Robert Ira Lewy
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Robert Ira Lewy, M.D. , F.A.C.P.; Education, Contributions to Role of Aspirin Therapy in Heart Disease and Allergic Phenomena in Recipients of Silicone Breast Implants, and Philanthropic Activities
Robert Ira Lewy was born on October 16, 1943 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the son of Dr Martin Lewy, a physician from Germany and graduate of the Friedrich Wihelm Medical School in Berlin, and Esfira Lewy, a nurse from Poland. Robert has no brothers or sisters, and attended Stuyvesant High School in New York City, graduating with honors in 1960. In 2006 he donated over 1 Million dollars to his high school alma mater for the establishment of the Dr. Robert Ira Lewy Multimedia Center, to serve as the high school’s central academic research facility 1. Robert attended Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, majoring in Biology, and graduated magna cum laude in 1964. He was awarded the Roberts Prize in Biology, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He then matriculated at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After one year, he took a leave of absence and was selected as a PhD candidate at the Princeton University Department of Graduate Studies doctoral program in Religion. There he was selected as a Woodrow Wilson scholar, and a William J Fulbright Scholarship runner up. Returning to medical school, he graduated in 1971 with a Doctor of Medicine degree and Honors in Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology. His Internship was served at the Philadelphia General Hospital, now defunct, in Philadelphia, and his Residency at the Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Philadelphia. He was then selected for a National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood grant 2, and began a two year Clinical and Research Fellowship in Hematology at the Cardeza Foundation for Hematological Research of the Thomas Jefferson University of Philadelphia. His original research on the effect of aspirin on heart disease led to a period of prolific publishing in the scientific literature3. Based on his work, he was elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians in 1983. Dr. Lewy practiced clinical Hematology and Oncology in Houston Texas from 1979 until 2005. During this time he was Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He served as a teaching physician at the St Luke’s Episcopal Hospital of Houston, where he was responsible for training interns, residents and fellows, and served the same function at the Ben Taub General Hospital in Houston on the Baylor College of Medicine Hematology service4 . His research on allergic aspects of silicone breast implants led to further scientific publications and book chapters during the mid 1990’s as well as international scientific and governmental presentations 5,peer recognition 6 and newspaper attention 7. Silicone breast implants were removed from the market by the Food and Drug Administration that year due to safety issues and remained experimental and unproven for 10 years. He had numerous distinguished hospital committee appointments8 and professional board certifications9. Dr Lewy has been traveling internationally since his retirement in 2005. He has two children from his first marriage, Amelia Chandler-Lewy and Adam Chandler.
1. The Spectator, Volume XCVII, No 6, page 2 “Dedication Ceremony for the Lewy Multimedia Center Held”
2. National Heart Lung Blood and Ischemia Investigator #5 T32 AM07084-04
3. Lewy, R.I., Kansu, E.: Prognostic Value of Platelet Counts in Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemia; Blood; Sl:766-767; 1978.
Lewy, R.I., Smith, J.B., Silver, M.J., Wiener, L.J., Walinsky, P., & Saia, J.: Detection of Thromboxane B-2 in Peripheral Blood of Patients With Prinzmetal's Angina; Prostaglandins and Medicine; Vol. 2: 243-248; 1979.
Lewy, R.I., Smith, J.B., Silver, M.J., Saia, J., Walinsky, P., Wiener, L.: Detection of Thromboxane B2 in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Prinzmetal’s Angina. Clinical Research 27:462A, 1979.
Lewy, R.I., Wiener, L., Smith, J.B., Walinsky, P., Silver, M.J.: Intravenous Heparin Initiates In Vivo Synthesis Release of Thromboxane A-2 in Angina Pectoris; Lancet 2: 97; 1979.
Wiener, L., Lewy,R.I.,Walinsky, P., Lefer, A.M., Silver, M.J., Smith, J.B.: Thromboxane Release and Coronary Artery Disease Patients During Acute Myocardial Ischemia; Proceedings of the Florence International Conference on Myocardial Infarction; Vol. 1: 388-394; Excerpta Medica;Amsterdam; 1979 (Mason, D.T., Serneri, G.G., Oliver, M.F., Editors).
Lewy, R.I., Wiener, L., Smith, J.B., Walinsky, P., Silver, M.J., Saia, J.: Comparison of Plasma Concentrations of Thromboxane B-2 and Prinzmetal's Variant Angina and Classical Angina Pectoris; Clinical Cardiology; Vol. 2: 404-406; 1979.
Lewy, R.I., Wiener, L., Smith, J.B., Walinsky, P., Silver, M.J.: Measurements of Plasma Thromboxane in Peripheral Blood of Prinzmetal's Angina Patients; Circulation (Supp.) II: 248; 1979. (Presented November 15, 1979 at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, Anaheim, California).
