Richard Alley

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Dr. Richard B. Alley (1957-present) is an American geologist and Evan Pugh Professor of geosciences at the Pennsylvania State University who has, along with colleagues, given multiple testimonies at U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce (formally known as the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation) hearings pertaining to global warming and its potential impact on the global economy.

Dr. Alley has written several papers in the journal Nature and Science, and chaired the National Research Council on Abrubt Climate Change. In 2000, he published the book The Two-Mile Time Machine: Ice Cores, Abrupt Climate Change, and Our Future. Alley is also very candid about there being many things yet unknown about global warming and its effects, earning him respect from collegues on both sides of the debate.
Dr. Alley was awarded the Seligman Crystal in 2005 for his "prodigious contribution to our understanding of the stability of the ice sheets and glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland, and of erosion and sedimentation by this moving ice." [1]

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