Revisions (Stargate SG-1)

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Stargate SG-1 episode
Episode no. Season 7
Episode 5
Guest stars Christopher Heyerdahl as Pallan
Peter LaCroix as Kendrick
Tiffany Knight as Evalla
Liam Ranger as Nevin
Gary Jones as Walter Harriman
Wendy Noel as Councilwoman
Written by Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by Martin Wood
Production no. 705
Original airdate July 11, 2003
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"Revisions" is an episode from Season 7 of the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Stargate Command makes contact with a planet with a toxic atmosphere, on which a strange dome exists. The MALP is able to enter the dome and inside they see a beautiful landscape yet the connection suddenly terminates. SG-1 goes to the planet wearing Hazmat suits and eventually enter the dome. There they find a breathable atmosphere and the intact MALP. Searching around, they find a young boy named Nevin, who brings them to a small city. In the city, they meet Nevin's father Kendrick, who sends them to their ruling council. There, SG-1 identifies themselves and tells them about the Stargate. At first, the council has no idea of what the Stargate is and, after a short pause where they seem to stare blankly into space, they suddenly spout facts about the gate to SG-1. They explain their sudden increase in information is from the Link, a neural interface to a large library of knowledge, which people on the planet can access through a small device on their left temple.

Later Col. O'Neill and Teal'c contact General Hammond and tell them that they will stay over night. In the evening, Jack and Teal'c eat dinner with Nevin, who becomes enthralled in the idea of becoming an explorer, and his father, while Major Carter and Dr. Jackson eat with Pallan, who is a technician who helps maintain the dome, and his wife Evalla. They discuss the premise and concept of the Link, even offering Daniel a chance at accessing the huge pool of knowledge. Sam thinks it unwise and politely declines, knowing the consequences of such an action. Strangely, during the night, unbeknownst to SG-1 or the townspeople, a woman from the ruling council awakens and goes through the barrier which forms the dome, essentially killing herself.

In the morning, Pallan shows Sam the control room for the Link while Evalla shows Daniel a room full of old books. While Sam looks at the control interfaces of the Link, the monitors suddenly flash some strange code and every person in the city suddenly stop for a few seconds, staring blankly into space as the council had, then continue on, as if nothing happened.

After SG-1 talks together, they offer the council the option of relocation but they refuse. When Daniel inquires about the woman who was on the council yesterday, they rebuke the idea of ever having a woman on the council. Afterwards, SG-1 does more research while Daniel talks with Evalla about their life. Sam interfaces with the Link through a laptop and suddenly becomes alarmed with several problems Pallan is unaware of. Yet, after Sam tries to convince of impending danger, Pallan will not believe his instruments lie.

Meanwhile, Kendrick asks Jack and Teal'c to take him and his son to another world. However, when the two go to attempt contact with SGC they discover the MALP is missing. Sam contacts them and tells them that the dome is losing integrity and the barrier could soon collapse.

Suddenly, the computer flashes more strange code and Evalla departs Daniel's presence. He follows her yet is unable to find her. SG-1 meets to discuss these strange happenings and what course of action they should take. Daniel wants to research more in the books while Jack and Teal'c journey to retrieve their Hazmat suits. They are on their way to Nevin's house when Nevin stops them and brings them to another abode, which he claims is their home. They get their suits when Kendrick appears and Jack inquires about Kendrick's desired relocation. Kendrick denies ever making the request, and Nevin has lost his passionate zeal to become an explorer. Kendrick also fears removing the device which connects them to the Link, for dread it would kill him to do so.

By this time, Sam again enters the control room and tries to talk some sense into Pallan but he is still skeptical. When she mentions his wife, Evalla, he has no recollection of ever being married. Daniel backs Sam's case when he shows Pallan a document entailing the fact that 100,000 people once lived inside the dome. Sam finally realizes that the power source fueling the dome is failing and in order to account for the ever decreasing power supply the computers are slowly shrinking the dome. The Dome can only sustain a finite population and so the computer has been slowly killing off the residents and erasing the other peoples memories of them via the link. Outside the confines of the dome, Jack and Teal'c discover human bones which Teal'c theorize were from corpses being eaten away at by the corrosive acids of the air.

In the control room, Sam forcefully removes Pallan's connection to the Link from his temple and they attempt to reprogram the Link when another update starts. The Link, now in full control of the citizens, brings them to surround Jack and Teal'c, who corner and offer them a connection to the Link. However, before Jack and Teal'c must shoot their way out, Pallan is able to remove the knowledge of SG-1 from the people's minds who suddenly react to them, in the kindest fashion, as total strangers.

In the following days and weeks, SGC assists the people on the planet with their relocation. Sam talks with Pallan, now distraught at knowing he had a wife which he cannot remember, asks Sam to tell him about her, perhaps the only cure to the Link.

[edit] Notes

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
  • Originally, the character of Nevin was called Aidan. This was changed because they had already a character called Aidan in Season 6's "Forsaken". The character of Evalla was originally called Evanna but it reminded writer Paul Mullie too much of Ivana Trump. Finally, the character of Pallan was originally called Parlan. The writers chose to change this because they didn't like the way it sounded.
  • Christopher Heyerdahl (Pallan) would later play the recurring character of Halling on Stargate Atlantis.
  • Peter LaCroix previously played the Ashrak in "In the Line of Duty".
  • The prop for the computer that controls the Link was reused in "Collateral Damage" as the computer that controlled the memory device.

[edit] External links