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Donovan McNealy 10/2/06 Mrs. Bowker/ Mr. Lovelace Trophy Buck Essay Draft #1 Grade 10

In November of 2004 my dad and I went hunting, we had permission from a friend of ours to hunt on his land. So we got up at around four o’clock and started out there, the field that we were hunting was in Brainerd. We got there at five thirty am and went to sleep in the truck; the truck was our hunting blind. Then my dad woke me up and it was seven o’clock, he said that the sun was about to come up. So we sat there and waited. All of a sudden I saw three does off to the right I said, “ Dad look”. So I rolled down my window to get ready, but I couldn’t get a good position so I got out of the truck. As I slowly made it to the bumper the deer stopped in the middle of the field. I put my gun up and started to aim, when my dad told me that the gun was only sighted in for 100 yards. This deer was about 200 to 250 yards away so he told me to aim a good foot above the deer. I shot and I thought that I got it, so my dad told me that we would wait twenty minutes before we go look for it. Twenty minutes passed by and it is now like eight o’clock so we started the truck and headed down there. When we got down there and there was this little side pocket of land, so we walked into it. When we went into it the doe busted up and I new I missed it, so I thought that it was over. Then all of a sudden a saw something coming out of the gully, it was a deer. I put my gun up, looked through the scope and shouted, “It’s a buck.” So I shot at it, and the thing disappeared so I looked at the ground and there it was. I was shaking I looked at my dad and I started to walk toward the buck when he told me to wait. I said, “ why,” then he said “because it isn’t dead yet.” We gave it twenty minutes and the thing wasn’t moving. So we walked to it and stopped, and I asked my dad if we could mount this one on the wall, and he said, “yah!” Then all of a sudden the thing lifts up its head and flails around. So we waited another twenty minutes and the thing still wasn’t dead. My dad the told me to shoot it again, and that stopped it. The only thing is that the deer is across this gulley, so how are we going to get the deer to the truck. Well we had permission to land like fifty yards away that the truck could drive to. I know your just thinking why don’t you just go through the gully. The reason is because I shot a deer last year in a gully and it was hell to get out. So my dad went back to the truck and started to drive it to the other field. Meanwhile I was dragging my deer, which was probably 250 pounds, fifty yards to the next field. And I didn’t even gut the thing yet, this thing was heavy. So about a half an hour later I get over to the truck and my dad is just sitting there in the truck. He looks at me and says, “What took you so long.” So I started to gut it and I was cutting the belly open and I accidentally nicked the stomach. So I grab the throat to pull all of the stuff out and the stomach starts to fart on me. I started to gag so my dad had to help me get it out. When he was pulling on it the bladder drug across the pelvis and bloke open, but the thing is, is that it broke all over my dad’s leg. Then the guy that was hunting the land next to us came over to see what all of the commotion was. He asked us if we got one, and we told him,” yah we got a big eight point. Then he said, “Is one of the brown tines broken off on one side.” We said, “ yah?” he goes, “ damn, that’s the one that I was scouting during the spring.” So we kind of stole his deer, but not really. So we went into town because Harvey, the guy who owned the land, wanted to see it. We told him about the man that was talking to us about the deer, and he just laughed because that guy was known to him as the possum, because he really don’t like him. So we started to head home, but we had to check the deer in. When we got home we took pictures and hung it in the garage. So we could get the coat off and send it to the taxidermist.

This is a story about my dad and I going hunting. It kind of tells you the highs and the lows of deer hunting. It’s a little descriptive in some parts, but what’s a hunting story without a little gross. So if you have any comments write them down bellow. Also please answer the questions too.

1. What do you think about the story?

2. Does the story seam like its rambling on, never going to stop?

3. Is the story too descriptive?