Talk:Ricky Martín

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Someone who is an admin (i'm not) please put a vandalism warning to Those Pants and, who added "He likes to be peed on by men" and "Dicky Fartin" respectively. Thank you. Goat King 00:26, 9 March 2007 (UTC)


[edit] No mention of Sound Loaded...why?

More proof that this article is heavily biased, and written in fanzine ways... There is no mention of Sound Loaded, the flop album in English he released immediately after the self-titled, and quite succcessful "Ricky Martin"

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by JessicaDrew (talkcontribs) 12:40, 11 February 2007 (UTC).

[edit] First Lantino to have a UK #1?

The article states that

"Livin' La Vida Loca" made Martin the first Latin American-style artist in history to have a U.K. number one hit.

Didn't Julio Iglesias have a number one hit in the UK with his cover of "Begin the Beguine"? 02:05, 15th January 2007

[edit] Why was the urophilia link removed?

Why was the link to the wikipedia section on Notable Urophiliacs removed? As mentioned by others the fact that Ricky gave an interview were he said he enjoyed Golden Showers is worth some kind of inclusion. The link itself was placed in the "See Also" section and was rather unobrusive so why was it removed?

Probably because Ricky's fans don't want anything on this page which could cast Ricky in any kind of negative light. I appreciate that the main contributors to the page will most likely fans of his but by whitewashing something like that just smacks of bias.

Never mind. I see someone has put a reference to it in the Trivia section. 02:05, 15th July 2006

[edit] Neutraility/NPOV

Much of this article seems to be written in "Fanzine" style and seems to be copy written by a publicist.

[edit] What's up with the picture?=

Someone always changes the picture here. Now there is no picture visiable. Please correct that. There was a photo posted here with mid-long hair – not the LIFE CD-Cover!!!.

[edit] Inaccurate Album Sales Figures

According to his record label and the official biography on his webpage, Martin has sold "more than 55 million albums."


He has in fact...someone from an IP address vandalized the page to put that he had sold only a few albums...I'm going to put how many copies he actually sold in now. 01:47, 21 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Star Wars vandalism=

Someone has been playing with this page and is clearly putting Star Wars references in it. "Ricky Martin's father, Darth Vader, was a Sith Lord and his mother, Padme' Amadala, a Former Princess/Republic Council Member. His Mother Died When He Was Born, And His Father Turned To The Dark Side."

[edit] Ricky Martin gay?

According to the critera adopted by editors of List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people, entries in that list must have an article that mentions their orientation. Martin is currently in the "debated" section of the list. However since there is not even debate in this article about Martin's orientation there is no justification for keeping him on the list, even in as a "debated" entry. If editors think that this is a matter for debate, please include some mention here. In the meantime, we're going to remove Martin's name from the list. -Willmcw 20:58, 19 October 2005 (UTC)

Removing Ricky Martin's name from a gay list is like removing Bullwinkle's name from a moose list. It involves shutting down all of one's sensory perceptions and approaching life and the universe as if knowing absolutely nothing. It as if one cannot acknowledge the presence of molten lava unless one is actually standing in it.

If there is no "debate" about Ricky's orientation, it is only because the mere suggestion of it... WHOOSH! Not only does it disappear, but it is called vandalism. Not ironically, there is no proof, no evidence, no barcode, no DNA samples, no witnesses necessary for classifying anyone as heterosexual.

Clearly, stating that one is gay around here - wikipedia - is still, in 2005, considered slander, vandalism, libel, the whole shameful trip.

Ricky Martin is clearly perceived as gay by the latin american community. This perception is based on many accounts of 'suspicious' appearances of Ricky Martin hugging or holding hands with other males (celebs or not) in his Puerto Rico home. Of course he is more carefull in the US where the paparazzi can actually get him. There is nothing wrong with it and Wikipedia should not consider this slander or vandalism. Please move him to the gay section.

Please find one or more reliable, verifiable sources which say he's gay or is considered to be gay. Then we can summarize those sources. -Willmcw 16:44, 8 December 2005 (UTC)

Those are very weak sources. Please see Wikipedia:reliable sources. In particular, blogs are not considered reliable. -Willmcw 18:04, 8 December 2005 (UTC)

