Reunion (video game)

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Reunion (1994)
Developer(s) Amnesty Design
(now Digital Reality)
Publisher(s) Europe:
Grandslam Entertainment
United States:
Release date(s) 1994 (PC/Amiga Floppy disk)

1995 (PC CD-ROM)

Genre(s) Real-time strategy/Adventure
Mode(s) Single player
Platform(s) Amiga, PC (DOS)

The Greatest Voyage Of All Has Begun!

Reunion (also known as Merit's Galactic Reunion) is a space strategy game developed by Amnesty Design (now Digital Reality) in 1994.
Language versions: English, German, French and Italian.


[edit] Plot

In the not too distant future the people have found a new form of spacecraft propulsion that makes the space travel between solar systems much more easier for them. So the search for Earth type planets for colonization with new hopes have started. But with this development everything will change forever. It is your destiny to draw a new path for the human race.

Around a distant star lies the planet of your ancestors - Earth. Forced to flee from anarchy and chaos you are finally ready to return for the reunion. As President, all decisions are yours to make. You must not fail...

[edit] Requirements

Minimum configuration (Commodore Amiga version):

Amiga 500/2000 CPU Class
Kickstart 1.2
OCS/ECS version requires 1.5 MB RAM for hard drive installation (5MB free HDD)
AGA version requires hard drive installation due to the improved 256 colour graphics and better sound (12MB free HDD)
Supports machines with more than 1MB RAM for faster game
Supports 1 or more external disk drives

Minimum configuration (IBM PC version):

386DX-33 CPU
MS-DOS 5.0 or higher
512KB EMS memory with minimum 64 kilobyte buffer:
This in CONFIG.SYS file:


VGA video card
Gravis Ultrasound, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster 2.0, Adlib or compatible soundcard
On Gravis Ultrasound 512K of on-board RAM needed to hear the introduction speech
1X CD-ROM Drive (for CD-ROM version)

[edit] REUN_CD.TXT (from the CD)


This CD-ROM may contain several versions of the game in different 
languages. Therefore the loading instruction for each language version are 
given in this guide. This does not mean that the CD-ROM included in this 
package contains all the language versions of the game.

You are able to install this program two ways
1.      Play from the Hard Drive.
2.      Play from the CD-ROM.

Hard Drive Installation:

Hard Disks are faster than CD-ROM and therefore Reunion will operate 
faster when installed on a hard disk. This is noticeable in certain sections 
of Reunion which requires lots of  disk access. Example: The battle 
sequences. Increasing the amount of buffers used by your CD driver, or 
using a CD cache, can improve the speed at which your CD operates. 
Consult your CD- Rom documentation for more details on adding extra 
buffers. Installation requires 23 Megabytes of free disk space. If you do not 
have a double speed CD-ROM drive [ a transfer rate of 300Kb per second 
], Hard Drive installation is recommended.

To install the English version, type INSTALL E [hard disk]. Example:     
INSTALL E C:  [enter]
To install the German version, type INSTALL D [hard disk]. Example:    
INSTALL D C:  [enter]
To install the French version, type INSTALL F [hard disk]. Example:      
INSTALL F C:  [enter]
To install the English Italian version, type INSTALL I [hard disk]. Example:      
INSTALL I C:  [enter]

CD-ROM Installation:

There is no installation necessary to play off the CD-ROM. You will need 
to configure the sound setup before you begin game play..
Access your CD-ROM by placing the disk in your CD-ROM drive and log 
on to the drive. Example: D:[enter]

Sound Configuration:
To access the English Setup Screen, type:
SETUP E   [ Your hard drive] [enter]    Example SETUP E C:

Starting The Game
Log onto your CD-ROM by typing the drive letter followed by a colon. 
Example:  D: [enter]
Make sure that you have correctly configured your sound card, then type 
the following line.

START E [enter] to load the English version.


Installation Problems

Q.      I cannot install the game onto my hard disk.

A.      Do you have enough hard disk space? You need at least "22" 
Megabytes of free disk space for the game to be fully installed. If the game 
installs part-way then halts, this is the most likely problem. Run CHKDSK, 
a program that comes with MS-DOS. This will tell you how much space 
you have free on your hard drive. The figure must be greater than 
"22771706" bytes free.

Please note:    Merit does not advocate or support the use of hard disk 
compression utilities.

Other possible causes are corrupt disks, in which case telephone the Merit 
helpline for advice.

Memory Problems

Q.      I cannot free enough memory to run the game.

A.      Edit your Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files so they are the same 
as those in the "Memory Configuration" section of the manual. Remember, 
every extra program loaded by the Config.sys or Autoexec.bat files will use 
extra memory. If there is less than 586K (600,000 bytes) free, Reunion will 
not run.

If you are loading programs into the higher memory area (using the 
devicehigh or loadhigh command), you may need to configure more 
Expanded memory. This requires you to have more memory installed in 
your machine. See your MS-DOS manual for more information about 
expanded memory. 

If you do not want to re-configure your normal setup, make a system disk 
(see the "Managing Disks" section of your MS-DOS manual for details) 
and copy the Config.sys file and Autoexec.bat file onto this disk. Using the 
EDIT program supplied with MS-DOS, edit the files so they are the same 
as those in the "Memory Configuration" section of this manual. 
Alternatively, if you use MS-DOS 6, use the multiple configuration utility.

