River Wantsum

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River Wantsum, River Stour and Tributaries
River Wantsum, River Stour and Tributaries

The River Wantsum is one of the source rivers of the River Stour, in Kent, England, but it has been described as now little more than a drainage ditch flowing from Reculver.

It joins the River Great Stour and the River Little Stour when they combine into the River Stour, and forms part of the Wantsum Channel that used to separate the Isle of Thanet from the mainland of Kent.

River Stour in Kent
and tributaries

River East StourRiver Great StourRiver Little StourRiver Upper Great StourRiver WantsumRiver WinghamAylesford StreamBrook Stream (Spiders Castle Dyke)Kennington Stream (Pen Lee)NailbourneRuckinge DykeSarre Penn (Fishbourne Stream)Whitehall DykeWhitewater Dyke

List of rivers of Great Britain

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