Robert G. Marshall
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Robert G. "Bob" Marshall (born May 3, 1944 in Takoma Park, Maryland) is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates representing the 13th District, currently serving his 7th term. Marshall is a Republican from Manassas.
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[edit] Bio
Delegate Marshall received his education from Montgomery Junior College, Belmont Abbey, and California State University. Before election to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1991, Marshall was a Vice President of Communications and Business Development at Shenandoah Electronic Intelligence. Marshall belongs to the All Saints Catholic Church in Manassas, Virginia. Additionally, his sister is actress Paula Marshall.
[edit] Marshall/Newman Amendment
Marshall sponsored the Marshall-Newman Amendment to the state constitution that prohibited same-sex marriage as well as civil unions, domestic partnerships, and "other legal status to which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage." It also prohibits the recognition of other states' such legal arrangements. It was approved in a 2006 referendum by 57% to 43%.
The text of the adopted amendment is as follows:
Shall Article I (the Bill of Rights) of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to state: “That only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. This Commonwealth and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage. Nor shall this Commonwealth or its political subdivisions create or recognize another union, partnership, or other legal status to which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage.”?
[edit] 2007 Legislative Session
The following legislation was sponsored by Delegate Marshall in the 2007 legislative session:
- HB 1660 Premarital agreements; contents.
- HB 1660 Premarital agreements; contents.
- HB 1661 Adultery; definition.
- HB 1662 Child custody; consideration of marital fault.
- HB 1663 Domestic relations cases; invocation of constitutional rights.
- HB 1664 HB 1664 Divorce; marital fault to be factored into equitable distribution.
- HB 1665 Abortion; forced or coerced against will prohibited.
- HB 1666 Transportation impact fees, statewide; Transportation Board to assess and impose.
- HB 1667 Impact fees; Transportation Board to assess and impose on new developments in Loudoun County.
- HB 1668 Impact fees; Transportation Board to assess and impose on new developments in Loudoun County.
- HB 1669 Impact fees; subdivision ordin. may include provision thereof for inadequate public safety facility.
- HB 1670 Impact fees; subdivision ordin. may include provisions thereof for inadequate school facilities.
- HB 1671 Impact fees; subdivision ordin. may include provisions thereof for inadequate park, etc. facilities.
- HB 1672 Real property; establishes separate classes for purposes of taxation rates.
- HB 1673 Immigration, Commission on; created, report.
- HB 1716 Trucks & combination vehicles; Transp. Bd. to impose fee thereon for use of maintaining hwys.
- HB 1717 Recordation tax; distribution of excess revenues to Transportation Board for certain projects.
- HB 1718 Rezoning applic.; locality may deny/modify req. if existing netwk. inadequate to accommodate traffic.
- HB 1742 Streets; prohibits taking additional into state secondary highway system.
- HB 1743 Lyme disease; adds to list of diseases required to be reported to Department of Health.
- HB 1744 Real estate tax; increases income limit for elderly and disabled taxpayers.
- HB 1745 Residential development; impact fee assessments..
- HB 1746 Railroad corridors; Dept. of Rail & Public Transportation to update inventory of those abandoned.
- HB 1747 Emergency Evacuation Response Routes; designating portions of certain hwys. in 8th Plan. District.
- HB 1748 Route 606; designating as component of state primary highway system in Loudoun County.
- HB 1749 Dulles Toll Road; imposition on increase and use of tolls.
- HB 1750 License plates, special; issuance of those bearing Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag.
- HB 1751 License plates, special; issuance of those promoting brain tumor awareness.
- HB 1752 School boards, local; unexpended funds.
- HB 1753 Route 606; designating as component of state primary highway system in Loudoun County.
- HB 1754 Transportation funds; VDOT to publish annually in hard copy and in electronic format list thereof.
- HB 1883 Abortion clinics; regulations and licensure.
- HB 1884 Impact fees; localities may assess for residential development if school facilities inadequate.
- HB 1885 Voice-over-Internet protocol service; revises definition.
- HB 1886 Streets; prohibits taking additional into state secondary highway system.
- HB 2117 Community Investment Corporation Development Commission; created, report.
- HB 2118 Residential development; impact fees for public facilities related thereto.
- HB 2119 Underground electric transmission lines; locality may request at own expense.
- HB 2120 Small Employer Health Insurance Exchange Act; created.
- HB 2121 Health Insurance Exchange Act; created.
- HB 2122 Health Insurance Risk Transfer Plan; created.