Sound Problems

Q.      There is no sound during the entire game.

A.      You have not configured your sound card correctly, Reunion is 
incompatible with your sound card or you do not own a sound card. 

Reunion only supports Soundblaster, Soundblaster Pro and Gravis 
Ultrasound sound cards. If you do not own one of these cards or a 
"compatible" card,  you will not hear any sound during the game (Reunion 
will not work with Roland cards, for example). Reunion does not support 
"PC Speaker" sound, therefore, you need a sound card to get any sort of 
sound out of the game. Please read your sound card manual to find the 
correct settings for your sound card or look for the SET BLASTER= line in 
your Autoexec.bat file. Make sure this line is included in your Autoexec.bat 
file. Your Soundblaster MUST be configured to DMA 1. Other values will 
not work.

Q.      I cannot here any digitized sound such as speech and effects 
during the game, only music.

A.      You have incorrectly configured the IRQ number in the SETUP 
program. For most Soundblaster cards the IRQ number is usually 7 or 5. If 
you have chosen 7, change to 5 and vice versa. If this does not work, 
consult your Soundblaster manual for more details or look at the SET 
BLASTER= line in your Autoexec.bat file.

Q.      I own a Gravis Ultrasound and the speech is garbled during the 

A.      You need 512K of on-board RAM to hear the introduction speech 
on a Gravis Ultrasound. See the "Sound Configuration" section of the 
manual for more details.

Q.      What ever I try, SETUP will not recognize my sound card.

A.      Reunion supports Soundblaster, Soundblaster Pro and Gravis 
Ultrasound sound cards. Some sound cards claim compatibility with 
Soundblaster and Reunion has been tested with several of these boards. 
However, Merit only claims compatibility or accurate sound reproduction 
on Soundblaster, Soundblaster Pro and Gravis Ultrasound cards. 

Some sound cards require certain configuration programs to be loaded to 
emulate Soundblaster. These require memory. You may have to configure 
more expanded memory and / or load these programs into the upper 
memory area for Reunion to work with these sound cards.

If you do not own a Soundblaster compatible card or a Gravis Ultrasound 
card, you will not be able to configure your sound card.
Q.      The introduction does not sound very good.

A.      The introduction utilizes very complex music and speech. If you 
have a Gravis Ultrasound with 512K on board, you will obtain the best 
sound reproduction. If you have a Soundblaster or Compatible card, 
reproduction quality is based mainly around the speed of your machine. 
The faster the machine, the better the sound quality should be. 
Soundblaster Pro should also produce a slightly clearer sound than a 
regular Soundblaster.

New Earth Governmental Information 

Internal Memorandum

To:  The President of the New Earth Colony
From:  The Colony Central Computer
Date: 7/15/2927
Subject:  Congratulations on your new appointment!

Constitutional law dictates that I am required to supply you 
with the information contained in this book.  As a respected 
states person you should (of course)  be aware of most of the 
facts presented.  In the event that your memory is a little rusty, 
this book will provide a sufficient refresher and/or point of 

Another feature of the compendium is a comprehensive guide to 
my higher functions, which are restricted from normal users.  It 
is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these 
functions before you officially take office in one months time.

I wish you every success with the Reunion initiative.

Yours most faithfully,

The Colony Central Computer System

Foundation of the New Earth Colony
Chronology of Important Events

Late 20th Century - Old Earth:
        The Collapse of Earth's Biosphere begins.  
Uncoordinated measures to slow down the collapse are 
implemented with negligible success.

        Earth's Biosphere is highly damaged.  Some areas of its 
surface are subject to dangerous levels of radiation.  United 
Nations members agree to devote all resources into saving the 
planet.  As a result, the populous is angered by the loss of self 
determination.  There are major acts of civil unrest in member 

        Renegade ministers, backed by several influential 
corporations, try to seize power in a coup.  Several Ministers 
are imprisoned.  The corporations are dissolved and all their 
facilities are commandeered by the UN.

Late 21st Century:
        Most Earth nations are now actively involved in the UN. 

        Helped by the release of an artificially produced "ozone 
replacement" the holes in the ozone layer begin to get smaller.

2109 - 2502:
        The Earth enjoys a period of prosperity and peace.  All 
weapons are abolished, humanitarian and ecological problems 
are gradually eliminated.  Any nation showing aggressive 
tendencies is dealt with swiftly by UN. Military forces.  
        Eventually the Earth is a conflict free zone.  In this 
enlightened atmosphere of unity scientific progress accelerates.
        Over 50 years of dedicated research comes to fruition 
when the UN. nuclear research laboratories successfully 
combine elements of Einstein's Unified Field Theory with anti-
matter physics, creating a new form of spacecraft propulsion.  
        The new form of power can literally "warp" the fabric of 
space and therefore bring points within it closer together.  This 
makes travel between Solar Systems in a relatively short time 
period a distinct reality.

        After a six month voyage, the probe "Hermes" reaches 
the star Proxima Centauri, becoming the first man made object 
to reach another star system.  The relative speed obtained is 
nearly eight times the speed of light.
        Two fully equipped research ships leave Earth.  Their 
brief is to find other Earth type planets suitable for colonization.
Each ship is sent to a different initial destination and carries a 
crew of 1500 people.

