines presented in "2010" and "Moebius, Part 2", he achieved his goal of attaining the Presidency.

[edit] See also

Recurring characters on Stargate SG-1 Edit
Tau'ri Malcolm Barrett | Jacob Carter | Chekov | Adrian Conrad | Major Davis | Paul Emerson | Louis Ferretti | Janet Fraiser
Walter Harriman | Charles Kawalsky | Robert Kinsey | Carolyn Lam | Catherine Langford | Bill Lee | Harry Maybourne
Rodney McKay | Lionel Pendergast | Robert Rothman | Frank Simmons | Pete Shanahan | Siler | Richard Woolsey
Other Humans Cassandra | Kasuf | Linea | Ma'chello | Martin Lloyd | Sha're | Shifu | Skaara
Goa'uld Amonet | Anubis | Apophis | Ba'al | Cronus | Hathor | Heru-ur
Nerus | Nirrti | Osiris | Ra | Sokar | Tanith | Yu | Zipacna
Jaffa Bra'tac | Gerak | Ishta | Rya'c
Other Adria | Chaka | Fifth | Harlan | Merlin | Oma Desala | Reese | Replicator Carter | Thor
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, Langaran, Lucian Alliance
Ori, Replicator, Tok'ra, Tollan, System Lord