Can we think and act like adults here? Nobody's going to place a bed-cam into Ricky's boudoir, or anyone's, for that matter. EVERYBODY'S sexual orientation is a matter of conjecture. Merely reproducing, in itself, is not proof either. Lesbians can give birth (e.g. Eleanor Roosevelt) and gay men can father children the old-fashioned way (e.g. Rep. Ed Schrock). Merely hearing about it in tabloids: "I was cruised by John Travolta in a steambath!" is also he said/he said. Blogs are no proof. Gossip is no proof. What, then, is proof? When the gay or lesbian person comes out. That is proof. QUESTION: In the slippery, uphill, usually insurmountable slope of show business, where most aspirants make not one dollar, why would Ricky Martin or Clay Aiken come out and disappoint their hardcore base of fantasizing young girls, and throw millions of dollars down the toilet? When you try to answer that question, then you should realize that the playing field is not level, nor should be the burden or proof. A reasonable person should not expect much or even ANY documentation to exist proving homosexuality with regard to high profile celebrities, particularly in the areas of entertainment and politics. While there is no financial incentive to hide heterosexuality, there is immense pressure to hide and disguise homosexualtiy. In Mr. Martin's case, there is no successful disguise: there are two undeniable sources that prove beyond doubt that Ricky is gay: 1) one's eyes, and 2) one's ears.

That may be so, but "one" is not a suitable source for an encyclopedia article. We can't go around calling people gay just because editors think they look or sound gay. If it is so obvious and so widely acknowledged we shouldn't have trouble finding reliable sources that say so. Given the type of material, I'd think that something from People magazine, Rolling Stone, or a similar popular magazine covering singers would be great. No, we don't need for them to say "He's been proven to be gay" or "he was caught in bed with another man." It'd be sufficient for the matter to be considered controversial if we have sources which say it is "widely speculated" or "most people believe" or something like that. -Willmcw 02:02, 9 December 2005 (UTC)

A person only needs to enter these words in google's search engine: Ricky Martin gay, and you get 1,810,000 hits. Many lead to articles about Ricky's sexuality, and in lopsided proportion, favor the notion that he is gay. But that will never appear in wikipedia, and the explanation comes in the above paragraph: "We can't go around calling people gay..." Take out the word "gay" and try substituting: "straight," "Protestant," or "white," and the quote is ludicrous. Being classified as gay here is, unfortunately, still an insult and one must tread carefully. And nothing, absolutely nothing, short of a photo of Ricky en flagrante with another male, will hold up in wikipedia's self-appointed court of correctness.

Huh? We have a whole List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people. Some are openly out, some are debated. Martin isn't listed in either category because there's nothing in this article about it. Of the 1.8 million hits surely one of them is from a decent source. Are blogs and fansite sorum the best that we can do? If so, then it doesn't deserve to be in here. But that leaves plenty of legitimate sources. -Willmcw 07:44, 9 December 2005 (UTC)

Nothing is in this article about the team Ricky plays for because it would be excised in two minutes. And of the almost two million Internet hits about Ricky's sexuality, there is no "confession" by Ricky, no stained dress or incriminating photos-- only thousands of entries basically saying that Ricky looks, sounds and behaves like a walking cherries jubilee. Only two types of people would "sanitize" Ricky's article, as though being gay were dirty. One type would be the pubescent girl who lives to grow up and "marry Ricky." The other would be the moral compass around here, protecting Ricky's honor and virtue. No one would find that more amusing than Ricky himself, whose publicity is aimed solely at protecting his income. The day-is-night, black-is-white, up-is-down, Yao Ming-is-a-midget mentality of "defending" Martin's sexuality is not only absurd, but at core, homophobic.

Are you saying you'd remove any such information? -Willmcw 16:39, 9 December 2005 (UTC)

No, YOU would remove it. Assuming you are not a pubescent CD-buying girl who fantasizes about her wedding night as Mrs. Martin, you stand guard at this site to protect Ricky's virtue, according to your own narrow standards of decency. Even beyond homophobia and gay-bashing, you go a step further... denying that the world's gayest entertainer is gay for lack of evidence. That is the lack of esteem and respect you have for gays and lesbians; you would deny their very existence.

Ok why anyone would think Ricky Martin is NOT gay is beyond me but can we at least agree that he is a Metrosexual? Here is what Wikipedia has on the definition of Metrosexual: "Metrosexual is a term coined in 1994 (along with the noun, metrosexuality) by British journalist Mark Simpson, who used it to refer to an urban male of any sexual orientation who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle."

Note: I had previously edited Ricky's page to reflect the fact that he is a metrosexual and I was bluntly dismissed and my edits reverted.

"Ricky looks, sounds and behaves like a walking cherries jubilee." - not to mention dresses like a fruitcake too. Every shirt is skin tight, etc. The only reason teenage girls have a cruch on this guy is because, well, they are teenagers and still don't know what "manly" is.