        After 14 years of exploration a mayday call reached 
Earth from "Explorer 1".  The last recorded transmission 
received was as follows:  "Something approaching at incredible 
speed...It's huge, spherical, glowing...My God, it..."

        There is still no farther understanding of this message 
and the crew of Explorer 1 are listed as "Missing, presumed 

        Explorer 2 completed her mission successfully, returning 
to Earth after locating several habitable planets in a distant but 
reachable section of the galaxy.

        Explorer 2 is refitted in space dock and made ready to 
travel back to the new planets.

        A strange uprising begins on Earth.  People are 
becoming hostile and overthrowing the establishment.  A 
bloody conflict ensues in which the growing number of rebels 
are victorious.  The last order of the old regime was the 
emergency departure clearance for Explorer 2.

        Explorer 2 leaves the Sol system behind and heads for 
the new planets.  The new launch window causes the ship to 
pass through an uncharted asteroid field on its voyage.  There is 
damage to the warp field generators.

        Explorer 2 arrives at the new solar system.  The stress 
of deceleration causes the warp generators to explode.  The 
crew escape using safety pods.  Most do not make it to the 
New Earth.

        New Earth Colony is formed and the struggle for 
survival begins.

Present Day Situation.  Star Date 2927:

        New Earth is now a thriving community, self sufficient, 
stable, and free from conflict and disease.  The Colony's day to 
day survival is no longer an issue for concern, and our eyes are 
once again turning outward to the stars.  Many unanswered 
questions exist concerning the galaxy:  Is there life on other 
worlds?  Can we colonize other planets in our star system?  
What is the current state of affairs on the Old Earth?  What has 
happened since we left there, or more importantly perhaps, 
what prompted the bizarre uprising which forced us to depart?

        It has been decided that the prime directive of the new 
administration will be to accomplish a reunion between the Old 
Earth and the New.  We have bided our time and consolidated 
our position.  Now we feel that the time is ripe to start an 
ambitious venture.  This is the test that we feel inexorably 
drawn to, the unavoidable fate of our people.  It is our destiny...

The Amnesty Star System

        Astronomy was a forgotten subject for many years as 
the earliest colonists fought to survive on New Earth.  
However, the recent completion of an observatory means that 
the bodies of the solar system, deemed the Amnesty system by 
New Earth astronomers, are finally beginning to be catalogued.  
The Amnesty system consists of three known planets, although 
gravitational influences on the outermost planet indicate the 
presence of at least one other major body in the system.  More 
advances in astronomy, such as detailed surface observations of 
planets and moons, are expected to occur as a result of the 
Reunion project.

Known Planets


        Amnesty is the star at the core of this system.  Amnesty 
is very similar to the star Sol and is therefore unremarkable in 
itself, although the presence of life on the planets in the system 
would warrant Amnesty a mention in any encyclopedia.


        This world was discovered by the eminent scientist 
Klatoo using a self-made telescope.  Klatoo is twice as large as 
New Earth and is thought to have a very rocky surface.  A very 
high surface temperature is almost a certainty due to the close 
proximity of Amnesty.  It is not known whether Klatoo has any 
natural satellites.

New Earth

        This is the home of the first Terran colonists to leave the 
Sol system.  New earth looks remarkably similar to the old 
Earth, although the planet's diameter is less than half that of the 
old Earth.  The climate of New Earth is extremely pleasant, 
having a mean temperature slightly higher than that of Old 
Earth.  An abundance of useful ores can be found beneath the 
surface of the planet, a fact that was essential to the survival of 
the colonists.

New Earth has only one natural satellite which is approximately 
one third the size of its mother planet.  This moon is named 
"Apollo" in honor of the spacecraft that first took men to the 
moon of old Earth.  Unlike the Terran moon, Apollo has an 
atmosphere and initial scans indicate the presence of minerals 
beneath the surface.  It is thought that Apollo would make an 
excellent choice for the first off-world colony.


        This giant planet is approximately five times the size of 
New Earth.  Because of difficult observation conditions and 
distance, little is known about this planet.  It is theorized that 
the planet is mainly water, which would account for the blue 
color of the surface, but we will not know for certain until the 
planet is visited.  It is not known if Zeus has any natural 

The Government of New Earth

        New Earth is governed by a democracy.  The adult 
population of the colony elects a leader, and this leader is then 
free to govern by decree.  The elected leader (or President, as 
he or she is referred to), is restricted by the colony constitution 
which enables the President to be removed by a vote of no-
confidence.  This is very rare and strong reasons must be given 
before the referendum is held.  The constitution states (in 
simplified terms) that the President must:

        A.  Supply comfortable living conditions for the people.
        B.  Protect the people from invasion.
        C.  Refrain form using oppressive force and taxation 
against the people.

In order to meet the conditions provided for by the constitution, 
the President must hire advisors to fulfill certain roles within the 
government.  These advisors, or Commanders, will aid the 
President through the development of new technologies, 
interplanetary exploration and defense, and the building of 
public facilities for the colonists.  In addition, the President has 
been supplied with the Colony Central Computer System to 
administrate all aspects of the departments headed by these 

The Colony Central Computer System

Control Protocol

        Information is accessed from the computer using an 
intuitive point and click interface.  A pointer is visible on the 
screen which can be moved around using a mouse.  When the 
pointer moves across an interactive part of the screen, 
"clicking" the left mouse button (and occasionally the right 
mouse button) will access that function.  To begin your quest, 
select New Game and choose the gender of your hero.

