Revival army
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The Revival Army is a radical and unconventional Christian movement. In many ways, it is similar to the early Salvation Army, especially in its' evangelistic thrust. The Revival Army consists of evangelical and pentecostal Christians who are active in praying for revival, seeking God through intense prayer meetings, preaching the Gospel in the streets with a strong and sometimes offensive message of repentance, and uniting together in unity and brotherly love to disciple one another in the Christian faith.
They are a strong advocate of calling the Church, as in the Body of Christ, to unite and return to its' first century, New Testament, apostolic foundations in close fellowship and evangelism. They believe that many man-made traditions have crept in to the Church and such traditions have exalted themselves over the commandments of God, resulting in the sick and lukewarm state of the current Church. As a whole, revivalists enforce the house church movement for many reasons of their own, and many meet in homes and in small groups. They stress close fellowship and unity among Christians. They believe that finances and tithes (though they stress tithing is an Old Testament practice and that all giving should be from the heart) should all go to benefit the furtherance of the Gospel, including the funding of full time ministers (especially itinerant preachers) and that minimum expenses should be paid on maintaining a building (if they have a building at all).
Many revivalists are bold and fiery preachers who call out specific sins and call the transgressor to repent and seek forgiveness. Because of this, they are often spoken evil of or even persecuted for their bold approach. They are many times accused of not being "loving enough", but their response is that true love will point out imminent danger, the danger being that the wages of sin is death and apart from repentance, will cause one to end up in Hell. They say that true love is to warn a sinner of the wrath that is to come on Judgment Day so they can repent and accept the grace that was purchased with Jesus' blood on the cross. They say that God's love is demonstrated by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and that now God commands everybody, everywhere to repent and turn away from sin. Repentance is the theme of revivalists, whether they are preaching in the churches or on the streets.
The Revival Army is a holiness Christian movement. Though Pentecostal in nature as demonstrated by their emphasis on spiritual gifts to fuel the thrust of spreading the Gospel, they stress the laying aside of minor doctrinal differences to unite in common faith in Jesus as the Savior to practice brotherly love and to reach out to the lost.
They believe they are an end time army that has been summoned by God to radically reach out to seek and save sinners. They believe in the fundamental Christian doctrines on the Fatherhood of God, the deity, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the Holy Spirit who indwells believers and empowers them to live a holy life, the Trinity, the Bible as being the inspired and authoritative word of God and rule book for living, among other basic fundamental Christian doctrines.