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rjvg50 here, along with Sherman and Peabody.


[edit] Four Noble Truths about Genes and Memes

  1. The Nature of Genes (Dukkha):
    The Origin of Genes (or Dukkha Samudaya):
    The Cessation of Genes effects alone - Memes(Dukkha (Nirodha)):
    The Way Leading to the Cessation of the Replicator's phenotypic effects (Dukkha (Magga)):
    This is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of Gene dukkha and Meme dukkha: It is this Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration."[1][2]
    The Dharma wheel, often used to represent the Noble Eightfold Path
    The Dharma wheel, often used to represent the Noble Eightfold Path
    This is the noble truth of the diminuation or possibly even cessation of the Selfish Gene alone; the caging of the beast --> the introduction of another replicator; the selfish meme (meme dukkha): It is the vanishing or fading away and cessation of that Selfish Gene craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, and non-reliance on it. Similarly, Meme's ultimately must vanish or fade in effect as extensions to Genetic Phenotypic Effects. Every organism overcomes both Genes and Memes together to reach Nirvana or Entropy.

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    The Noble Eightfold Path (Pāli: Ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo; Sanskrit: Ārya 'ṣṭāṅga mārgaḥ; Chinese: 八正道, Bāzhèngdào; Japanese: 八正道, Hasshōdō) is, in the teachings of the Buddha, declared to be the way that leads to the end of dukkha, or suffering. Essentially a practical guide of bringing about ethical and meditative discipline, the Noble Eightfold Path forms the fourth part of the Four Noble Truths, which have informed and driven much of the Buddhist tradition.

    As the name indicates, there are eight elements in the Noble Eightfold Path, and these are divided into three basic categories[3] as follows:

    • Wisdom (Sanskrit: prajñā, Pāli: paññā)
    1. Right view
    2. Right intention
    • Ethical conduct (Sanskrit: śīla, Pāli: sīla)
    3. Right speech
    4. Right action
    5. Right livelihood
    • Mental discipline (Sanskrit and Pāli: samādhi)
    6. Right effort
    7. Right mindfulness
    8. Right concentration

    In all of the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path, the word "right" is a translation of the word samyañc (Sanskrit) or sammā (Pāli), which denotes completion, togetherness, and coherence, and which can also carry the sense of "perfect" or "ideal".

    Though the path is numbered one through eight, it is generally not considered to be a series of linear steps through which one must progress; rather, as the Buddhist monk and scholar Walpola Rahula points out, the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path "are to be developed more or less simultaneously, as far as possible according to the capacity of each individual. They are all linked together and each helps the cultivation of the others"[4].

    In Buddhist symbology, the Noble Eightfold Path is often represented by means of the Dharma wheel (Sanskrit: dharmacakra, Pāli: dhammacakka), whose eight spokes represent the eight elements of the path.

    [edit] Wisdom (Prajñā · Paññā)

    The "wisdom" subdivision of the Noble Eightfold Path is constituted by those elements that refer primarily to the mental or cognitive aspect of a Buddhist practitioner's practice.

    [edit] Right view

    Right view (samyag-di · sammā-dihi) can also be translated as "right perspective" or "right understanding". This element of the Noble Eightfold Path refers explicitly to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, stating that these must be fully understood by the Buddhist practitioner. In the Mahāsatipahāna Sutta, one of the Buddha Śākyamuni's discourses, right understanding is explained directly in terms of the Four Noble Truths:

    And what, O bhikkhus, is right understanding? To understand suffering, to understand the origination of suffering, to understand extinction of suffering, to understand the path leading to the extinction of suffering; this is called right understanding[5].

    Additionally, right understanding is sometimes considered to encompass an understanding of the Buddhist idea of the non-permanence, or even non-existence, of the self, an idea known as anātman in Sanskrit and anatta in Pāli[6].

    There are two stages for every stage of the eightfold path, a preliminary stage and the higher stages gradually obtained through the journey towards enlightenment. The preliminary stage of Right Views or right understanding is the knowledge of the Four Noble Truths. The higher stage requires more than the comprehension of the Four Noble Truths, it also includes the knowledge and understanding of the not-self doctrine, impermanence, dependent origination, the five aggregates, "karma", rebirth, and so on.

    [edit] Right intention

    Right intention(samyak-saṃkalpa · sammā-saṅkappa) can also be translated as "right thought", "right resolve", or "right aspiration" or the exertion of our own will to change. This element of the Noble Eightfold Path deals, fundamentally, with the Buddhist practitioner's reasons for practicing Buddhism, and with his or her outlook towards the world. It enjoins renunciation of worldly things and an accordant greater commitment to spiritual matters; good will; and a commitment to non-violence, or ahiṁsā, towards other living beings. In the Magga-vibhanga Sutta, it is simply explained as follows:

    And what is right thought? Being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill will, on harmlessness: This is called right thought[7].