Main Screen

        This is your control room.  All the important computer 
functions can be accessed from here.  For convenience, the 
most important functions are displayed as two rows of icons , 
or menu bars, at the top of the screen.  You may scroll back and 
forth between the two rows by clicking on the red arrow at the 
right end of each row.  Alternatively, the functions may be 
accessed by clicking on various areas (doors, windows, etc.) of 
the control room.  Once you have entered another screen it is 
always possible to return by clicking on the Back to Main 
Screen icon on the far left hand side of the menu bar.

        Just below the icons is a bar divided into three sections.  
The left box describes the function of the icon or area of the 
screen the pointer is currently pointing at.  The middle box 
displays the number of "credits" from taxation you have 
available to spend. The right box displays the current time as 
Year/Month/Day/Hour and is modeled after the Old Earth 
calendar.  By left clicking on the time box you may speed up the 
rate that time progresses.  Clicking the right mouse button on 
this box increases the speed even further.

Icons - Getting Started

        When you click on an icon (or section of the main 
screen), a new screen and menu bar appears which is relevant to 
that particular function.  Each of the main screen icons and their 
subsequent menus are presented here in a logical order to help 
you get started quickly.  When you have finished reviewing the 
information presented here, you will be well on your way to 
completing the Reunion initiative.

        Your first task in maintaining a successful campaign is 
to hire a group of commanders.  From the main screen, scroll 
down until you see the icon shown above and left click on it.  
You will now be presented with a new menu bar as shown

Each of these new menu selections corresponds to a pool of 
commanders in the areas of space flight, combat, building 
construction, and product development.  By clicking on one of 
these new icons you will be presented with three possible 
selections for each area.  Each of the advisors carries a price 
commensurate with his or her abilities, so you would be wise to 
make inexpensive selections until you have accumulated more 
credits.  To hire a commander click on the  Hire icon at the far 
right of the menu bar.

Responsible for all the space pilots and for coordinating their 

Bruce Jordan:  Bruce has just graduated from the Military 
Academy where he scored impressive results in the combat 
simulation tests.  A young man with excellent potential.  Bruce 
would be a superb choice as Advisor if he did not lack "real 
battle" experience.  For those on a low budget, his inexperience 
might be a risk worth taking.

Jack Benson:  A hardened veteran of many simulation 
campaigns, Jack has demonstrated an outstanding ability as both 
a pilot and strategist.  Jack continues the proud family tradition 
of producing excellent pilots.  His grandfather Bryan once 
defeated a whole armada of grade 10 simu-fighters single 

Julie Anne Roxford:  An immensely talented pilot, Julie Anne 
was recruited into the military after recording a perfect score in 
college aptitude tests.  Julie Anne has a unique flair for 
obtaining the most out of her machinery and manpower, and is 
widely regarded as a strategic genius.  Unfortunately, like most 
geniuses, she is occasionally erratic.

Responsible for the construction and maintenance of Colony 

Arwen Nielson:  Arwen left the Technical Academy three years 
ago after achieving exemplary results in her examinations.  
Since then she has been working in the field for the surveying 
department.  Her wide sphere of the knowledge would be a 
valuable asset.  Unfortunately, Arwen has little experience of 
high pressure situations.  

Elanor Brady:  An experienced government administrator, 
Elanor has been responsible for the extensive power station 
modification program.  Methodical and reliable, Elanor is 
known as a person to get the job done.  Occasionally she is 
accused of unnecessary procrastination when a project has to be 
completed quickly.  

William Forbs:  Forbs is a legend in the construction industry.  
Starting off as a simple workman, William has steadily worked 
his way to being the most highly respected construction 
manager on New Earth.  There is a saying, "If Forbs can't build 
it , it can't be built!".  Unfortunately, this expertise has a very 
high price.

Responsible for the direction of battles

Michael James:  Mike is a relatively inexperienced fighter, a 
fact that can be discerned by the lack of noticeable bionic 
implants.  A champion gladiator at the New Earth games, Mike 
is also an excellent spaceball captain.  Virtual battle simulations 
show that Mike has an excellent aptitude for the job.

Kyle Douglas:  Kyle was heavily scarred during a battle 
exercise in the Great Desert and now has to wear a face mask 
with image enhancing equipment over his left eye.  Kyle is an 
extremely brave fighter and a superb tactician who has a wealth 
of combat experience.  For such a qualified person, his demands 
are relatively low.

MACH:  MACH is a cyborg, half man - half machine.  An ex-
Army general, MACH was killed during a terrorist attack on his 
patrol but was restored to life using advanced bionic techniques.  
His already extensive knowledge is now supplemented by a 
positronic brain as powerful as a super computer.  He is a 
formidable opponent.

Responsible for the development of prototype machinery.

Sapphire Fox:  Sapphire is the youngest person ever to receive 
the New Earth Innovation Award, given for advancements in 
brain wave analysis.  A good example of this is the prototype  
"thought recorder" Sapphire wears on her head.  Sapphire is 
regarded as a developer of immense potential and great things 
are expected of her.

