StarCraft: Revelations

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StarCraft: Revelations is a short story which takes place in the StarCraft universe and is authorized by Blizzard Entertainment in Amazing Stories Magazine, issue 596.

This article is related to StarCraft and the StarCraft storyline.
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The story takes place before and during StarCraft Episode I.

Zerg as portrayed in StarCraft: Revelations.
Zerg as portrayed in StarCraft: Revelations.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Terran Confederacy Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Andre Madrid, surrounded by young cadets, watched the viewscreen in a reinforced shelter beneath the surface of Chau Sara.

A satellite tracked two huge Protoss ships descending from high orbit. Madrid wondered if the colonial fleet had effectively fought back.

The first ship fired twice - each time, enormous bolts of azure fire frained from the sky. Slamming into the ground, the bolts caused a tremor.

The fireball seemed to reach the sky and spread over a vast desert, consuming everything in its path. The vessels continued to rain destruction.


[edit] Mar Sara

Madrid and some of the others from his shelter had been rescued by a nearby Confederate medevac team, thanks to his personal emergency transceiver. He and the others were taken off the planet by a dropship, giving them a view of the burning horizon.

Three weeks later, Madrid was in action on Mar Sara.

When an alarm sounded, he sprinted to the barracks and got into his already-assembled powered armor suit and was geared up in less than a minute, then rushed into a paristeel bunker. His base was attacked by hostile creatures, which were negative for Protoss profile. They eventually destroyed Madrid's bunker.

Madrid ordered the bunker occupants to run to the command center. He exited the hatch, leaving the darkened bunker and entered the mid-morning sun. As he ran, he caught a brief glimpse of a flying ray-like creature, then heard a spurt. Something hit him on his back, causing a great deal of pain. He fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

[edit] The Medical Bay

Madrid awoke to find himself in the medical bay. He had been paralyzed by some kind of medication. The medic said he has been poisoned by the aliens.

He couldn't move, and the medic informed him that he had been poisoned and injected with a stimpak. The energy boost enabled Madrid to stand up, but he had to slump against a wall.

He couldn't seem to control his thoughts: Those things out there are coming to kill me. Where's my rifle? What happened to my squad. I need to kill them all. Kill! Kill who? The Protoss?

[edit] Confrontations

Aliens broke into the medical bay, killing the guards and the other marines. The aliens approached him, but did not attack.

An explosion rocked the room, causing the ground to shift. Two Protoss warriors entered the room. They quickly killed the Zerglings, but the Hydralisk was a match for them. One of the Zealots was killed, but so was the Hydralisk.

The surviving Protoss seemed to hold a funeral for the dead one. En Taro Adun, Khas Il'Adare felt Madrid, in his own head. However, Madrid could not understand it.

A large Protoss entered the room without a sound. It was also covered in battle armor, and its face resembled that of the other Protoss. The two Protoss argued with each other. Then the newcomer placed its warm hand on Madrid's forehead for a moment.

The warrior Protoss could now be understood by Madrid. It said that the world was lost, and the Protoss Executor should take his forces and leave.

The other Protoss, High Templar Tassadar, told the warrior Thuras that he would not abandon this world until they were forced to.

Thuras told Madrid that he had little patience for Terrans, but Tassadar reminded him that the Protoss were here to protect Terrans.

Thuras left, but Tassadar and Madrid still had something to discuss. Madrid accused Tassadar of killing four hundred thousand people on Chau Sara, and Tassadar admitted to this, saying the Protoss Conclave had ordered it in order to destroy the Zerg on the planet.

Tassadar said the Terrans knew little about the nature of things, and would probably not survive long enough to defeat the Zerg.

Madrid learned that the voices in his head were coming from the Zerg Overmind, which controlled all of its minions ... including Madrid.

Madrid said "I'm a man, not some mindless animal!" but Tassadar replied that the distinction would not last. The Zerg's hyperevolutionary virus had infested his nervous system and was rapidly mutating his body.

Madrid said he never saw any Zerg on Chau Sara. Tassadar said that the Swarm's advance hive spores had reached the planet, which the Terrans could not detect. The Protoss had to strike quickly.

Tassadar said he could not save Madrid from becoming an Infested Terran. He could, however, give him peace. Madrid accepted the offer, which involved Tassadar ending his life before the infestation was complete.

[edit] Canon and Errors

StarCraft: Revelations is frequently seen as canon, as it was authored by Chris Metzen, an employee of Blizzard Entertainment.

It closely follows the StarCraft storyline for the most part, but the details of the timing of the Protoss attack on Chau Sara does not match the information in the manual. According to the manual, the Zerg had already consumed life on the planet when the Protoss attacked, but according to StarCraft: Revelations the humans of Chau Sara were not aware of their danger when the Protoss arrived.

[edit] References

Metzen, Chris and Samuel Moore. "StarCraft: Revelations." Amazing Stories 596 (Spring 1999): 20-27.