River Dillon
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River Dillon French artist born in 1968 in Paris. River Dillon
Born in 1968 Lives in Berlin and Paris.
River Dillon was doing for ages erotic waterclolors of South-American men transforming into snakes or cactus when (in 1999) he heard about superpositions. Since then he only used the sandwich technique : he superposes two negatives, like a portrait of a sublime male with a picture he took of a thistle so that Thornmen appear. The Spikemen made with metal spines or natural pricky plants create dangerous pierced beauties, who seduce to kill you like femmes fatales.
In 2000 Dillon created an hybrid animal : the image of a male superimposed with the picture of a reptile gives a Snakeman, half-angel, half demon, a mutant with the face and body covered by scales. A fascinating Adonis but dangerous, ready to hypnotize you to penetrate your body and glide into your mind. Lead you into temptation…
In 2001 the sery of Luster, Painted, Tattooed Men began. Superimposed with nacre (photographic details taken from shells), these men are as though painted. While the shaded colours of butterfly wings on cheeks recalls the blending of eye shadow, a Painted Lady(1) in every sense. Another fantasy, a tattoo-covered body is the ultimate object of desire in Japan, a dream embodied by a handful of rare and precious geishas. In River Dillon’s erotic fantasy, this is captured in photographs of androgynous Asian men whose skin is covered with superimposed images of ceramics. In Rauschgold Bar, River Dillon also showed works inspired by Berlin's drag scene, with photomontages of models merged with close shots of make-up. A photographic transfer from one sex to the other… (1) Painted Lady : butterfly’s species
River Dillon
1991 Les Noyés (The Drowned) (Paris)
1998 Fan de… (Fan of…) Nuit de la Mutation (Mutation Night), By the way (Paris)
2001 Hommes-taureaux (Bullmen) Galerie de la Grande Armée(Paris)
2004 Epines et Papillons (Spines and Butterflies) Osmoz Café (Paris) Teint de Porcelaine (Porcelain Complexion) Atelier des Alluets (Paris)
2005 Hommes-serpents (Snakemen) La Petite Vertu (Paris) Dornenmänner (Spinemen-Spikemen) (Hommes-Epines) , Wallywoods Gallery (Berlin) Glänzende, geschminkte, tätowierte Männer (Luster, painted, tattooed Men) (Hommes nacrés, maquillés, tatoués), Rauschgold (Berlin)
2006 Seasons of Love, Calendar 2006 (Les Saisons de l'Amour, Calendrier 2006) Premium (Berlin) Schlangenmänner-Vögelmänner (Snakemen-Birdmen) (Hommes-serpents, Hommes-oiseaux), Wallywoods Gallery (Berlin) , Berlin. In ARTFRANCEBERLIN Program: French Season in Berlin. In EUROPEAN MONTH FOR PHOTOGRAPHY Dornenmänner und andere Porträts (Spinemen-Spikemen and other Portraits) (Hommes-épines et autres Portraits), Schwules MuseumHY, NOVEMBER 2006. Men with make-up/Hommes maquillés, Panorama Galerie, Berlin. In ARTFRANCEBERLIN Program: French Season in Berlin. Créatures de la Mer (Creatures of the Sea), Art Pub Wallywoods, Berlin. See Kreaturen (Creatures of the Sea), Kiki Blofeld, Berlin.
1997 Hommage à Matt Dillon (Hommage to Matt Dillon), Paris 1998 Soirée des Fans (Fan Party), Paris 1999 Séance Dédicaces (Dedication Session) Oh Les Beaux Jours, Paris 2000 Séance Dédicaces(Dedication Session) Espace Cerise, Paris 2001 Séance Dédicaces(Dedication Session) Soirée Scandal/Illicit Fiction, L’Enfer, Paris 2006 Séance Dédicaces(Dedication Session) Duplex, Paris 2006 Body Dédicaces(Body Dedication) Duplex, Paris 2006 Hommage de l’Amérique aux Soldats de l’Armée Rouge (Hommage from America to the Soldiers of the Red Army), Treptower Park Sovietic Memorial, Berlin 2006 Sauvez le Palais de la République ! Rettet den Palast der Republik! (Save the Palace of the Republic, Berlin 2006 Concours d’élégance (avec Traban), « Elégance » Wettbewerb (mit Traban), Elegance Contest (with Traban, Jannowitz Brücke, Berlin 2006 Concours d’élégance (avec caniche royal), « Elégance »Wettbewerb (mit König Pudel), Elegance Contest (with Royal Puddle), Grünewald, Berlin 2006 River et Vincent font le trottoir, Nikolas See Bahnhof, Berlin 2006 Queer Christ, Friedrichshain Parkfest, Berlin 2006 Too many Kisses,Panorama Galerie, Berlin 2006 Too many Kisses, Trop embrassé, Point Ephémère, Paris 2006 Der Sirenenmann. The Sireneman- the Merman. L'Homme-sirène, l'ondin. Kiki Blofeld, Berlin 2006 Spikemen, Panorama ZDB, Berlin
Publications Seasons of Love, Calendar 2006. (Saisons de l'Amour, Calendrier 2006) 2. Europäischer Monat der Fotografie Berlin, November 2006, Katalog. (2nd European Month for Photography. Berlin, November 2006. Catalogue).(Second Mois Européen de la Photo. Berlin. Novembre 2006. Catalogue) Creatures of the Sea, Calendar 2007. (Créatures de la Mer, Calendrier 2006)
Videos 2006 Creatures of the Sea, Grandcamp-les-Bains, Berlin Homme-serpent/ Homme-oiseau. La Poursuite. Snakeman-Birdman. The Pursuit. Grandcamp-les-Bains, Berlin Der Sirenenmann. L'Homme-sirène. The Merman. Berlin
Website http://www.riverdillon.com
Blog http://riverdillon.blogspot.com
[edit] Sources
Catalogue: 2. Europäischer Monat der Fotografie Berlin. November 2006 Catalogue: 2nd European Month of Photography Berlin. November 2006 www.mdf-berlin.de
Schwules Museum. Berlin Gay Museum. Berlin http://www.schwulesmuseum.de
ArtFranceBerlin French Season Berlin Autumn 2006 http://www.artfranceberlin.de