Right Livelihood Award

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Jakob von Uexkull, founder of the Right Livelihood Award
Jakob von Uexkull, founder of the Right Livelihood Award

The Right Livelihood Award, established in 1980 by Jakob von Uexkull, is presented annually in the Swedish Parliament, usually on December 9, to honour those "working on practical and exemplary solutions to the most urgent challenges facing the world today". An international jury decides the awards in such fields as environmental protection, human rights, sustainable development, health, education, peace, etc. The prize money is shared among the winners, usually four, and is equivalent to US$ 250,000.

The prize has become widely known as the Alternative Nobel Prize, although it is not in any way related to the Nobel Prize. It states that, in the 21st century, the "greatest benefit to mankind" may be found in different fields than in the traditional sciences or in strict categories. Thus, the Right Livelihood Award understands itself as a critical complement to the Nobel Prize. Consequently, the Right Livelihood Award Foundation has chosen to have its award ceremony the day before the Nobel Prize. On its web page, the Foundation makes various comparisons with the Nobel Prize, and also provides a number of diagrams showing the distribution of the Right Livelihood Award prizes includes a higher proportion of people from the South and women than the Nobel prize.[1].

Since 1980, the Right Livelihood Award Foundation has presented awards to 115 individuals and organisations often working at the grassroots level. The Foundation's purpose is not only to bestow prizes but to make the work of its recipients widely known, thus providing a platform for raising awareness of local solutions to global problems.

[edit] Recipients

Official logo of the Right Livelihood Award.
Official logo of the Right Livelihood Award.

2006 - Daniel Ellsberg, USA

- Ruth Manorama, India
- Chico Whitaker, Brazil
- International Poetry Festival of Medellín, Colombia

2005 - Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, Canada

- Irene Fernandez, Malaysia
- Roy Sesana and First People of the Kalahari, Botswana
- Francisco Toledo, Mexico

2004 - Swami Agnivesh / Asghar Ali Engineer, India

- Memorial (society), Russia
- Bianca Jagger, Nicaragua
- Raúl Montenegro, Argentina

2003 - David Lange, New Zealand

- Walden Bello / Nicanor Perlas, Philippines
- Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice, South Korea
- SEKEM, Egypt

2002 - Martin Green, Australia

- Kamenge Youth Centre (Centre Jeunes Kamenge), Burundi
- Kvinna Till Kvinna, Sweden
- Martín Almada, Paraguay

2001 - José Antonio Abreu, Venezuela

- Gush Shalom / Uri and Rachel Avnery, Israel
- Leonardo Boff, Brazil
- Trident Ploughshares, United Kingdom

2000 - Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, Ethiopia

- Munir, Indonesia
- Birsel Lemke, Turkey
- Wes Jackson, USA

1999 - Hermann Scheer, Germany

- Juan Garcés, Spain
- COAMA (Consolidation of the Amazon Region), Colombia
- Grupo de Agricultura Organica, Cuba

1998 - International Baby Food Action Network

- Samuel Epstein, USA
- Juan Pablo Orrego, Chile
- Katarina Kruhonja / Vesna Terselic, Croatia

1997 - Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso

- Jinzaburo Takagi, (Japan) / Mycle Schneider (France)
- Michael Succow, Germany
- Cindy Duehring, USA

1996 - Herman Daly , USA

- Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia, Russia
- People's Science Movement of Kerala (Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishat), India
- George Vithoulkas, Greece

1995 - András Biró / Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance, Hungary

- Serb Civic Council, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Carmel Budiarjo / TAPOL, Indonesia /United Kingdom
- Sulak Sivaraksa, Thailand

1994 - Astrid Lindgren, Sweden

- SERVOL (Service Volunteered for All), Trinidad & Tobago
- Dr. H. Sudarshan / VGKK (Vivekananda Girijana Kalyana Kendra), India
- Ken Saro-Wiwa / Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, Ogoniland, Nigeria

1993 - Arna Mer-Khamis / Care and Learning, Israel

- Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress / Sithembiso Nyoni, Zimbabwe
- Vandana Shiva, India)
- Mary and Carrie Dann of the Western Shoshone Nation, North America

1992 - Finnish Village Action Movement (Kylätoiminta), Finland

- Gonoshasthaya Kendra / Zafrullah Chowdhury, Bangladesh
- Helen Mack, Guatemala
- John Gofman, USA / Alla Yaroshinskaya, Ukraine

1991 - Edward Goldsmith, United Kingdom

- Narmada Bachao Andolan, India
- Bengt & Marie-Thérèse Danielsson, Polynesia / Senator Jeton Anjain / the People of Rongelap, Marshall Islands
- Landless Workers' Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra) / CPT (Commissao Pastoral da Terra), Brazil

1990 - Alice Tepper Marlin / Council on Economic Priorities, USA

- Bernard Lédéa Ouedraogo, Burkina Faso
- Felicia Langer, Israel
- ATCC (Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del Carare), Colombia

1989 - Seikatsu Club Consumers' Cooperative, Japan

- Melaku Worede, Ethiopia
- Aklilu Lemma / Legesse Wolde-Yohannes, Ethiopia
- Survival International, United Kingdom

1988 - International Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims / Dr. Inge Kemp Genefke, Denmark

- Jose Lutzenberger, Brazil
- John F. Charlewood Turner, United Kingdom
- Sahabat Alam Malaysia / Mohammed Idris, Harrison Ngau, the Penan people, Malaysia

1987 - Johan Galtung, Norway

- Chipko movement, India
- Hans-Peter Dürr / Global Challenges Network, Germany
- Institute for Food and Development Policy / Frances Moore Lappé, USA
- Mordechai Vanunu, Israel

1986 - Robert Jungk, Austria

- Rosalie Bertell, Canada / Alice Stewart, United Kingdom
- International Society for Ecology and Culture / Helena Norberg-Hodge, India
- Evaristo Nugkuag / AIDESEP, Peru

1985 - Theo Van Boven ,Netherlands

- Cary Fowler, USA / Pat Mooney, Canada / Rural Advancement Fund International
- Lokayan / Rajni Kothari, India
- Duna Kör, Hungary

1984 - Imane Khalifeh, Lebanon

- Self-Employed Women's Association / Ela Bhatt, India
- Winefreda Geonzon / Free Legal Assistance Volunteers' Association (FREE LAVA), Philippines
- Wangari Maathai / Green Belt Movement, Kenya

1983 - Leopold Kohr, Austria

- Amory Lovins and Hunter Lovins / Rocky Mountain Institute, USA
- Manfred Max-Neef / CEPAUR, Chile
- People of Belau, Belau

1982 - Eric Dammann / Future in Our Hands, Norway

- Anwar Fazal, Malaysia
- Petra Kelly, Germany
- Participatory Institute for Development Alternatives, Sri Lanka
- George Trevelyan, United Kingdom

1981 - Mike Cooley, United Kingdom

- Bill Mollison, Australia
- Patrick van Rensburg / Education with Production, Botswana, South Africa

1980 - Hassan Fathy, Egypt

- Plenty International, USA, Guatemala, Lesotho

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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