Richmond Hill, London

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The view from Richmond Hill, Richmond.
The view from Richmond Hill, Richmond.
The view from Richmond Hill is, by universal consent, the finest within a few miles of London. Indeed, of its kind, it is difficult to surpass anywhere.
— from The Queen’s London
The Terrace Gardens, as seen from Richmond Hill.
The Terrace Gardens, as seen from Richmond Hill.

Richmond Hill in Richmond, London, has the only view in England to be protected by an Act of Parliament - the Richmond, Ham and Petersham Open Spaces Act passed in 1902 - to protect the land on and below Richmond Hill and preserve the view from the hill. Immortalised in paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds and J.M.W. Turner, it was described by Sir Walter Scott as "an unrivalled landscape".

It may be viewed from the Terrace Walk, laid out in the 1700s - which is Grade II* listed in the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest - and is close to Richmond Park.

[edit] References

  • Lange, D. The Queen's London: A Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Streets, Buildings, Parks and Scenery of the Great Metropolis in the 59th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Cassell and Company, London, 1896.

[edit] External links

[edit] Location