Robert Brokenshire

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Hon. Robert Brokenshire
Hon. Robert Brokenshire

Robert Brokenshire is a former Australian politician. He was a Liberal Party of Australia member of the South Australian House of Assembly between 1993 and 2006, representing the electorate of Mawson.

Brokenshire was a real estate broker and dairy farmer before entering parliament. In 1993, he was elected amidst the Liberal landslide victory that year, which saw Dean Brown become Premier. He was a backbencher throughout Brown's term as Premier, but was promoted to the ministry in 1998, two years after John Olsen assumed the premiership, with the portfolios of Minister for Police, Correctional Services and Emergency Services. He later gained the gambling and volunteer porfolios.

After the Liberals returned to opposition in 2002, Brokenshire retained his major portfolios of police and gambling and added responsibilities for the southern suburbs and health in 2005.

He lost his seat in parliament at the 2006 election.