Lewy, R.I., Kansu, E., Gabuzda, T.: Leukemia in Patients with Acquired Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemia;An Evaluation of Prognostic Indicators; American Journal of Hematology; 6: 323-331; 1979.
Lewy, R.I., Bills, T.K., Dalton, J.,Smith,J.B.,Silver,M.J.:
19Hydroxyprostaglandin E and Infertility in Human Males;
Prostaglandins and Medicine; 2: 367-372; 1979.
Lewy, R.I.: Thromboxane A-2 Release and the Injury-Spasm Hypothesis; Circulation; 62: 668; 1979(Letter).
Lewy, R.I., Effect of Elevated Free Fatty Acids on Thromboxane Release in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.Hemostasis;9: 134-140;1980.
Lewy, R.I., Wiener, L., Lefer, A.M., Silver, M.J., Smith, J.B., Thromboxane Release During Pacing-Induced Angina Pectoris; Possible Vaso-Constrictor Influence on the Coronary Vasculature; Circulation; Vol. 61: 1165-1171; 1980.
Michael L.H., Lewy R. I. et al. Thromboxane B2 in Dog Cardiac Lymph. Clinical Research 1980
Lewy, R.I., Thromboxane Release During Pacing-Induced Angina, (Author's Reply); Circulation;63: 237; 1981.
Lewy, R.I., Michael, L.H.: Transmyocardial Platelet Behavior in CAD (Author's Reply); Circulation;63: 969; 1981.
Lewy, R.I. Thromboxane in Ischemic Heart Disease ; New England Journal of Medicine (Letter);305: 106; 1981.
Lewy R.I. Role des thromboxanes dans l’angor spastique et dans l’angor occlusif. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ischemia and Platelets. Editions de la Revue de Medecine.pp 57-60, 1982.
Lewy, R.I. Role of Thromboxanes in vasotonic versus vaso-occlusive angina.Archives des maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux. 76:13-16, 1983.
4.Teaching Attending Physician, Baylor College of Medicine Combined Internal Medicine Service St Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Teaching attending Physician, Baylor College of Medicine Hematology Service Ben Taub General Hospital
5. Lewy, R.I. Laboratory Findings Reveal Potential Harm of Breast Implants. Texas Medicine.89(12),1993
Lewy R.I. Response to Breast Implant Controversy Deserves More Study. Texas Medicine 90(2). 8, 1993
Lewy, R.I Auto immune Markers and Imaging Abnormalities in Silicone Breast Implant Users.Clinical Research, 42(2),275A, 1994
Lewy, R.I Autoimmune Disease and Collagen Dermal Implants. Annals of Internal Medicine,120(6), 524-525, 1994
Lewy RI. Antinuclear Antibodies, Lipid Disturbances and Central Nervous System Imaging Abnormalities in Silicone Breast Implant Users. Journal of Investigative Medicine 43:333A, 1995.
Lewy RI and Ezrailson E. Laboratory Studies on Breast Implant Patients: ANA Positivity, Gammaglobulin Levels and Other Autoantibodies, In: Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 210: Immunology of Silicones, M. Potter and N.R. Rose, eds, pages 337-352,Springer Verlag 1996. ISSN 3-540-602272-0.
Implants and Human Health Sydney, Australia 2/17-2/19/96 University of Newcastle and Australian Comprehensive Medical Association
22nd Annual Meeting of the Southeast Division of the American College of Rheumatology,San Juan Puerto Rico April 26-19, 1996. Presented Poster.
Fifth Biannual Meeting of the International Society of Rheumatic Therapy May 14-18, 1996, Paris France. Presented Poster Session
Workshop on the Immunology of Silicones, Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, March 13-24, 1995. Two poster presentations and an oral presentation.
6. Preface,page x,Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 210: Immunology of Silicones,M. Potter and N.R. Rose, eds, pages 337-352, Springer Verlag 1996. ISSN 3-540-602272-0.
7. New York Times September 18, 1995.
8. Chairman, Infectious Disease ad Pharmacy Review Committee The Woman's Hospital of Texas
Chairman, Credentials Committee, Women’s Hospital of Texas
Chairman, Tissue and Therapeutics Committee, The Woman's Hospital of Texas
Member, Quality Assurance Committee Saint Luke's Episcopal Hospital
Member, Internal Medicine Chart Review Committee,Saint Luke's Episcopal Hospital
Member, Emergency Room Committee,Saint Luke's Episcopal Hospital
Member, Transfusion Committee, Saint Luke's Episcopal Hospital
Alternate Delegate, Houston Delegates, Texas Medical Association
Member, Blood Bank and Blood Transfusion Committee, Texas Medical Association
Member, Harris County Medical Society Public,Service and Communications Committee
9. Fellow, American College of Physicians
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
Diplomate, American Board of Hematology
Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Examiners
Member, American College of Rheumatology
Member, American Society of Allergy and Immunology
Listed in the National Registry of Forensic Examiners
American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians
American Board of Independent Medical Examiners