    [edit] Ethical conduct (Śīla · Sīla)

    The "ethical conduct" (Śīla) subdivision of the Noble Eightfold Path is considered the cornerstone or foundation upon which unwholesome thoughts and practices end and higher meditative states begin.

    In AN 11.2 Cetana Sutta (An Act of Will) Buddha states it is virtue (without clinging to virtue) which gives freedom from remorse and freedom from remorse which leads to joy, serenity and subsequent rapturous states of meditation.

    It is in the nature of things that freedom from remorse arises in a person endowed with virtue, consummate in virtue.

    In Buddhism, this is also one of the Ten Recollections along with the the Triple Gem.

    "There is the case where the disciple of the noble ones recollects his own virtues, thus: '[They are] untorn, unbroken, unspotted, unsplattered, liberating, praised by the wise, untarnished, conducive to concentration.'

    This aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path is the most outward-oriented aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path insofar as it deals directly with a Buddhist practitioner's relationship with other members of his or her society.

    [edit] Right speech

    Right speech (samyag-vāc · sammā-vācā), as the name implies, deals with the way in which a Buddhist practitioner would best make use of his or her words. In the Magga-vibhanga Sutta, this aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path is explained as follows:

    And what is right speech? Abstaining from lying, abstaining from divisive speech, abstaining from abusive speech, abstaining from idle chatter: This, monks, is called right speech[8].

    Walpola Rahula glosses this by stating that not engaging in such "forms of wrong and harmful speech" ultimately means that "one naturally has to speak the truth, has to use words that are friendly and benevolent, pleasant and gentle, meaningful and useful"[9].

    [edit] Right action

    Right action (samyak-karmānta · sammā-kammanta) can also be translated as "right conduct" and, as the name implies, deals with the proper way in which a Buddhist practitioner would act in his or her daily life. In the Magga-vibhanga Sutta, this aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path is explained as follows:

    And what, monks, is right action? Abstaining from taking life, abstaining from stealing, abstaining from unchastity: This, monks, is called right action[10].

    Together with the idea of ahiṁsā and right speech, right action constitutes the Five Precepts (Sanskrit: pañcaśīla, Pāli: pañcasīla), which form the fundamental ethical code undertaken by lay followers of Buddhism, and which are as follows:

    1. To refrain from destroying living beings.
    2. To refrain from stealing.
    3. To refrain from sexual misconduct (adultery, rape, etc.).
    4. To refrain from false speech (lying).
    5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to heedlessness.

    [edit] Right livelihood

    Right livelihood (samyag-ājīva · sammā-ājīva) is based around the concept of ahiṁsā, or harmlessness, and essentially states that Buddhist practitioners ought not to engage in trades or occupations which, either directly or indirectly, result in harm to other living beings. Such occupations include "trading in arms and lethal weapons, intoxicating drinks, poisons, killing animals, [and] cheating", among others[11]. "[B]usiness in human beings"—such as slave trading and prostitution—is also forbidden[12], as are several other dishonest means of gaining wealth, such as "[s]cheming, persuading, hinting, belittling, [and] pursuing gain with gain"[13].

    [edit] Mental discipline (Samādhi)

    The "mental discipline" subdivision of the Noble Eightfold Path is constituted by those elements that deal with how a Buddhist practitioner can best go about shaping his or her outlook towards the world.

    [edit] Right effort

    Right effort (samyag-vyāyāma · sammā-vāyāma) can also be translated as "right endeavor", and involves the Buddhist practitioner's continuous effort to, essentially, keep his or her mind free of thoughts that might impair his or her ability to realize or put into practice the other elements of the Noble Eightfold Path; for example, wishing ill towards another living being would contradict the injunction—contained in the "Right thought" element—to have good will towards others, and the "Right effort" element refers to the process of attempting to root out such an ill wish and replace it with a good wish.

    And what, monks, is right effort?
    [i] "There is the case where a monk generates desire, endeavors, activates persistence, upholds & exerts his intent for the sake of the non-arising of evil, unskillful qualities that have not yet arisen.
    [ii] "He generates desire, endeavors, activates persistence, upholds & exerts his intent for the sake of the abandonment of evil, unskillful qualities that have arisen.
    [iii] "He generates desire, endeavors, activates persistence, upholds & exerts his intent for the sake of the arising of skillful qualities that have not yet arisen.
    [iv] "He generates desire, endeavors, activates persistence, upholds & exerts his intent for the maintenance, non-confusion, increase, plenitude, development, & culmination of skillful qualities that have arisen: This, monks, is called right effort."

    — SN 45.8

    By making right effort, a Buddhist practitioner is considered to be engaging in an effort that is wholesome in terms of karma; that is, in terms of that effort's ultimate consequences to the practitioner[14].