- HB 2123 Fertility treatments; disclosure required of ova donors.
- HB 2124 Abortion; illegal upon overturning of Roe v. Wade.
- HB 2125 Abortion; prohibits those coerced and provides civil remedy.
- HB 2795 Subdivision streets; certain requirements for taking thereof into state secondary highway system.
- HB 2796 Impact fees; locality to impose and collect fees to cover costs of issuing permits .
- HB 2797 Born and preborn human being; constitutional right to enjoyment of life.
- HB 2798 Divorce, no-fault; parties with minor children cannot obtain.
- HB 3029 Underground electric transmission lines; locality may request at own expense.
- HB 3030 Regional transmission organizations; repeals provisions requiring that electric utilities join.
- HB 3031 Comprehensive plans; affect of approval of transmission lines.
- HB 3065 Public Procurement Act; expands form of bid, payment, and performance security.
- HJ 18 Constitutional amendment; Transp. Fund, Transp. Trust Fund, & Hwy. Maintenance & Operating Fund.
- HJ 582 Marriage; joint subcomm. to study effect of no-fault divorce on formation, duration, & dissolution.
- HJ 583 Cord Blood Bank Initiative; Dep. of Health to seek federal funding & support from Congressional Del.
- HJ 584 Stem Cell Research, Jt. Sub. Studying Medical, Ethical, & Scientific Issues Relating to; continued.
- HJ 588 Constitutional amendment; localities may adopt ordinance for assessment of impact fees & proffers.
- HJ 589 Rail transportation; study feasibility thereof along Washington & Old Dominion Rail Trail.
- HJ 590 Constitutional amendment; locality may adopt an ordinance providing assessment of impact fees.
- HJ 591 New residential and commercial development; joint subcommittee to study identifiable costs thereof.
- HJ 608 New residential and commercial development; joint subcommittee to study identifiable costs thereof.
- HJ 630 Highway user fees; joint sub. to study feasibility of creating equitable system for charging fees.
- HJ 761 Speaker of House of Delegates; confirming appointments.
- HJ 899 Commending Orbital Sciences Corporation and its partners.
- HR 43 Marriage; House Comm. on Cts. of Justice to study effect of no-fault divorce on formation, etc.
- HR 44 Interstate Route 95; Maryland and District of Columbia urged to construct.
- HR 49 House of Delegates; amends and readopts Rule 18 pertaining to subcommittees and voting.
- HR 57 House Ethics Advisory Panel; confirming nominations.
[edit] 2006 Legislative Session
The following bills were introduced by Delegate Marshall in 2006:
- HB 51 School buses; requiring safety belts.
- HB 52 License plates, special; issuance of those bearing legend: REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM.
- HB 53 License plates, special; issuance of those bearing legend: PROFESSIONAL AUTO RACING.
- HB 54 Attorneys; continuing legal education credits for members of General Assembly.
- HB 55 Biennial budget; continuation of budget, failure to enact.
- HB 117 Highway system construction funds; vehicle registration factor in allocation thereof.
- HB 118 Transportation Trust Fund; increases amount of sales and use tax revenue dedicated thereto.
- HB 119 Highway system construction funds; distributes allocation to planning districts.
- HB 120 Attorneys; continuing legal education credits for members of General Assembly.
- HB 121 Real estate tax; increases amount of exemptions for elderly or disabled in Northern Virginia.
- HB 122 SWAM businesses; additional certification not required to participate in any program.
- HB 183 Condemnation; offer to repurchase.
- HB 184 Spot blight abatement; condemnation.
- HB 185 Public Procurement Act; prohibited contract, required contract provisions.
- HB 186 Immigration, Commission on; created, report.
- HB 187 Unmarried women; prohibition on provision of certain intervening medical technology.
- HB 188 Death penalty; changes in provisions.
- HB 189 Abortion clinics; regulations and licensure.
- HB 190 Condemnation of property; definition of public uses by localities.
- HB 197 Marriage licenses; requires parties contemplating marriage to choose one of two types.
- HB 198 Interstate Route 81 Development Authority; created, toll collection for use by certain vehicles.
- HB 199 Motor vehicle sales and use tax; definition of sale price.
- HB 200 Fees; Transportation Board to impose on trucks, etc. for use in maintaining highways.
- HB 201 Toll facilities; localities may have agreements for construction and operation thereof.
- HB 202 Real estate tax; increases amount of exemptions for elderly or disabled in Northern Virginia.
