Richard D. Wood

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Richard D. Wood is an American molecular biologist specializing in research on DNA repair and mutation.

Dr. Wood received his B.S. in from Westminster College, Salt Lake City Utah (1975), his Ph.D. in Biophysics at the University of California, Berkeley (1977), was a Postdoctural Fellow, Yale University, from 1982 to 1985. He was at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, from 1985 to 2001 as postdoctoral fellow, Research Scientist, Senior Scientist, and Principal Scientist.

His is currently the leader to the Molecular & Cellular Biology program at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, where he holds the Richard M. Cyert Chair of Molecular Oncology. He is Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School and Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences.

Additionally, he is a musician with a particular affinity for jazz (he was a music minor at Westminster College where his roommate at the time was Geoff Stradling). Dr. Wood plays electric and acoustic basses, is an avid listener to music of all sorts (with an extensive Jazz record and CD Collection) and a fan of scotch whiskies. His wife Enid Wood is a violinist, teacher, and artist and also a graduate of Westminster College.

[edit] References

[edit] External Links

  • [1] Dr. Wood's University of Pittsburgh page
  • [2] List of publications
  • [3] Enid Wood