Restaurant Abuse/Cannibalism

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Monty Python's Restaurant Abuse/Cannibalism sketch appeared in the Flying Circus TV Show in Episode 13.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The sketch begins with the announcement of a short intermission, which lasts seven seconds and is followed by the announcement of a medium-sized intermission. This is followed by a scene which features a man and his nattering wife entering a restaurant, whose head waiter declaims, "This is a vegetarian restaurant only, we serve no animal flesh of any kind." After the usual sequence of Pythonesque non sequiturs and surrealism, the waiter arrives pushing a cart bearing a large serving tray holding an apparently naked man, who informs them, "I hope you're going to enjoy me this evening. I'm the special. Try me with some rice." A waiter informs the head waiter that there's a dead bishop in the lobby, and the skit ends with the wife saying, "Oh I don't like that. I think it's silly. It's not a proper sketch without a proper punch line", and the announcement of "a whopping great intermission".

[edit] See also