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Champion of the Horde

Gender Male
Race Mok'nathal (Half-orc, half-ogre)
Character class Beastmaster
Affiliation The Horde
Occupation Champion of the Horde, and Trusted friend of Thrall

In the fictional Warcraft Universe, Rexxar is a half-orc, half-ogre Beastmaster who was instrumental in assisting the Horde in defending Durotar after the fall of the Burning Legion. His half-orc, half-ogre lineage is known as the Mok'Nathal. Due to his mixed lineage, he's a huge and fierce warrior who wields two huge axes in battle. He is something of an outcast, wandering the lands of Kalimdor with his loyal bear companion, Misha.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Little is known of Rexxar's past, but he came to be one of the Horde's greatest champions after the Burning Legion fell. He was instrumental in helping the Darkspear Tribe of Trolls flee the Echo Isles when Marines from Kul Tiras invaded, and with the assistance of the troll Shadow Hunter Rokhan and Pandaren Brewmaster Chen Stormstout, helped to secure Durotar for the Horde.

When reports of Alliance attacks began coming in, Rexxar was dispatched to see if their frail alliance had dissolved. He was assisted by Jaina Proudmoore in figuring out what was going on, and when Admiral Proudmoore (Jaina's father) invaded, Rexxar led the Horde forces to repel the invaders and kill the Admiral.

Rexxar later left to roam the wild lands of Kalimdor once again, and could up to recently be found patrolling the areas of Kalimdor known as Desolace and Feralas. But now, with the Dark Portal opened, he chose to travel to Outland to find his kin. Because of his actions, it has become known that an entire clan of Mok'Nathal has survived the destruction of Outland. They are under the guidance of Rexxar's father, Leoroxx.


[edit] Cycle of Hatred

In the novel, Cycle of Hatred, Rexxar once again stumbled across a wounded Orcish warrior - Byrok - during his travels, who insisted that his message be brought to the Warchief before it was too late. He had witnessed a meeting of some human members of the Burning Blade Clan who planned an invasion of Durotar. Instead, Rexxar brought the man alive to Grommash Hold where he was healed by Kalthar, a shaman in Thrall's confidence.

[edit] Stats Warcraft 3

Rexxar (as depicted in Warcraft III) is endowed with the ability to not only summon Misha but also to summon Quilbeasts, uses the devastating storm bolt, and also create a stampede of rampaging Thunder Lizards. He could also use a powerful thunder axe that could be thrown at enemies.

[edit] World of Warcraft

More recently, the threat of a new Warchief has called Rexxar back from solitude. Rend Blackhand, the aging son of Blackhand the Destroyer - the warchief during Warcraft I - has claimed parts of Blackrock Mountain and declared himself the rightful chief of the Horde. Realizing that Rend was controlled as a puppet of the Black Dragonflight, Rexxar helped young Horde adventurers to find a way to strike at the heart of the Black Dragonflight - the brood mother, Onyxia. He can be found wandering the sandy terrain of Desolace with Misha, but in the recent expansion pack, The Burning Crusade, he is currently in Outland, looking for his kin. Rexxar is located in the Thunderlord Stronghold on Blade's Edge Mountain.

[edit] Lineage

  • Speculation: It seems possible that Rexxar is the son of the Ogre Turok and the Orc Griselda, daughter of Blackhand. This is the only coupling of an orc and an ogre ever mentioned in currently available Warcraft lore, though it could be unrelated. It was also claimed that Rexxar is "the last son of the Mok'nathal", which indicates he is the only one left of this lineage. Although it may simply mean that he is the last surviving Half-Ogre. This is wrong, however, as Rexxar's father, Leoroxx, and an entire clan of Mok'Nathal is on Outland, alive and well. In Cycle of Hatred, he claims that the Mok'nathal were his mothers people, but this has likely been retconned.

[edit] Skills as a leader

Although an outcast, Rexxar is known to be quite a leader. He led his party (consisting of Misha, his pet bear, and Rokhan at first, later joined by Chen Stormstout and Cairne Bloodhoof) to victory many times and successfully led the Ogres of Stonemaul into battle for the Horde. During the defense of Durotar and the invasion of Theramore, he and his party led hundreds of orcs, trolls, tauren and ogres into battle and divised several tactics to gain an upper hand at Proudmoore's army. He soon left the ogres and returned to isolation, but for many, he could've led the Stonemauls to a brighter future.

[edit] External links

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