- HB 203 Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the USA; equal access to public facilities.
- HB 204 Video monitors or display; prohibition in motor vehicles does not extend to multifunctional devices.
- HB 205 Sex offenders; prohibits residence in proximity to schools.
- HB 237 Abortion services; requires physicians to reside and practice in State.
- HB 238 Racing Commission; local referendum on racetrack or satellite facility.
- HB 374 Constitutional amendment (voter referendum); marriage.
- HB 408 Eminent domain; definition of public uses.
- HB 409 Dulles Toll Road; imposes certain conditions on increase and use of tolls.
- HB 410 Recordation tax; distribution for transportation.
- HB 411 Reducing nutrient discharges; sewage treatment facilities to meet nutrient loading allocation.
- HB 412 Gamete donors; anonymous donations thereof prohibited in medical procedures.
- HB 413 Cord Blood Bank Initiative; created.
- HB 1190 Escrow accounts; prohibits lender making mortgage loan from charging borrower separate fee, etc.
- HB 1191 Unborn child; cause of action for wrongful death thereof.
- HB 1192 Cash proffers; road improvements.
- HB 1193 Chesapeake Bay Preservation; grants impact fee authority to localities with designated areas.
- HB 1194 Conflict of Interests Act, State and Local; required disclosure by parties to zoning cases.
- HB 1195 Transportation Plan; inadequacy of local or regional system.
- HB 1196 Building permit; payment of impact fees prior to issuance.
- HB 1197 Residential development; impact fee assessments.
- HB 1198 Voice-over-Internet protocol service; eliminates the jurisdiction of the SCC to regulate.
- HB 1199 Oral contraceptives; requirements for prescribing for minors.
- HB 1479 Electronic toll payment; discount for those using Smart Tag and EZ Pass.
- HB 1519 Perennial streams; certain localities to use U.S. Geological Survey's maps designating water bodies.
- HB 1520 Proffered cash payments; locality may accept conditions if has had population growth of 5% or more.
- HB 1521 Comprehensive plans; road improvements.
- HB 1610 Zoning ordinances; locality may deny or modify request if inadequate road capacity.
- HJ 18 Constitutional amendment; Transp. Fund, Transp. Trust Fund, & Hwy. Maintenance & Operating Fund.
- HJ 41 Constitutional amendment (second resolution); marriage.
- HJ 48 Stem Cell Research; Joint Subcommittee studying medical, ethical, etc. relating thereto continued.
- HJ 127 Mass transit; joint subcommittee to study.
- HJ 210 Speaker of House of Delegates and Joint Rules Committee; confirming appointments.
- HJ 406 Joint Rules Committee; confirming appointments.
- HR 19 Terminal operations at U.S. ports; urging President of U.S. to disapprove sale to Dubai Ports World.
[edit] 2005 Legislative Session
The following legislation was introduced by Delegate Marshall in 2005:
- HB 1509 Polling places; sale of refreshments by a nonprofit group.
- HB 1560 Biennial budget; provisions for failure to enact.
- HB 1804 Voice-over-Internet protocol service; exempt from regulation by State Corporation Commission.
- HB 1805 Felony convictions; issuance of writ of actual innocence for nonbiological evidence.
- HB 1806 Condemnation authority; definition of public uses.
- HB 1807 Birth control; providing to minor in certain circumstances, penalty.
- HB 1808 Polling places; Bd. of Elections to provide instruction for division of pollbooks & voter lists.
- HB 1809 Fetal body parts; sale of prohibited, civil penalty.
- HB 1810 Abortion; sale of post-abortion fetal tissue unlawful, penalty.
- HB 1811 Real estate tax; authorizing Prince William Co. to provide credit in overcrowded public school zone.
- HB 1812 Pregnant inmates; prohibits execution.
- HB 1813 Postcoital contraception; liability of institutions of higher education for exposure thereto.
- HB 1814 Deputy sheriffs' salaries; changes in provisions.
- HB 1815 Insurance license tax; Transportation Expedition Fund; one-half of revenue deposited in.
- HB 1816 Student fees; annual reporting of use.
- HB 1841 Menstrual extraction; performing without pregnancy test, penalty.
- HB 2346 Impact fees; allows localities to adopt provisions for assessment.
- HB 2347 Abortion clinics; localities to adopt ordinance requiring license.
- HB 2348 Prescription drugs; process for purchasing from Canada in order to lower pharmacy costs to citizens.