Thomas Dempsey:  Thomas holds patents for more new 
inventions than any other person on New Earth.  Seemingly 
tireless, Thomas has been known to work without sleep for 
days on end until a problem is solved.  Because of his great age, 
Thomas is not quite so productive as he used to be.  His 
experience, however, is unequaled.

Klaatoo:  Klatoo is a true scholar.  As well as possessing 
excellent design skills, Klaatoo is an accomplished violinist, 
astronomer, philosopher, and historian (he specializes in Old 
Earth science fiction).  Superficially apathetic in nature, his 
mind is engaged in deep thought almost constantly.  
Unfortunately, his fee is high.  

Consulting your Commandeers

        Once you have selected your commanders, click on the 
Back to Main Screen icon to return to the main screen.  Your 
commanders now appear around the conference table before 
you.  It is possible to engage in conversation with each of your 
advisors by clicking on them.  Once the conversation has started 
you may ask them one of the questions displayed by clicking on 
the text.  Additionally, you may order your advisor to attend the 
university and develop new skills for a price.  If your advisor 
cannot become more skilled he or she will let you know, and 
you will then have to hire another in order to continue with 
more complex tasks in each discipline.

        Once you have provided the leadership necessary to 
continue with your objective, you should take a look around at 
the surface of New Earth and familiarize yourself with its 
features.  After clicking on the Planet Main icon from the main 
screen, a new menu bar will appear at the top of the screen with 
relevant icons.  

Notice that the menu bar contains some new selections as well 
as some others from the main screen.  Click on the "Planet 
Information" icon.

        By clicking on this icon you will be shown a screen with 
information concerning the name of the planet or moon, 
population, tax rates, terrain types, temperature, and ore 

  If the planet is inhabited by an alien race, clicking on the 
portrait displayed will give more detailed information 
concerning that race.  Clicking on the picture of the planet on 
this screen will take you to the ship information screen, and 
clicking on the picture of the surface will enlarge it.  The Planet 
Information screen has another set of icons used for controlling 
the tax rate.  To return to the surface of the planet, click once 
again on the Planet Surface icon.

Building and Demolishing New Structures

        New Earth has a number structures used for housing the 
population, providing recreation and health care, and extracting 
ores from beneath the surface.  Click on one of the buildings 
and you will be given a description of its purpose.  To move 
around the surface, click and hold the left mouse button while in 
the radar screen at the bottom left of the screen and move the 
mouse, or click and hold the left mouse button when the cursor 
is at the edges of the surface screen.  To build a new structure, 
first find a vacant piece of land.  Then, scroll through the 
available selections at the top left of the screen and click on 
"Build".  Move the structure into the desired area and left click 
once again to place it.  To demolish a structure, scroll through 
the list to find the building you wish to destroy, click on 
"Demolish" and then click on the building itself.

Note:    If a building is flashing red, then you do not have 
enough power to run the entire colony.  You must build more 
power plants to increase the "Percent Working" to an 
acceptable level.

Mining Ores on the Planet Surface

        An important key to the survival of your colony is the 
mining of ores from beneath the surface of the planet.  There 
are two means of extracting the raw materials you will need to 
build structures and develop new products for your population:  
building derricks, and digging mines.  Derricks produce the 
liquid ore "detoxin" and mines produce all others.  Scroll 
through the available building selections at the left of  the Planet 
Surface screen until you find the mine.  Now, find one of these 
mines on the surface of the planet and click on it.

This screen gives detailed information concerning all the mines 
and derricks on the surface of the planet The total quantity of 
each ore that is in storage and the total being produced in each 
time period is shown at the top.  The total number of mines on 
the planet is shown in the middle section, and the number of 
these mines that are active is shown on the bottom left.  The 
"stock" number represents the number of miner droids (shown 
in the picture at the right) that are available to add to each 
inactive mine.  If you have miner droids in stock, clicking on the 
"Add Droid" icon will make a mine active. You only need one 
droid to operate a mine and derricks require no droids at all.

Note:  You may only have 9 active mines on a planet or moon 
at a time.  

        Now build a few mines and derricks on the surface of 
the planet.  Find an empty piece of terrain and click on "Build" 
while the picture of the mine is in the screen at the left.  Move 
the mine into position on the surface and left click to place it.  
Now scroll down to find the picture of the derrick and repeat 
the process.  The next time you click on a mine, notice that the 
total number of mines has increased, but that these new mines 
are inactive.  The next step is to produce some miner droids to 
add to the mines.

        From the main screen click on the Research-Design icon 
at the top left.  This  will access the Research screen where 
prototype machinery is developed.

Researching New Products

At the bottom of the screen is the name of your development 
advisor and the level of knowledge that he or she has in the 
areas of Math, Physics, Electronics, and Artificial Intelligence.  
On the right side of the screen data is displayed concerning the 
item being researched and the requirements placed upon your 
developer to complete the invention.

The left side of the screen contains a bank of 35 slots for optical 
disks containing data on new inventions.  If the slot is closed 
you cannot begin development on that particular item.  An 
empty slot indicates that the item is ready for analysis but not 
production.  The presence of a disk indicates that the item is 
fully researched and ready for production.  To begin research 
on an item, simply click on the empty slot.

