Rick Scarborough

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Rick Scarborough is a former Baptist pastor from Pearland, Texas, who heads Vision America, Vision America Action and the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration.

Vision America is focused on encouraging pastors across the United States to be involved in society, and to encourage their parishoners to vote their values. It is reported that the Vision America Patriot Pastor program has thousands of active members.

The JCCCR's goal is to strongly encourage the United States Congress to rein in "activist judges." Reverend Rick Scarborough says, "An atmosphere of atheism is being forced upon us by the courts." [1]

Rev. Scarborough has appeared on MSNBC on numerous occasions and on Larry King Live. [2]

In 2006 Rev. Scarborough worked extensively with pastors in Missouri and South Dakota, coinciding with ballot initiatives on human cloning and abortion. He was also flown into numerous other states and Washington DC and is viewed by some conservative leaders as the values voter leader in 2006 and in 2008. [3]. [4].

In February 2007, [5] Rick Scarborough criticized the mandatory anti-cancer vaccination of young girls against HPV saying that it was immoral, since it circumvents god's punishment for sexually active young women.


[edit] Family, education and career

[edit] Religious and political views

Rev. Scarborough believes the tenets of fundamentalist Christian morality apply to civic affairs. [7] Tom DeLay former House Majority Leader, and a prominent member of the Republican Party calls Scarborough "one of my closest friends." [6]

[edit] Books

  • Enough is Enough (1996) ISBN 0-88368-465-9
  • It All Depends on What "Is" Is (1998)
  • Mixing Church and State (1999)
  • Judicial Tyranny (contributing author) (2005) ISBN 0-9753455-6-7
  • Liberalism Kills Kids (2006)

[edit] Education

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Bringing the case against judges" Jane Lampman The Christian Science Monitor from the April 13, 2005 print edition. URL accessed 05/09/2006
  2. ^ "Larry King Live transcript" Transcript of Larry King Live, May 18, 2006
  3. ^ "Pastors Guiding Voters to GOP" Stephanie Simon The LA Times from the October 2, 2006 print edition. URL accessed 10/16/2006
  4. ^ "Christian conservatives mobilize to rev up values voters" Matt Stearns Lexington Herald-Leader from the September 25, 2006 print edition. URL accessed 10/16/06
  5. ^ "God, sex, drugs, and politics" The Economist
  6. ^ a b "Filibuster Fray Lifts Profile of Minister" By Shailagh Murray Washington Post print edition Sunday, May 8, 2005; A01. accessed URL 05/09/2006
  7. ^ "Religion and Politics in America" Morning Edition, NPR October 22, 1996 John Burnett URL accessed 05/09/2006
  8. ^ a b c Rick Scarborough Vision America

[edit] External links