Robert Emmet Lucey

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Archbishop Robert Emmet Lucey STD (16 March 1891 - 1 August 1977) was the second Bishop of Amarillo and the second Archbishop of San Antonio.[1]


[edit] Early Years

Archbishop Robert Emmet Lucy was born in Los Angeles, California to the parents of John Joseph and Marie Lucey on March 16th 1891. He began his college education at St. Vincent's College and completed the rest at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park in 1912. Robert completed his graduate studies at North American College in Rome and in 1916, received his doctorate in Sacred Theology at the University of the Propaganda in Rome. On May 14th 1916 Robert Lucey was ordained a priest in the Church of St. Apollinaris in Rome. Archbishop Cepetelli, Patriarch of Constantinople and Vice Regent of Rome conducted the ordination. Lucey returned to Los Angeles where he held a series of positions that would serve as experience as a bishop.[2]

[edit] Years as a Pastor: The Californian Years

During the next five years in Los Angeles, Father Lucey was assistant pastor of several parishes which included St. Vibiana's Cathedral, Immaculate Conception Parish, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, and St. Anthony's in Long Beach. It was in Los Angeles that he gained numerous opportunities that helped him gain experience and knowledge in matters of social doctrine between the church and state. Among the positions that he held were Chaplain of the Newman Club at the University of Los Angeles and Diocesan Director of Catholic Charities (1921-1925), President of the California Conference of Social Work (1923-24), director of Catholic Hospitals for the Diocese of Los Angeles-San Diego (1924-34), and member of the Executive Board of the California State Department of Social Welfare (1924-30) appointed by the governor of California. The Catholic Church in Rome had plans for him as he was appointed Bishop of Amarillo on February 10, 1934 by Pope Pius XI. These plans included specific ways to educate social doctrine to the community on matters of faith and social justice. Father Lucey received this opportunity in Amarillo and San Antonio, Texas.[3]

[edit] Years as a Bishop: The Great Laborer

One may argue that Lucey's years in California were formative years in propagating Catholic doctrine in society. As a bishop he created several institutions and vehicles that left a strong imprint in Texas that lasted even till this today. On March 1st 1934,after Archbishop Amleto Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., consecrated him bishop at St. Vibiana's Cathedral in Los Angeles he began to work on ways to bring the community aware of the Catholic Church in Amarillo. To better inform readers on Catholic news in the U.S. and around the world he established a newspaper called the Texas Panhandle Register. To bridge the gap between parish priests and lay people he either created or supported organizations such as Catholic Action, a lay ministry group, created the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, and constructed the first parish in Amarillo to serve the needs of the African-American community. However, bigger plans were needed as he was next appointed the second Archbishop in San Antonio, Texas to serve the community in 1941.

On January 23rd 1941 Pope Pius XII appointed Bishop Lucey as Archbishop of San Antonio. His ordination, again presided by Archbishop Amleto Cicognani, took place at the Cathedral of San Fernando on March 27th 1941. The first 10 years of Archbishop Lucey in San Antonio proved busy yet fruitful because a variety of work was accomplished in so short a time. Indeed, so much work was done that he may be labeled as "The Great Laborer" not only for his belief in social justice but the work done on an average day. In San Antonio, Archbishop Lucey was able to implement may programs and initiatives again with the goal of better informing the community that the Catholic Church had a place for the betterment of society.[4]

As he relocated the Archiocesan headquarters on 230 Dwyer Av., he organized the Catholic Welfare Bureau, the Cahtolic Action Office, and Council of Catholic Men. That same year he supported the sponsorship of a summer school of social justice for the clergy. The next year he created another Catholic newspaper called the Alamo Register (which still exists today under the name Today's Catholic). Finally, Lucey, who was very much concerned with parrochial schools, appointed Father John L. Morkovsky as archdiocesan superintendent which was one factor that led to the increase of enrollment of children in catholic schools. Archbishop Lucey's involvment however, did not only extend to communications but programs aimed at the needy, sick, and destitute.[5]

As mentioned earlier social action was an important piece of Lucey's agenda for San Antonio. This may be seen in the numberous hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics that were designed to specifically assist the needy such as Yorktown Memorial Hospital, the Czech Catholic Home for the Aged, and the Huth Memorial Hospital which included the latest technological equipment at the time. Lucey also created 29 clinics throughout Southwest Texas which served 39,000 patients at one time. Finally, he cooperated in the establishment of the founding of the Patrician Movement which helped rehabilitating drug using juvenile youths and created Project Equality in 1965, whose aim was to provide equal pay and wages to blue collar workers.[6]

[edit] Last Years in San Antonio

On the July 4th 1969, Archbishop Lucey retired as Archbishop of San Antonio at the age of seventy-eight. His retirement stemmed with disagreements between himself and local priests within the Archdiocese over how priests should become involved in politics. As a result, the Vatican instructed Lucey to retire. He served as bishop for twenty-eight years. On August 1st 1977 the former archbishop died of age. He was buried at Holy Cross Cemetary a place that he himself had acquired in northeast Bexar County to build the cemetary.[7]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Williams, Frankin C., Long Star Bishops: The Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Texas (Texian Press: 1997), p. 361.
  2. ^ Williams, p. 361.
  3. ^ Williams, p. 362.
  4. ^ Williams, p. 362.
  5. ^ Williams, p. 363.
  6. ^ Williams, p. 363-64.
  7. ^ Williams, p. 365.