        Move the mouse pointer over the empty slot reserved 
for the miner droid and click once to begin development.  The 
drawer will slide shut and a series of LEDs will begin to flash 
indicating that the project has begun.  The monitor at the right 
will indicate progress by counting down until development is 
complete.  At this time you can begin to produce the item that 
has been researched.  You should also research the satellite 
before continuing.  Satellites are necessary to explore the 
surface of other planets.

Note:   If research is halted at any time your developer does not 
possess the skills to   complete the item.  You must either send 
the developer to the university or select       someone with 
higher skills.

        By clicking on the Info - Buy icon you will access a 
screen which will allow you to purchase items that have been 
researched.  Once again, a new menu bar will appear at the top 
of the screen with relevant icons.

Selecting and buying Items

You can scroll through available items by clicking on the up or 
down arrow on the right side of the menu bar.  Alternatively, 
you may select an item by clicking on the rotating figure at the 
left side of the screen and using the list revealed.  Clicking on 
the picture at the right side of the screen will give you a detailed 
description of the item and the amount of ore required to 
produce it.  At the bottom of the screen several messages may 
be displayed:

Bought Items:  This displays the number of items bought, but 
not yet completed.  You may decrease the number by clicking 
on the minus icon.

Stores:  Shows you the number of items produced and waiting 
in the storage houses.

Time to Go:  The time remaining until all bought items are 

Total Price:  The total price of the ordered items.

This Item Cannot Be Produced:  This message is displayed if 
the object is built, rather than produced.  The cost is paid when 
orders are given to develop the item.

Once you have made a selection, click on the "Buy" icon to 
make a purchase.  A new menu bar will appear.

Add/Minus Ten:  Add or Subtract ten items from the number 
of items ordered.

Add/Minus One:  Add or subtract one item from the number 
of items purchased.

OK:  Buy the goods Selected. (Production will now start).

Cancel:  Exit from this screen.

If you do not have enough credits or ores t pay for and 
manufacture an item, the missing quantity will flash red.  This 
means that you will not be able to increase the quantity of items 
ordered until you have either more credits or more ores.

        Go back to the Production screen and select "Miner 
Droid" from the list of available items.  Click on "Buy" and then 
purchase a few droids to work in your newly built mines.  Now 
purchase some satellites for interplanetary exploration.  When 
production is complete return to the main screen and then click 
on the "Planet Surface" icon.  Find a mine on the surface, click 
on it, and then click on the "Add Droid " icon until the number 
of active mines has increased proportionately.  You have now 
increased production on your own planet, and are ready to start 
exploring some of the others.

        From the main screen, click on the Galactic Map icon to 
get a view of all known planets in the current solar system.

Exploring and Colonizing New Worlds

A list of the known star systems is displayed on the right of the 
screen.  It is expected that many star systems will be discovered 
in the search for Old Earth.  Move the mouse pointer over a 
planet and its name will appear in the box at the top left.  To 
take a closer look at a planet, click on it with the left mouse 
button.  This shows the planet and its system of moons (if 
discovered).  To return to the view of the complete star system, 
click on the "Zoom Out" icon (magnifying glass).   To view the 
surface of the planet or any moons, click on them with the left 
mouse button.  If you have a satellite deployed over the planet 
then you will see the surface.  Otherwise, only a black screen 
will appear.   When observing the surface of the planet a 
number of new icons may appear at the top of the screen:

        This is only displayed if you have satellites in stock.  If 
you launch a satellite it will go into orbit around the planet or 
moon and continuously transmit information regarding the 
planet.  This information is displayed on the Planet Information 
screen.  Satellites also enable you to view the surface of the 
planet.  You may only have one satellite orbiting a planet or 

        Miner stations are automated facilities used for 
extracting useful ores from a planet or moon.  If a planet is 
suitable for mining but cannot be colonized, constructing a 
miner station will let you extract the ores without the need for 
human presence.  As soon as the miner station is deployed, 
extraction will start.

        This icon appears only if a planet or moon is capable of 
sustaining human life.  This information is displayed on the 
Planet Information screen if a satellite is in orbit around the 
planet or moon.  When this icon is selected a screen is displayed 
showing the installations you may construct.

The Colony Control Center costs 100,000 credits.  Any extra 
buildings will increase the costs.  Once you have selected the 
buildings to be constructed you will have to wait a while before 
the installations are finished.  Some installations cannot be 
constructed on certain types of terrain.  

        This satellite is similar to the normal satellite except that 
it is manufactured using advanced "stealth" technology.  This 
renders the satellite nearly invisible to radar tracking stations.  
This will come in very useful when information is required on 
"occupied" planets or moons.

        This icon is only displayed if there are alien installations 
on the planet and a spy satellite is orbiting the planet.  Spy ships 
are manufactured using the same technology as spy satellites 
and are therefore nearly impossible to track.  The spy ship 
actually enters the target planets atmosphere and provides a 
more detailed report on enemy forces.  This information can be 
accessed by clicking on the enemy portrait in the Planet 
Information screen.

        This satellite captures solar energy and transfers it to the 
planet or moon below.  A maximum of five can be placed in 
orbit around a single planet or moon.  Solar satellite can only be 
constructed where there is a colony and the satellite itself must 
be transferred to the intended planet or moon from the place of 

        After clicking on the Galactic Map icon from the main 
screen, position the cursor over New Earth and left click.  A 
picture of New Earth and its orbiting moon Apollo will be 
revealed.  Now position the cursor over Apollo and click.  A 
dark screen will appear indicating the absence of a satellite.  Put 
a satellite around the moon Apollo by clicking on the "Deploy 
Satellite" icon at the top of the screen.  You should now see the 
surface of Apollo, and information concerning the surface will 
soon be relayed to New Earth.

