Rob Simone

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Rob Simone is an American ufologist.

Simone was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and became a key figure in the East Coast alternative music scene.

After more than 10 years as an independent researcher and research analyst into many areas of para-normal and unexplained phenomenon, Rob Simone moved to Sedona, Arizona in the late 1990's to begin working for the civil activist organization, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy ("C.A.U.S") He was featured on Art Bell and countless other radio and TV programs in the United States and internationally for the organization’s use of the legal system to end what it sees as the government’s secrecy and cover up of extra-terrestrial phenomena.

Rob became the worlds first “Para-normalParalegal" collecting affidavits, eye-witness testimony and photographic evidence for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for various law suits brought against the Department of Defense and the Federal Government.

This involved liaisons with many other research groups, coordination of media, direct contact with witnesses, those who claimed to be abductees, government insiders and high-level military officials whose stories can now be told.

Then, a three year trip around the world to the most mystical, sacred and powerful places on Earth investigating local, cultural and historical links to the unexplained, para-normal and extra-terrestrial components of many ancient civilizations and belief systems. This included gathering first-hand accounts from indigenous peoples and tribal elders of unexplained and paranormal components of ancient civilizations and the historical links to the major religions and belief systems. A special focus of Rob's research is on the E.T./supernatural aspects of Islam and the origins of the Qur'an.

[edit] The birth of "International Ufology"

Rob has hosted radio shows in Australia, Katmandu, Nepal on HBC FM, and currently in London, England on 104.4 FM where he hosts the top rated "Headroom" talk show. Rob is a popular radio personality in the U.K. and has been featured in films, television and documentary programs dealing with science and phenomenon topics. Rob has written a book "Around the World and Beyond" detailing his adventures and research during his travels. Rob was recently named one of the worlds "Top 100 Ufologists".

[edit] External links