River Gipping

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The River Gipping is the source river for the River Orwell in the county of Suffolk in East Anglia, England.

The river was improved with the addition of 15 locks between Ipswich and Stowmarket to form the Ipswich and Stowmarket Navigation, although this name has fallen out of use. The navigation was established by two Acts of Parliament in 1790 and 1793. Recently, the navigation has undergone waterway restoration.

[edit] Early use of the River Gipping

In the year 860 the Danes sailed up the river and established the village of Rattles-dane near the source of the River Rat. From this village now known as Rattlesden they attacked the Saxon stronghold of Haughley Castle. Stowmarket, a few miles South of Haughley, was of little significance then.

In 1065 Caen stone for Bury St. Edmunds Abbey was imported from Normandy and transported in flat-bottomed boats to Rattlesden. Stowmarket church bells were re-cast in the l7th century after being transported down-river.

The first proposal for the construction of the navigation was in 1719, but Ipswich objected, fearing loss of trade. It was not until 1789 that six local gentlemen (two were vicars!) with foresight realised that because of poor transport, due to badly-maintained turnpike roads (what's new?), the population and industries were dwindling in the Stowmarket area. They engaged William Jessop, who employed Isaac Lenny as the surveyor and a Parliamentary Bill for the construction of the navigation was passed on 1 April 1790.

[edit] Construction of the Navigation

Work started that year at the Ipswich end but the contractors Dyson and Pinkerton were dismissed due to problems with trespass. A local contractor was employed to continue work at the Stowmarket end and in 1791 John Rennie was consulted. He reported that three turf and timber locks had been constructed between Stowmarket and Needham Market, the other main town on the waterway, advised that further lock structures should be of brick and stone and estimated costs to complete the works. This amount was raised by a Parliamentary Bill of 1793.

The navigation was completed in 1793 and three barges loaded with coal made the 17 mile trip from Ipswich to Stowmarket on September 14th, rising 90 feet through 15 locks of broad construction each 55ft by 14ft, the draught being 3.3ft.

[edit] External links

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