        At the main screen click on the "Messages" icon to get 
into the message screen. 

This screen lets you review messages and other relevant 
information that you have received during the game.  As data is 
often received at a very high rate, this is a surprisingly useful 

        Shortly after deploying your first satellite, a message 
will arrive indicating that ores are present on the surface of 
Apollo.  However, messages will indicate that you don't have 
any way of mining on the moon!  Fortunately, your developer 
will invent the miner station and the trade ship to aid you in 
shipping raw materials back home.  Once you have fully 
developed these items in the Research area, it is time to begin 
building your fleet.  Go to the production area and buy a trade 
ship and a miner station.

        Click on the Ship Info icon in the main screen to 
monitor the movement of your spacecraft.

On the right hand side of the screen, information regarding the 
composition of the spacecraft squadrons is displayed.  If you 
click on a squadron with the left mouse button it becomes the 
active squadron, denoted by a red light.  Right clicking on a 
squadron will bring you to the "Group" screen, and clicking on 
"Change" at the bottom of the screen will access planet 
defenses.  Different types of squadrons or "groups" are denoted 
by different colors.

        Red:  Military Squadron
        Green:  Pirate Forces
        Blue:  Trade Squadron
        Gray:  Satellite Carriers
        Brown:  Planet Defense Forces

  Clicking on Ship Info creates a new menu bar at the top of the 

        This icon forms a new group of ships that you can name 
whatever you like.  Below the name box is a description of the 
type of group you are creating.  The group type can be changed 
by clicking in the box.  The four possible groups are:

Satellite Carriers:  Only carry satellites.

Trade Groups:  Useful for carrying items between planets and 
moons.  Since production facilities are concentrated on New 
Earth, it is advisable to carry ores mined off-world back to New 
Earth for production.

Army Groups:  These units are divided into two parts:  The 
space fleet, which is responsible for combat in space, and 
ground forces which will attack enemy ground installations.  
You may switch between the two sections by clicking on the 
large red arrows on the group screen.

Planet Forces:  These are the same as Army Groups except 
that they stay within the confines of their planet's atmosphere.  
Planet forces only exist where there is a colony.

Note:  Whenever a new type of ship is invented it is a good idea 
to create a new unit for that ship type immediately.

When you have named the group and chosen its type, click on 
the OK icon to create it or the Abort icon to cancel it.

        This icon enables the contents of the group to be 
modified.  For example, ships may be added or removed, 
weapons may be fitted to the ship, etc.  A new screen will be 
displayed as shown.

 A group can have four types of ships and each ship can have up 
to four types of weapon.  You can only put the appropriate 
ships into a group.  For example, a trade ship cannot be put into 
an army group.  Clicking on the number of ships with the left 
mouse button will increase the number of ships in the platoon.  
You can use the right mouse button to decrease the number of 
ships.  Weapons can be added using the same technique.  
Clicking on a group name allows the name to be modified.  
Clicking on the arrow scrolls through the different groups.  

        Clicking on the "Control Panel" icon will access the 
cockpit of the selected group's lead ship.

The "dashboard" of the cockpit is split into several sections.  
Clicking on the window while landed on a planet will access the 
Surface screen.  The launch lever launches lands the ship.  If the 
ship is a trade ship, clicking on the left hand monitor will access 
the cargo screen.  From here you can transfer goods between 
planets that have a colony or miner station.  Clicking on the 
joystick allows you to select a destination for your ships.  Right 
clicking on a planet will select that planet as your destination, 
and left clicking on a planet will allow you to zoom in and select 
one of that planet's moons.  The dials at the right side of the 
cockpit accesses the Ship Info screen, and clicking the keypad 
will access the Group screen.          

        This icon appears if you have a ship capable of 
transferring cargo.  From the transfer screen you may transfer 
cargo to the hold of your ships from the stores of your colonies.

This enables you to move items to the places they are most 
needed.  Clicking on the arrows with the left mouse button will 
transfer one item of the selected cargo to your ship or colony, 
while using the right mouse button will transfer as much cargo 
as possible.

        Once you have bought a trade ship and miner station, 
create a new trade group by clicking on the Ship Info icon and 
the New Group icon.  Add the trade ship and miner station to 
the group and then click on the Control Panel.  Send the new 
ship into orbit by clicking on the launch lever, and then click on 
the joystick.  Select the moon Apollo as your destination by 
clicking on it.  The ship should now be en route to Apollo.  
Once it has arrived, click on the Add Miner Station icon.  
Construction of a miner station will now begin on the moon.     

Once you have familiarized yourself with all of the icons 
discussed thus far, you have successfully completed the first 
step in building a lucrative network of colonies.  Here are some 
other important icons found in the main screen: 

        Click on the "Space Local" icon to talk to the local 
barflies and alien races which may pass through the Amnesty 

A lot of people pass through this bar and useful information can 
be obtained from talking to them.  To talk to someone, click on 
their face.  The conversation will progress according to your 
questions and responses.

