Talk:Reverse proxy

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There is another way that rev.proxy can help main web-server: it is not caching, but still lowering resource usage.

Let'a imagine servie like forum, LiveJournal, etc - where each user has his own pages with same URL like /UserProfile.php Here there is no simple way (if any) to cache such pages, but still reverse proxy can be of much help.

Usually server has times faster connection, than clients do (especially dialup or mobile phones users). And server serves times more connections at same time, than any of its client does.

Apache is flexible. MOD_PHP, MOD_PERL, MOD_ASP, FastCGI, Java, MS.Net, etc, etc, etc So, when some dialup user connects to forum, Apache forkes one more thread/process wich can take several decades of megabytes of VM to run with all those plugins (and 1 or 2 Mb even without single plugin). Then this instance generates the page and... and waits. Usual modern page with scripts, images, SWFs can easily take 300-500 Kb. That is about 10 second on dialup. While Apache already did hid deed - generated page - it cannot quit or jump into free threads pool - until slow user will download the whole page. To add that many users opens a number of connection at time to download HTML, CSS, Images, etc simulateously.... That quickly makes VM requirements huge for WWW server without reverse proxying holding an umbrella over them ;)


open reverse proxy can be used for providing remote access services (see goMyPlace). Such proxy can implement data hash based cache and allow SSL encryption. In the same time the proxy can naturally solve problem of NAT and firewall penetration and prevents exposing of the IP address of the HTTP servers behind the proxy.

[edit] This page contains what looks like advertising

From the article:

  1. Fastream IQRP is a scalable (10,000 concurrent users) and secure reverse proxy for Windows. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 01:53, 14 December 2006 (UTC).

I agree with you. If there's one thing I HATE seeing in wikipedia, it's advertising (see my edits...). A quick check with google on the name revealed a lot of (shareware) download sites, and no "community"-type websites in the few first web pages. I think best practice is to delete the link. I'll do so immediately Balou 20:30, 28 March 2007 (UTC)