Ha! Metrosexual, eh? Well, I'll have to change these Christmas carol lyrics: "Don we now our metrosexual apparel, falala lalala la la la..." The word metrosexual, in fact means, "I'm a snazzy dresser and wax my eyebrows but don't confuse me with a gayboy." One cannot be gay and a metrosexual at the same time. And one cannot use the term metrosexual as a sort of "middle of the bus" for closeted gay men. Regarding why young girls gravitate to gay performers (the outside gates of the Michael Jackson trial were wall-to-wall pubescent girls), it's simple: Ricky is attractive but benign, he will not harm girls. And it's not easy being a teenage girl. Boys leer at them, Internet pervs stalk them, male teachers often drill holes in their locker room, and some girls even have to fight off Daddy. And in a frequently hostile environment, here's Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken- kind, courteous, non-threatening, and worth the price of a CD or concert ticket. But if you remove the cloak of false heterosexuality from them, if it were believed that Ricky and Clay are physically repelled by their benefactors, the money tree would die. Fast. But regarding the function of an encyclopedia, is its main purpose to protect the incomes of certain public figures, or to tell the truth? (And in this case a very obvious truth.)

Please read over our policies and guidelines, in particular, Wikipedia:no original research, Wikipedia:cite your sources, and Wikipedia:assume good faith. As I've said before, we cannot decide this or any other truth. All we can do is summarize verifiable sources with a neutral point of view. Give us a decent source and we can include the info. -Willmcw 08:55, 10 December 2005 (UTC)

Of the nearly two million Internet hits regarding Ricky's homosexuality, not one of them can be acceptable to the keeper(s) of this gate at the present time, because the bar is set so high for gays and lesbians to even EXIST. Perfect examples: Janet Gaynor (silent superstar and winner of the first Oscar), Mary Martin (Broadway superstar, TV's Peter Pan) and Oprah Winfrey (TV host, actress, billionaire). Since Gaynor and Martin have long since died, are no longer big earners, no longer need press agents and arranged marriages, and, unfortunately, are not even recognizable names anymore, the truth may now be typed and spoken. They were lesbians. No big deal. But try to say that there is absolutely no empirical evidence that Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham live together, and are, in fact, never in the same room at the same time unless it is for a photo shoot, and it cannot be verified from a "netural" source that they had sexual intercourse even once... WHOOOOOSH! It won't last two minutes on wikipedia. However, in the year 2050, if civilization still exists, and Winfrey's gargantuan power just a memory... then Free At Last, we may call her - not as a slur, not as an insult, not as an indignity - a lesbian. There are, in fact, no NEUTRAL sources in life. Look in one publication and you'll read about "the war IN Iraq," another will show "the war ON Iraq," another will be about "the liberation of Iraq," and another will refer to "the invasion of Iraq." Everything, from the tiniest dot of an i, can be manipulated. And so it is the case with wonderful (Danny Kaye) and not-so-wonderful (Joseph McCarthy) gays and lesbians whose stories are sanitized here, as if dirty.

First of all, let me say that I don't exactly appreciate anonymous contributors - unless they're using VERY reliable and accountable sources and don't spew B.S. Not only are you anonymous, but you also choose to present gossip as "reliable information". Elp gr 23:24, 10 December 2005 (UTC)

I haven't bothered signing in until now, I didn't mean to be anonymous, and there's nothing really I can add to this discussion without reapeating myself, except to say that if Ricky Martin is not acknowledged as gay, then no gay people exist... then they are invisible, out of sight, out of ear-shot, out of mind, a non-entity, the world can breathe easier, your children are safer, and other such lunacy. If Ricky Martin is not gay, then NO ONE is gay. I am not a fan of Ricky's, just as Liberace was not my cup of tea, but he has a right to exist in his natural condition, and have his truth told.

Wikipedia is no place for mere gossip. I don't care about others' sexual orientation at all and I care about Ricky Martin's sexuality even less. What irks me, though, is that, while this discussion page was expected to be about Ricky Martin the artist, it is because of YOU that it's become nothing but a "please let me say Ricky Martin is gay, although I have no reliable sources to back up my claim and my info comes only from conjecture and tabloids" whinefest, with some hypocritical sermons on sexual equal rights. That doesn't fly well with me at all and makes my BS detector ring like crazy. -Elp gr 13:50, 11 December 2005 (UTC)
Please read Wikipedia:reliable sources. No one is objecting to the addition of a reliable source on Martin's sexuality. -Willmcw 00:52, 11 December 2005 (UTC)

I said anything more would be repeating myself, which I hate, but there is absolutely nothing that will be acceptable to you and not be removed. Ethical question: There is nothing-- zilch, nada, niente, bupkis, zero-- about the love life of Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham that is not generated and disseminated by Oprah and her employees. Call that neutral? But you wouldn't touch Oprah with a ten-foot pole. And for that matter, neither would Stedman. Hypocrites and cowards all, who pick-and-choose where and when rules matter. User: Professor Von Pie