- HB 2349 Health insurance; explanation of benefits.
- HB 2350 Abortion clinics; subject to provisions of Consumer Protection Act, prohibited acts and practices.
- HB 2351 Small, women- and minority-owned businesses (SWAM); definition and regulations.
- HB 2352 Abortion services; prohibited if physician does not have admitting privileges at nearby hospital.
- HB 2832 Interscholastic & intercollegiate athletic ineligibility; use of anabolic steriods.
- HB 2879 Harassment; school bds. to establish measure to prevent, and guidelines for video monitoring.
- HJ 558 Constitutional amendment; biennial budget (first reference).
- HJ 559 Constitutional amendment; budget and appropriation limits (first reference).
- HJ 584 Constitutional amendment; marriage may exist only between a man and woman (first reference).
- HJ 585 Constitutional amendment; Hwy. Maintenance & Operating Fund & Transp. Trust Fund continued.
- HJ 588 Stem cell research; joint subcommittee to study medical, ethical, & scientific issues relating to.
- HJ 589 Public school divisions; joint subcom. to study relationship between obesity & school lunch program.
- HJ 680 Single and multifamily residential construction; Housing Comm. to study feasibility of user fees.
- HJ 681 Growth and Economic Development; Commission continued.
- HJ 682 Constitutional amendment; assessment of impact fees (first reference).
- HJ 683 I-SaveRx program; Joint Commission on Health Care to study feasibility of participation therein.
- HJ 780 Celebrating the life of Captain Humayun S. M. Khan.
- HJ 791 VDOT construction contracts; joint subcommittee to study cost overruns thereof.
[edit] 2004 Legislative Session
The following legislation was introduced by Delegate Marshall in 2004:
- HB 62 Mayor and chief administrative officer; election & appointment thereof in certain cities.
- HB 63 Charter; City of Richmond.
- HB 68 Parks and Recreational Facilities Act, Local; created.
- HB 114 Abortion; lawful procedure.
- HB 115 Interstate Route 81; collection of tolls.
- HB 116 Abortion clinics; regulation and licensure.
- HB 117 Private Investment Inducement Act of 2004; created to provide revenue for transportation projects.
- HB 134 Death penalty; prohibited for pregnant women.
- HB 305 Assisted reproductive technology program; disclosure of gamete donors.
- HB 306 Transportation Plan; to include adequacy of local or regional transportation system.
- HB 307 Public schools; adequacy of public education facilities in local school divisions.
- HB 308 End-of-life-care decisions; appointment of guardians and agents of incapacitated persons.
- HB 726 Higher education; guidelines for designation by students their portion of mandatory student fees.
- HB 727 Marriage; judge who rules same sex marriage unconstitutional may be subject to impeachment.
- HB 728 Solid waste; transportation by nonhazardous waste barges, fee.
- HB 729 Subdivision ordinances; provisions to allow locality to determine adequate public facilities.
- HB 746 Law enforcement and fire and rescue services; review by Secretary of Public Safety.
- HB 747 Sewage systems and public water supplies, local; adequacy.
- HB 748 Residential development impact fee; applicable to any locality.
- HB 749 Procurement Act, Public; cooperative procurement with U.S. General Services Administration.
- HB 750 Marriage; affirmation.
- HB 751 Marriage; affirmation.
- HB 1280 School Assistance Foundation; created, income tax credit for contributions, abolishes estate tax.
- HB 1414 Morning-after pill; institutions of higher education prohibited from making such available.
- HJ 20 Stem cell research; joint subcom. to study medical, ethical, & scientific issues relating thereto.
- HJ 83 Reproductive technology, assisted; Joint Comm. on Health Care to study practices & ethical issues.
- HJ 84 Reproductive technology, assisted; joint subcommittee to study regulation of embryo laboratories.
- HJ 85 Health care; joint subcommittee to study escalating cost thereof.
- HJ 143 Health insurance industry; joint subcommittee to study operations and escalating cost thereof.
- HJ 144 Health insurance industry; Bureau of Insurance w/in SCC to study operations and cost thereof.
- HJ 277 Constitutional amendment; Highway Maintenance & Operating Fund & Transportation Trust Fund, contd.
- HR 2 Budget bill; requesting Governors to submit utilizing existing fiscal resources.
- HR 12 Budget, state; agency heads requested to provide certain information to House of Delegates.
- HR 13 Budget, state; Governor requested to provide certain information to House of Delegates.