Richard Carrier

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Richard Carrier
Richard Carrier

Richard Carrier M.A., M.Phil. (born 1st December 1969) is a freelance writer, researcher and translator but is best known for his writings on Internet Infidels (otherwise known as the Secular Web), where he served as Editor-in-Chief for several years. He specializes in the areas of history and philosophy. He also features on the documentary film The God Who Wasn't There where he is interviewed about his doubts on the historicity of Jesus. Currently he is studying at Columbia University in New York where he is working for his Ph.D.

[edit] Books

  • Sense and Goodness Without God: A Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism by Richard Carrier. Authorhouse (2005) ISBN 1-4208-0293-3
  • The Empty Tomb:Jesus Beyond The Grave (edited by Robert M. Price and Jeffery Jay Lowder) Prometheus Books (2005) ISBN 1-59102-286-X

[edit] External links