Anything that doesn't come from verifiable sources simply doesn't cut it here. Wikipedia is NOT some sort of gossip magazine and stuff people hear "on the grapevine" will never be accepted in its pages. If you don't like it, tough luck. -Elp gr 19:02, 12 December 2005 (UTC)

Wonderful. Therefore, since you're a person dedicated to the rule of law, I assume you will immediately go to Oprah's article and remove the reference to her 20 years of cohabitation with Stedman Graham, since that story has never been verified by a "neutral" source, ie not by Oprah herself, Stedman, or an employee, contractee or other business arrangement with Harpo Productions. Chop-chop, Mr. Tough Luck. Hurry, enforce the laws! Lookit: anything you don't like and want to know about is "gossip." Can we actually say what we mean around here? -User: Professor Von Pie

You're an utter waste of time. As for the Oprah article, I have no idea who she is. -Elp gr 14:59, 15 December 2005 (UTC)
And one other thing... Since you're so "sensitive" about the rights of homosexuals and accuse us all of hypocrisy and other BS, why is it that on your personal page you refer to homosexuals as "queers"? -Elp gr 15:01, 15 December 2005 (UTC)
Queers like to be called queers, dykes prefer to be called dykes. A group can name itself. I don't accuse everybody of being hypocrites, only people who say one thing and do another. The sex life of Oprah Winfrey is purely a product of gossip tabloids with no neutral verification, therefore you should remove it. If you've never heard of Oprah Winfrey, as everyone else in the civilized world has, you can look her up. Try wikipedia. Professor Von Pie
I found out about Oprah and her show. Frankly, I have much better stuff in my life to do than waste my time watching stuff like Oprah or even GOSSIPING (which is the only thing you seem to know how to do here). As everyone who's watched this discussion page has seen, you're here just to add GOSSIP into an online encyclopedia. This does not fly well with me and I'm sure Wikipedia's admin wouldn't appreciate it. Furthermore, your claim that homosexual women and men PREFER to be called "dykes" or "queers" is preposterous. It's for this that no one can take your claim that you actually care about homosexual people's rights seriously. Why don't you just drop it? Your "contributions" are useless anyway and are too close to vandalism. -Elp gr 03:26, 17 December 2005 (UTC)
And once again, I'll say it and hopefully you'll understand it: Wikipedia DEMANDS verifiable sources. Stuff you hear on the grapevine and rumors are simply unacceptable. And one other thing: you are not in charge of anyone's decisions about publicizing their sexual preferences. This mentality of yours is completely undemocratic. -Elp gr 09:19, 17 December 2005 (UTC)
If I had just today discovered Oprah Winfrey, for twenty years on the pages of Forbes magazine as a billionaire, owner of her own magazine, media mogul and one of the most recognized people on the face of the earth, whether you watch her show (I don't) or not, or didn't know that Queer Nation and Dykes on Bikes are just examples of how gay people refer to themselves today, if I were completely in a dense glade of my own world where reality and news doesn't penetrate, I would be profoundly embarrassed. This is my last message to you, because you cannot digest complex issues, and we are not evenly matched. I am not sure what you do with that precious time of yours, but it is not listening, learning, and finding out things, even things you'd prefer not to know about. You have ample time, obviously. To patrol things and make the world seem more to your liking. All I have been saying - I will make my words small for you - pay attention now - is: make the standards of

proof the same for EVERYONE and apply them EQUALLY. Again, I will not engage you in further discussion, I don't see any evidence that you are informed of current events or able to discuss abstract issues intelligently. -User:Professor Von Pie

You obviously cannot even follow Wikipedia's guidelines for manners. I don't feel embarrassed for not caring about Oprah at all. Instead, YOU should be embarrassed for wasting people's time and bandwidth with your tendency to incorporate gossip into encyclopaedic entries as FACT. And if some groups pretend to use insulting terms to define themselves for shock value, this doesn't mean the majority of people with the same tendencies want to be referred to. -Elp gr 06:20, 18 December 2005 (UTC)
I urge everybody to please be civil towards each other. Let's focus on the content, not the contributors. -Willmcw 09:33, 18 December 2005 (UTC)

Ricky Martin maintains that he is straight, so you can't say somebody is gay as a fact unless they admit it. if you want to mention the issue of his sexuality, do it in an NPOV way. For example, "Throughout Ricky Martin's career some people have alleged that he is gay. Despite this, Ricky Martin still maintains that he is a heterosexual." --Revolución (talk) 06:11, 19 December 2005 (UTC)

Revolucion, and anybody else who is willing to read something unpleasant-- unpleasant because it encourages thinking and challenges old beliefs- I recommend this site: and also this astonishing story: and, if you've REALLY read them, feel free to discuss, as it certainly pertains to Mr. Martin, and back in my day, the closest thing to Ricky, Liberace. Professor Von Pie

