Rex Deus

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According to some revisionist historians, the Rex Deus bloodline (Rex Deus is the Latin for "King God") is, supposedly, the European branch of the descendants of both high priest Aaron and king David of ancient Israel, an elite of diaspora Israelites who have managed to preserve their dual lineage intact for some 2,000 years and have appointed themselves as the custodians of the mysteries of Judaism and Christianity. They further speculate that the Rex Deus bloodline included Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Desposyni, and that it may have been the progenitor of the Merovingian dynasty.[1]

To avoid persecution the Rex Deus bloodline adopted the philosophy of blending in with whatever culture and religion they happened to be in the presence of (compare with the Druze), while secretly passing on from generation to generation their true beliefs and rituals. They also did this indirectly by disseminating certain ideas which became embedded within the psyche of the people of Europe. A notable example would be Arthurian legend and Grail lore.[1]

Fringe researchers argue that the "shadow court" of the Rex Deus ordered the first Knights Templar to dig tunnels beneath the Temple Mount to find the Copper Scroll treasure, which their ancestors among the Qumran Essenes had buried there.[1] They suggest that this might explain the possibly only legitimate charges of heresy which was later brought against the knights by the Medieval Inquisition.[2]

While the Desposyni are well known to have existed, their supposed relationship to the Merovingians and other groups are widely dismissed by an overwhelming majority of historians. Interestingly however, as the Y-chromosomal Aaron experiments have recently shown, many Europeans of Jewish ancestry do appear to have a shared paternal lineage, traditionally ascribed to the high priest Aaron, as a priest in the Jewish faith must fulfill this criterion.[citation needed]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c (2000) Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau. Element Books. ISBN 1862044724. 
  2. ^ (2001) The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasonry, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus. Fair Winds Press. ISBN 1931412758. 

[edit] See also