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Certain adept users are invited to thoroughly read this page so as to give constructive feedback on this issue.
To be fair, User:JzG (Guy) has not yet been called to this page, and he may wish to add his own arguments. For this reason, any of your feedback will be without prejudice.
If you are reading this page, you are invited to give constructive and thorough feedback on these issues; no fly-by comments made by outsiders or 'cronies' of the parties concerned.
But, this is also a wiki, so users are within their rights to make changes to this page so long as they are fair and respectful.
Please add any of your comments to the bottom of the page in the appropriate section.


[edit] YOUR comments here (or where appropriate)

Please place any comments you have here, or where appropriate. Rfwoolf 15:01, 23 January 2007 (UTC)