Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman

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Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman

He's icin' and slicin'
Directed by Michael Cooney
Produced by Robert E. Baruc,
Jeremy Paige,
Vicki Slotnick
Written by Michael Cooney
Starring Christopher Allport,
Eileen Seeley,
Chip Heller,
Marsha Clark
Music by Chris Anderson
Distributed by A-Pix Entertainment Inc.
Release date(s) 2000 (USA)
Running time 91 min.
Language English
Preceded by Jack Frost
All Movie Guide profile
IMDb profile

Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman is the 2000 sequel to the 1996 horror/comedy film Jack Frost. The film is far more silly and campy than its predecessor.


[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

At the end of the last film, the sheriff of the small town had destroyed Jack Frost by pushing him into the truck full of antifreeze, melting him. The sheriff then buried Jack (now contained as a liquid in containers in the ground).

Jack is linked to the sheriff now in a psychic way, because when the sheriff wrestled with him in the truck full of antifreeze chemical, his and Jack's DNA mixed - now Jack has the ability to sense the sheriff and where he is and what he's doing, therefore Jack is able to track the sheriff and his wife and friends down, where they are vacationing on a remote control island. When they first try to kill Jack with antifreeze he heals and throws up a snowball which turns out to be an egg. Inside the egg is a cute but evil snowball that has the same personality and weakness as Jack.

Jack goes on a killing spree, killing supermodels who are doing photo shoots on the island, as well as other tourists. Eventually, he and the sheriff go head-to-head until the sheriff discovers Jack's new weakness: bananas. He shoots a banana attached to an arrow into Jack's chest, killing him. Jack was allergic to bananas because the sheriff was, and the allergy transferred during the wrestling in the antifreeze.

[edit] Deaths by Jack Frost

1. Dave (Doug Jones): Stabbed with an icicle.

2. Ashlea (Shonda Farr): Crushed by a giant snow anvil.

3. Paisley (Granger Green): Accidentally steps on an Icicle, falls and is impaled by a bed of them

4. Rose (Jennifer Lyons): Stabbed in the eyes with tongs.

5. Sarah (Melanie Good): Head exploded.

6. Greg (Paul Kim): Stabbed with a fake lobster, hung with rope, and his left eye gouged out.

7. Cindy (Stephanie Chao): Trapped and drowned in the swimming pool.

8. Frozen Girl (Kerri V.Griffin): Frozen to death

9. Dean (Brian Gross): Tongue ripped off.

10. One armed man (Jack Dougherty): Right arm ripped off by a snowball.

11. Tourist(Various actor) (Uncredited):Killed from snowball in the mouth.

12. Tourist (Various actor) (Uncredited): Icicle thorough the head.

13. Tourist (Various actor/actress) (Uncredited): Killed off-screen.

14. Tourist (Various actor) (Uncredited): Icicle through the stomach

15. Tourist (Various actor) (Uncredited): Icicle through the heart.

16. Angey Man (Kurt Bryant): Punched through the wall, kicked out, and killed with lots of snowballs.

17. Bloody Girl (Vanessa Marshall): Icicle through the mouth.

18. Tourist (Various actress) (Uncredited): Snbowball to the neck.

19. Colonel (Ray Cooney): Icicle through the back of the mouth.

20. Bobby (Tai Bennett): Throat slashed.

[edit] Deaths by Killer Snowballs

1. Captain Fun (Sean Patrick Murphy): Icicle through Eye Socket.

2. Agent Manners (David Allen Brooks): Assulated with snowballs.

3. Scared girl (Theresa Pink): Assulated with snowballs.

4. Tourist (Various actor) (Uncredited): Assulated by a snowball.

5. Tourist (Various actor) (Uncredited): Assulated by a snowball.

6. Tourist (Various actress) (Uncredited): Assulated by a snowball.

7. Tourist (Various actress) (Uncredited): Assulated by a snowball.

8. Tourist (Various actress) (Uncredited): Assulated by a snowball.

9. Tourist (Various actress) (Uncredited): Assulated by a snowball.

[edit] Deaths by somebody else

1. Idiot (Brett A. Boydstun): Shot by an unknown scientist.

[edit] Deaths on accident

1. Janitor (Brett A. Boydstun) (Uncredited): Nailed in the mouth by a glass shard.

2. Charlie (Stefan C. Marchand): Drowned.

3. Joe (Chip Heller): Froze to death in the Freezer.

4. Marla (Marsha Clark): Froze to death in the Freezer.

[edit] Quotes

Jack: Smashing through the raft - Thank you for the nose - I'm off to the Islands.

Marla: Oh, come on, Sam, we don't even know if it is Jack Frost.
Sam: No, Marla, it's probably some other walking, talking snowman that everybody's talking about.

Sam: Jack was nimble. Jack was quick. Jack gouged eyes with candlesticks.

Captain Fun: Looks like we have us a party pooper duper.
Sam: Sorry?
Captain Fun Has the grump monster stolen your happy dust? This is a job for *trumpets sound* Captain Fun ...un ...un ...un!

Jack: Tonight's weather report: twenty percent chance of frostbite and a one hundred percent chance of DEATH!

Snowball: Mmmmm, toasty!

Anne: (On Walky Talky to Manners) Manners.
Manners: What?
Anne: If you find any more of those snowballs, don't go near them.
Manners: And that would be because?
Anne: They're vicious little killers.
Manners: Great. Let's make a list. Things that would be useful to know 5 minutes ago.

Jack: I now pronounce you, totally fucking dead!

Jack: Kaula tongue a Dude!

Sam: But that should kill you. The anti-freeze should kill you!
Jack Well let me explain to you the inherit dangers of unregalated genetic experitional.

Scientist:Are you sure this is the one?
Idiot:Oh well, you sure there's a reward?
Scientist:Yeah. There's a reward.
Idiot:Well then ,this is here's the one. This is where they buried that Anti-Freeze.

[edit] Goofs

In the movie, Bobby says that the Colonel had 18 bodies to explain. But if you count every body exept the killers, the survivors, Colonel, Bobby, Joe, Marla, and the people who weren't on the island, it's 27 bodies.

[edit] External links