    The four phases of Right Effort:(in simple English) (1) make effort to destroy the evil that has come. (2) make effort to prevent the evil that has not yet come. (3) make effort to produce the good that has not yet come. (4) make effort to cultivate the good that has come.

      • Wijekoon - The Netherlands**

    [edit] Right mindfulness

    Right mindfulness (samyak-smṛti · sammā-sati), also translated as "right memory", together with right concentration, is concerned broadly with the practice of Buddhist meditation. Roughly speaking, "mindfulness" refers to the practice of keeping the mind alert to phenomena as they are affecting the body and mind. In the Magga-vibhanga Sutta, this aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path is explained as follows:

    And what, monks, is right mindfulness?

    (i) There is the case where a monk remains focused on (his/her) body in and of itself ... ardent, aware, and mindful ... having already put aside worldly desire and aversion.
    (ii) (He/she) remains focused on feelings in and of themselves ... ardent, aware, and mindful ... having already put aside worldly desire and aversion.
    (iii) (He/she) remains focused on the mind[15] in and of itself ... ardent, aware, and mindful ... having already put aside worldly desire and aversion.
    (iv) (He/she) remains focused on mental qualities[15] in and of themselves ... ardent, aware, and mindful ... having already put aside worldly desire and aversion.
    This, monks, is called right mindfulness[16].

    This is also an important aspect of what constitutes the concept of "self" or Buddhist concept of Atman:

    "And how, Ananda, is a bhikkhu an island unto himself, a refuge unto himself, seeking no external refuge; with the Dhamma as his island, the Dhamma as his refuge, seeking no other refuge?
    "When he dwells contemplating the body in the body, earnestly, clearly comprehending, and mindfully, after having overcome desire and sorrow in regard to the world; when he dwells contemplating feelings in feelings, the mind in the mind, and mental objects in mental objects, earnestly, clearly comprehending, and mindfully, after having overcome desire and sorrow in regard to the world, then, truly, he is an island unto himself, a refuge unto himself, seeking no external refuge; having the Dhamma as his island, the Dhamma as his refuge, seeking no other refuge.(DN 16 Maha-parinibbana Sutta)

    Bhikkhu Bodhi, a monk of the Theravadin tradition, further glosses the concept of mindfulness as follows:

    The mind is deliberately kept at the level of bare attention, a detached observation of what is happening within us and around us in the present moment. In the practice of right mindfulness the mind is trained to remain in the present, open, quiet, and alert, contemplating the present event. All judgments and interpretations have to be suspended, or if they occur, just registered and dropped[17].

    [edit] Right concentration

    Right concentration (samyak-samādhi · sammā-samādhi), together with right mindfulness, is concerned broadly with the practice of Buddhist meditation.

    And what, monks, is right concentration?

    (i) Quite withdrawn from sensuality, withdrawn from unwholesome states, a monk enters in the first jhāna: rapture and pleasure born from detachment, accompanied by movement of the mind onto the object and retention of the mind on the object.
    (ii) With the stilling of directed thought and evaluation, (he/she) enters and remains in the second jhāna: rapture and pleasure born of concentration; fixed single-pointed awareness free from movement of the mind onto the object and retention of the mind on the object; assurance.
    (iii) With the fading of rapture, (he/she) remains in equanimity, mindful and fully aware, and physically sensitive of pleasure. (He/She) enters and remains in the third jhāna which the Noble Ones declare to be "Equanimous and mindful, (he/she) has a pleasurable abiding."
    (iv) With the abandoning of pleasure and with the earlier disappearance of elation and distress...(he/she) enters and remains in the fourth jhāna: purity of equanimity and mindfulness, neither in pleasure nor in pain.
    This, monks, is called right concentration[18].

    [edit] The ninth and tenth elements

    In the Great Forty Sutra (Mahācattārīsaka Sutta)[1], which appears in the Pāli Canon, the Buddha explains that cultivation of the Eightfold Path leads to the development of two further stages once enlightenment has been reached. These also fall under the category of paññā and are Right Knowledge (sammāñāṇa) and Right Liberation (or Right Release; sammāvimutti). Some consider Right Association as an implicit ninth aspect of the Path.

    Bhavacakra, (The Wheel of Becoming), a painting from Bhutan
    Bhavacakra, (The Wheel of Becoming), a painting from Bhutan
    This is the noble truth of the origin of Selfish Genes (dukkha): It is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there; that is, craving for sensual pleasures (the concrete logic of the senses), craving for existence (the realization of the extended phenotype , craving for extermination (the natural interval; a beginning and an ending together).
    This is the noble truth of The Selfish Gene ("dukkha"): Birth, aging, sickness, death; union with what is displeasing; separation from what is pleasing; not to get what one wants; in brief, the beast's subjective experience from the senses comes from Genes.