        This icon will give you access to useful information 
concerning the galaxy.  

        This icon will give you a list of the planets on which you 
currently have a miner station  or colony.

        Clicking on this icon will give you a list of all planets 
which have been found to be livable or mineable.

        This icon will give you information on all known alien 
planets, enemy or friendly.

Engaging the Enemy

        As a result of further exploration it is highly likely that 
you will encounter hostile alien races.  As soon as the 
technology for warfare is developed you should create an army 
group in the Ship Info area by clicking on the "New Unit" icon.  

Note:   Army groups are necessary to attack other planets.  You 
cannot attack alien fleets or colonies using your defensive planet 
forces.  However, army groups can be used to defend a planet if 
they are in orbit around or on the surface of a planet.

You may add warships and weapons to the army unit as soon as 
they are completed in the Production area.  You may also add 
warships to your planetary defenses, but they cannot leave the 
atmosphere of New Earth without adding them to the army 
group.  To fortify the planetary defenses of other colonies you 
must send an army unit to that colony and transfer the ships on 
the surface of the planet.

        To attack another colony or fleet  you must send an 
army group into orbit around the planet where enemy units are 
found.  Once the army group has arrived there are two modes 
of engaging in battle.

        When an enemy fleet is present around a planet where 
you have deployed your forces, clicking on the enemy fleet's 
symbol at the right of the Starmap screen will activate the 
Attack icon.  At this point you may click on the Attack icon and 
begin a space battle.  

Battles are won depending on the relative strength of your fleet, 
the ability of your fighter commander, and a number of other 
variables.  At the end of the battle a list of stats will display the 

        To start a ground war, send your army fleet to the 
enemy planet and then click on the symbol representing your 
fleet at the right of the Starmap screen.  This will activate the 
Ground Battle icon.  When you click on the Ground War icon a 
space battle will ensue as you fight your way to the surface of 
the enemy planet.  If you win the space battle, the next step is to 
wipe out enemy ground forces.  A new screen will appear.

You may rearrange your ground forces by building new units 
with the icons at the top of the screen, or by clicking on each 
individual box to add or remove items.  Use the left button to 
add units and the right button to remove them.  When you are 
done click on the "OK" icon to get a view of the battle zone.

You can attack an enemy by clicking on your vehicle, clicking 
on ATTACK, then clicking on the enemy unit you wish to 

Saving and Loading Games

        Clicking on this icon will allow you to save and load 
your games as well as control the music and sound effects.

On the left hand side of the screen are the names of saved 
games.   Click on one so it is highlighted, then click on Load or 
Save, depending on what you want to do.  In the bottom right 
hand corner you may select sound effects or music.  The I and 
II buttons change the music, the square button stops the music, 
and the E button turns on/off the sound effects.  Clicking on the 
Exit to DOS icon will quit the game.

Note:  While in the Disk Operation Screen the game is paused.

Customer Service
If you are experiencing difficulties with Reunion and you are a 
registered user, you may call our technical support department 
for assistance at (214) 385-2957. A technician will be available 
to help between the hours of 10:00am and 5:00pm Central 
Time, Monday through Friday.
We welcome your questions, comments, or other feedback 
regarding Reunion or any or our other products. You may write 
to us at:

Merit Software 
13707 Gamma Road
Dallas, Texas  75244

On-Line Support Via CompuServe
For on-line support of Reunion via CompuServe, call 800-848-
8199 and ask for Representative 321 to get your FREE 
introductory membership and $15 usage credit. If you are 
already a member of CompuServe, type the command GO 
GAMAPUB at any ! prompt to get Merit Software's support 
section, or contact our technical support department at 

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3. BACK-UP AND TRANSFER You may make one (1) copy of the program solely for
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4. TERMS: This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by
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5. PROGRAM DISCLAIMERS: The programs are provided "AS IS" without Warranty of
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6. MEDIA LIMITED WARRANTY: MERIT STUDIOS warrants to the original licensee
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replace or repair your purchase for $5.

The above warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other conditions and
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7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: MERIT Studios' liability is limited solely to the
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Some states do not allow an exclusion of implied warranty or limitation of
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This license agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States of
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If this product is being acquired for or on behalf of the United States of
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Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 of the
DOD FAR and the Rights in Data-General clause at 52.227-14 of the FAR.

Unless otherwise indicated, the manufacturer/integrator is Merit Studios,
13707 Gamma Road, Dallas, TX  75244.

9. The program License Agreement shall inure to the benefit of Merit Studios,
its parent, and all affiliated companies thereof.

Merit Studios and the Merit logos are trademarks of Merit Software, Inc.

[edit] Credits

PC version programmed by:
István Kiss

Amiga version programmed by:
János Kistamás
Krisztián Jámbor

Artwork by:
Tamás Fodor

Graphics Designed by:
Károly Rózsa
József Kovács
Balázs Kalázdi

Music by:
Tamás Kreiner

Production Designer:
Csaba Gyarmati
Gábor Fehér

Project Manager:
Steven Sargent
Gábor Fehér

Special Thanks to:
Judit Kepecs
Tibor Csatlós
Gábor Szikszai
Zoltán Boros
Krisztián Környei
Zoltán Végh
Attila Lendvai
Zoltán Molnár
Róbert Illés

[edit] Other Games from the Developers

[edit] External links