Rhapsody (The Symphony of Ages)

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Rhapsody is one of the main characters in Elizabeth Haydon's, the Symphony of Ages.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Early life

Rhapsody lived in a small farming community as a child with her human father and lirin mother and several older brothers. At the age of 13 (nearly 14) she met a boy called Sam who she thought was her soul mate and when he disappeared she left her home to go to Easton to look for him. When she couldn't find any trace of her lost love she gave up hope and eventually had to become a whore to survive. At the age of 16 she was taken in by a Lirin Namer who taught her the science of naming for 3 years until he disappeared leaving her to complete her studies alone.

[edit] Escape from the Lost Island

During her time as a prostitute one client in particular, called Michael, became obsessed with Rhapsody. He grew as a power in the area in which she lived. Rhapsody was completing her studies when a minion of said monster tried to fetch her back to him. In eluding Michael's men she met Achmed and Grunthor, adopting them to convince the town guard they were her brothers and in doing so accidentally renamed Achmed the Snake, who had formally been known as The Brother. In order to ensure that no harm would come of his renaming Achmed took Rhapsody with him to Sagia and into the tree, leading her along the axis mundi away from the destruction of Serendair. Rhapsody remained convinced that he did this to save her from Michael not seeing his true intentions.

[edit] New World Life

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