I don't see how these articles prove any of your claims. -Elp gr 11:55, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

For everybody out there who- no big shock- doesn't get it, I will cut it into itty-bitty pieces, like Fox News, for your digestion: You have two public figures: Mr. A, who is under intense pressure to lie about himself, and Mr. B, who is under no pressure to lie about himself. Mr. A risks losing millions of dollars by not lying; Mr. B loses nothing by not lying. Question, kiddies: Are Mr. A and Mr. B equally reliable sources of information? Think hard now. Think REALLY hard. This may hurt. -Professor Von Pie

May I correct myself, I do not actually know for sure if Ricky Martin maintains that he is straight. After some research, he doesn't ever talk about the issue of his sexual orientation directly. see [1] and [2].
When asked "What would an ex-lover say about you?" Ricky answered, "That I'm the love of their life!" The writer of the blog "Queer Day" that I linked to humourously referred to the gender-neutral pronoun "they" used in "their life".
All this doesn't prove that he's gay, or that he's straight. It could even mean he's bisexual. Although some people consider it "obvious" or "apparent" unless backed up with evidence, it's not worthy to put in this encyclopedia. By saying you can't put it here we are not saying that being gay is something to be considered wrong, but that Wikipedia should be a place for facts and not speculation. --Revolución (talk) 02:15, 21 December 2005 (UTC)

Did you read the referenced articles? Did you notice my last question? Read the articles, and try... try, baby, I know it's hard... have a strong cup of coffee and think about my question, and try to answer it. -Professor Von Pie

The articles had no relevance to the subject, which is Ricky Martin. Also, read WP:CIVIL and stop with your condescending tone. --Revolución (talk) 05:55, 21 December 2005 (UTC)

Folks, the first article is about rich and powerful gay people in New York and Hollywood who routinely lie about their sexuality as a matter of commerce, big business and not upsetting hillbillies. The second is the remarkable story of Merle Oberon, who lied so often about her Asian ancestry that she actually forgot where she was from. So-- I'll make my words itty-bitty: When people are forced to lie to protect their careers and high incomes, are they good sources of information about themselves?

There is no way in the world anybody here will even attempt to answer the question I just posed. No way, no how. It is too abstract, it requires thought and reasoning, not mere parroting: no gossip! no proof! -Professor Von Pie

Since you're so smart, do you think you can manage to sign your user name correctly? You are not Professor Von Pie, you are user:Professor Von Pie. You can sign and date your comments by typing four tildes. I'm sure you can figure that out. Thanks, -Willmcw 07:35, 21 December 2005 (UTC)

Definitely, kids, finally- at last- we have an adult, thoughtful discussion about the REAL issue around here... how I sign my name!

Oh, please... anybody- do I have any takers? Is there any oasis of real adult discussion about my question in this desert of silliness? I'll try once more: "When people are forced to lie about themselves in order to protect their careers and high incomes, are such people good sources of information?" I'm reminded of a show I used to watch. Mission Impossible. No way, no how will anybody try to answer. -User:Professor Von Pie

Your question is too abstract. We're here to discuss this article, not hypothetical "Mr. A" and "Mr. B". If you have a question about the article, then I'm sure it will get an answer. -Willmcw 00:12, 22 December 2005 (UTC)

Yes, abstract thought, logic and ethics are so darn taxing, and have no place in the creation of an encyclopedia. So I will parse things even tinier. Real teeny tiny. Here goes: "If Ricky Martin is under intense pressure to lie about his sexuality in order to maintain his career and keep his income high, whereas Russell Crowe is under NO pressure to lie about his sexuality to maintain his career and high income, are Ricky Martin and Russell Crowe equally good sources of information?" There. I have done the best I can. And there is NO WAY in the world anybody will touch this. Y'know, one thing I've learned from wikipedia... writing is not for everybody, and I've come to appreciate writers more. It is not a science, it is an art. I think it's a failed experiment- the notion that just anybody can write an encyclopedia. Of course, I'm not the brightest person and don't know everything, but there's no DISCUSSION here, no exchange of ideas. So I'm about ready to move on. -user:Professor Von Pie

I can't believe that someone like Ricky Martin does not have a significant other in his life. He strikes me as a kind and loving person who would want to have a mate. If he has such a companion, maybe one day that person will be revealed to the world. Until then, I hope he is happy. - a fan

Of course Ricky is gay...despite all the protestations of those who say otherwise. Revealing photos are here : And don't tell me that's his brother... heterosexuals don't frolic at the beach in a speedo with their brother. I can understand smitten little girls furiously denying the object of a crush is gay..but adults on Wikipedia?

