Talk:Rideau Club
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Hi, I've modified the page on the Rideau Club. I believe my mods reflect an NPOV, though they are somewhat more favorable to the club than the previous edit.
(e.g. I look at the club's history in the 50's and note that it was progressive for the times, ditto the 70's).
I believe this is of value because it indicates the evolution of thinking in the elite circles of a G8 economy from 1950-19xx. People realized religious faith, gender, etc. mattered less than simply competence and a similarity of thought. (first good, second debatable).
I welcome comments and edits. I can dig up the dead tree stuff that backs up what I said if need be.
(I apologize for the many edits to get what I wanted to say right. Part of it was pruning what I said to a more NPoV, part of it was correcting minor typos and formatting errors. Thanks.)