All of the He Is/He Isn't arguments are moot and redundant. The only people who know either way is Ricky Martin and personal aquantances of his. However, as this discussion thread has pointed out, his sexual ambiguity should at least be mentioned in the article, as it has had a great effect on his career. He has been followed by these rumours and speculations publicly for years. This alone garners a mention in the article. SJM

[edit] Former Scientologists

Is there a source for his inclusion in Category:Former Scientologists? -- Revolución (talk) 06:16, 19 December 2005 (UTC)

I Think that anyone who keeps insisting that someone is gay is because they're obsessed with them. Fan

It seams that these rumors about Ricky Martin being gay aren't wrong. Ricky was in a long term relationship with Rebecca De Alba and he has had relationships with many girls. The current facts are that he is in a relationship with a man and probably not for the first time. That he still keeps quiet about is his right. He owes no one any explanation or statement. And why should he? Is it a crime of being gay, heterosexual or bisexual? I don't know what is the point of this discussion or a public discussions about someones sexual orientation at all. Ricky Martin has the right to have his private life according to his own images and preferences. Let him be happy with whom ever he chooses to share his life. When we love someone and decide to share our life together, do we think were are we listed in, who and what people think about? Is this the meaning of love, is this the meaning of life? Life is so much more than a discussion about someones sexual orientation.

[edit] Urination

So Ricky Martin gave an interview in Blender magazine in which he talked about enjoying watersports. This seems to merit inclusion. Few if any other mainstream celebrities (i.e., not porn stars) ever talk about this. I don't know where it would fit in, though.... Biography section? [3] Dave 20:54, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

- I'd be more inclined to make a subsection titled "The yuck factor" for this... Elp gr 14:29, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Any indication in the article on which gender he enjoys watersports with?
None whatsoever. -Will Beback 20:33, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Some quarters

I can, and will, include a FACT on this page - "In some quarters there is furious debate about Ricky's sexuality which has been neither confirmed or overtly denied". Whether Ricky Martin is gay or not cannot be definitively proven at this time - but the fact of the debate about the issue CAN and this talk page only serves to add support to that notion (if you think Von Pie is on his/her own, I can get the many, many other people I know to drop in and add a one-line comment if necessary). Von Pie may be a little condescending and mocking at times (I was laughing out loud at his comments most of the time :-) but he has a point about some of the responses to his questions which seem to be sometimes pedantic to the point of blindness - sorry folks. Sak Mo Dee 01:43, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

No offense intended, but if you don't like pedantry then encyclopedia-writing is the wrong field for you. If it is widely debated then we should be able to find some sources covering that debate. Which quarters? What is the debate? It's impossible to verify information without sources. -Will Beback 01:49, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
To be pedantic - I didn't say I don't like pedantry, I just don't like pedantry that is blind. I am not making fun of Ricky Martin - he's obviously a good performer and his sexuality is none of my business. To say, however, that there is no point to be made about the debate over his sexuality is blindness in the extreme. This page itself proves the point at least a little. Sak Mo Dee 02:09, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
  • In some quarters there is considerable debate about Ricky's sexuality which has been neither confirmed or overtly denied. Strong feeling exists on both sides of the argument but Ricky is presented as a heterosexual performer and is regarded as such in most mainstream media.

In which "quarters"? In what way is he presented as a "heterosexual performer"? What's your source for this? -Will Beback 02:13, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

Just to start with: "Well, one of the most frequently asked questions on is: Is Ricky Martin gay? Regardless if Ricky Martin is gay or straight, the interest in him, judging by our own readers, is phenomenal." (from AskMen of course) and " Rumors have been rampant ever since "Livin' la Vida Loca" became a mega-hit. The sexy star owns a Puerto Rican restaurant in Miami's gay hotspot, South Beach, and he's been sighted in New York's Chelsea district with other hot guys. Martin has been the object of Barbara Walters's interrogation and Camille Paglia's speculation, but no one has teased him into talking." (from The reason no one else has dignified these demands for "proof" that there is debate is because it is painfully obvious to most people. However, you (and others) make your point that we should try and explain it for those who DON'T keep their eye on mainstream media and their ears to the zeitgeist. Sak Mo Dee 02:24, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
What are the links? has many pages, some of which are just forums and some of which are mirrored new reports, so their reliability depends on the specific citation. This page, [4], is apparently a compilation of a webpoll, which even rates his "coolness" factor, so it's hardly a reliable source. Can we find links to the Paglia and Walters interviews? Those would be notable. Who thinks he is presented as a "heterosexual performer"? -Will Beback 02:44, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Seeking proof of the debate about Martin's sexuality

I will soon include a more even-handed report on what I believe is the undeniable debate over Ricky Martin's sexuality - see quotes below. In my article amendment I will include Ricky Martin's own quotes to the contrary re: this debate (including his claim to be in love with a woman on at least one occasion and a claim from a female model re: his heterosexuality) as well as his popularly referenced ambiguous replies in interviews. I trust if the inclusion is neutral enough we will be able to debate it's merits (or not :-) through this Talk Page before it is reverted again.

I believe there is good evidence for the existence of the debate in the multitude of sources found through a simple Google search as Mr. Von Pie pointed out so sarcastically above. Web polls, forums and high profile internet magazines quoting their not inconsiderable readership (e.g. the AskMen article) may not be regarded as sources for factual information but I'm hoping they can be accepted as some proof of the existence of a debate or topic that exists in a notable portion of the general public. Either way, I present below some supposedly "reputable" sources that, in some places take it as a given that a debate on Ricky's sexuality exists in the mainstream media.

In my case, my "experience" of the whole debate over Ricky Martin's sexuality (besides the greater majority of the people I know who ever mentioned his name raising the topic of his sexuality at one time or another) comes from years of reading articles and watching "mainstream" media programs that touched on this issue. The fact that I can't call to mind the names of the magazines (whether it was Woman's Weekly, Entertainment Guide, etc.), the dates of the articles and/or the shows I watched (because the whole debate started more than 5 years ago!) shouldn't make my information completely spurious as I believe there is clearly some support for this position in various places throughout the web (as per the aforementioned Google search - e.g. ricky+martin+gay Google Search).

Here are links from The Advocate (a gay and lesbian magazine), Hello magazine, and Rolling Stone. Please note the bolded emphasis:

"An even more curious aspect of the Martin file is that several mainstream reporters are leaping from the sexuality of his fans to that of the artist himself. In Entertainment Weekly' s first major piece on the exploding star, writer Andrew Essex asserted that Martin's cross-gender appeal has "sparked is-he-or-isn't-he watercooler debates." Meanwhile, the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel noted that "the music industry is awash in rumors he's gay." Then MTV personality Serena Altschul prodded the charmer about romance in an on-camera interview: "I'm open to love," Martin said. "Male or female?" Altschul tossed. Suddenly sounding like a Jeopardy contestant, the Latino wonder responded, "Let's go for girls."
"...Adds one music journalist, "All this speculation is amusing on a base level, but if he is gay, what does it really do for gays? And if he's not ready to come out, what does it do to his psychology?" A source close to Martin is more dazed: "I don't understand why the media is making such a big deal out of any of this." Still, people talk -- and talk. Gossip columnist Michael Musto finally threw up his hands in The Village Voice and declared, "Ricky Martin, please stop with the girlfriend talk, girlfriend!" Musto later reported that he'd heard Martin "is okay" with his sexuality, "and even saw Get Real, the [gay] coming-out movie with his Wilfredo," suggesting Martin even has a steady boyfriend."
"...Speculation about Martin's sexual leanings became rampant in gay-dominated chat rooms immediately after the Grammys, alongside benign crushes posted by the likes of Andrew, a 22-year-old Webmaster who proudly runs "Australia's First Ricky Martin Site." Chat rooms and gossip columns like those on the gay online clearinghouse Data Lounge boil over with "friend of a friend" allegations and endless debate. The "E-Vida" even reached online magazine, the Web's nearest equivalent of a mainstream media publication, where lesbian pundit Camille Paglia boldly titled a recent column "Ricky Martin -- Superstud or Closet Case?"
(from The Advocate, July 6, 1999 by John Griffiths - old article viewable through
"...On the subject of his own love-life, Ricky remains mum. Rumours of homosexuality have surrounded the six-foot singer, whose past romances include tennis superstar Gabriela Sabatini, former MTV House Of Style host Daisy Fuentes, actress Lilly Melgar, and back-up dancer Adriana Biega.
"...Though over the years even American interview queen Barbara Walters couldn't make Ricky talk about his private life, in 2003 the singer suddenly opened up, revealing he was in love with Mexican model and TV host Rebecca de Alba..."
(from Hello Magazine -
"...You know, the bigger you get, the more people talk about you. You've been frank about saying your music appeals to everybody, men and women. Maybe as a result of that there've been some rumors flying around about your sexuality.
Well, this is show business. It's a lot of fantasy. You can fantasize whatever you want to be. You can fantasize however you want to [laughs]. Go for it. Be free about it. I'm not too concerned with what people say about me. You can think whatever you want. I know what I am, my beliefs, what I like and don't like. As I just said, I have the need someday to have a family. And that's something I'm going to go for. The people I care about know me. I'm happy..."
(from Rolling Stone - Note: this Rolling Stone interview also includes some quotes from Ricky that claim quite the opposite re: his sexuality (or, at least shift claims from gay to bisexual) and I will include those quotes in my amendment)

I stress again - my point (as shown in bold in the articles above) is not to try and prove that Ricky Martin is gay but merely to prove that a debate about this fact does exist.

Why do I care so much about including this information in the Ricky Martin article? Because I "random article'd" to this page and, after reading many other Wikipedia "personality" pages where debates and controversies are acknowledged in a neutral fashion I was surprised to see that this article did not. I care so much about it being included because I suddenly felt as if Wikipedia - for which I have a lot of respect - was flawed in not acknowledging something which, as Von Pie notes above in his own inimitable way (the moose reference made me crack up :-), is for some of us at least, very well known and almost a given fact of the celebrity of Ricky Martin.

Sak Mo Dee 21:32, 18 March 2006 (UTC)

Just a thought - if it is ok to include a debate about a dead person's sexuality - see - then why is it a problem to include the debate about a living person?

[edit] "Disputed" tag

Some editors have been changing the numbers associated with the Albums section. A brief glance at history is unhelpful. Would somebody please update the list with accurate, verifiable information, preferably citing sources? — MSchmahl 06:17, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] To add to the "gay" discussion

Ok, I'm not going to read all of what's being posted here but, being a resident of Puerto Rico, I can surely say that - whoever said that the perception in Latin America and Puerto Rico is that Martin is gay - is plain wrong. There are rumors, yes, just like there are rumors of countless other artists, but there have been no clear statement from his or from anyone else. He had a long relationship with Mexican female reporter Rebeca De Alba which might be enough to keep a "gay" label from this article until he admits it. Cheers. Thief12 00:34, 24 April 2006 (UTC)

Here's the link for an old article where Martin talks about his relationship with reporter Rebeca ( Even though they broke up already, his allegations are not of a gay man. 04:02, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Race?

What's the race(s) of his parents? He looks almost completely white? -Amit

What a stupid question? Why is that relavent.-- 08:40, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
Latin and Hispanic people come in all shades of color, including white. Your question/statement makes you sounds very ignorant. Please educate yourself. Hanako 15:42, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image

This article really could use a picture of the guy. Can someone upload one that has no copyright problems?Nnfolz 14:23, 26 July 2006 (UTC)

Done - found one on US Government website --Rgl168 05:59, 31 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Jose Menendez Connection

It's been rumored that Jose Menendez, murdered by his sons Lyle and Erik Menendez, sexually abused Ricky Martin when he was a child. Any comments or thoughts on this? Hanako 16:20, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Died?!

I saw couple of sources which tells that Ricky Martin died because of an overdose?! I'm confused. With respect, Deliogul 21:30, 31 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] IS HE DEAD?

On the press, its being talked that he is dead due to kokaine. is it true? media was trying to hide this news becuz they didnt want ricky to be bad example for adults and teenagers.

There's no such news article reporting his death. Are you sure you're not thinking of someone else? Hanako 02:14, 2 September 2006 (UTC)
yep, it's William Hung who reportedly died as a result of a net hoax. And no, Hung is NOT dead. [5] --Kvasir 02:35, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

I cannot find any reputable news organization reporting that he has died.

[edit] clean up

this article really sucks up to him, and at the end of the article there is a bit about social work which uses the phrase "We welcome you to join our crusade as an advocate of children’s right" I need to point out that wikipedia isnt an outlet for ricky martins fans to post Lovemail about him nor advertise his charitable organisation.etc Please clean this article up 11:22, 9 September 2006 (UTC)

uhhh speaking of sucking someone spelled "successful" as "suckessful" in the opening paragraph. I am not sure how to change that so i am just telling you people.

I agree. All the editorializing is ridiculous.

"Unforgettable Living La Vida Loca"? Um, that song was forgotten like three months after it became a hit.

Seriously, shouldn't an anctclopedia just present the facts like "Living la Vida Loca was a huge #1 hit in the USA" instead of "Living La Vida Loca was An Unforgettable Song"????

[edit] New Quote from Ricky Martin re Gays in Music World

According to The Associated Press on 30 March 2007 (, "Martin defended the right of pop stars to come out of the closet, saying he felt solidarity with Christian Chavez of Mexican band RBD, who recently said publicly that he is gay. 'Life is too short to live closed up, guarding what you say,' said Martin -- whose sexual orientation has been the subject of speculation -- in an interview with The Associated Press. Christian 'has to be free in many aspects. I wish him much strength.'" Could someone insert this into the article in an appropriate fashion?

Why? --Mel Etitis (Talk) 21:04, 30 March 2007 (UTC)