Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/DreamGuy/Statement

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[edit] Statement by User:Gavin the Chosen

as stated above, i have tried EVERYTHING i can think of to make this problem stop, nothing works. sure i have my problems, but i am really trying to work on them, so please dont let my own RFA cloud this issue, iots not about me. here are some things that id think would proove his incivillity: (m leaving out his second RFC though, because that would be exhaustive) claiming poor judgement on someone elses behalf, very rudely

rude edit summary -

overkill, biting newbies -

unwarrented deletionism -

seems to think that other research hes not aware of is a bias -

self rigtous, delusioned into beleiving hes n9t being rude. -

and -

more newbie biting

trying to fight consensus -

claiming harrassment when there clearly isnt any -

shows oversensitivty towards othersa, calling perosnal atacks when there wasnt one to be found

possible case of not seeing consensus being agsint him -

drove a user away from an article -

first RFC agsint him , doesnt uderstnad what harrassment is -

also , i have noticed a large portion of his edits go totally undiscussed on the talk pages

refusal to see others perspective -


narrow minded definition

beoing stubborn -

edit summary is a personal attack against all neopagans -

miscomprehsnion of , well , everything in the article, through personal bias -

unfonunded allegation in edit summary, bodrering personal attacks -

dpoesnt sem to want to negociate at all, just bull- charge through -

rude edit summary, overzealous content -

refusa; to negocite, refusal to see beniofit of such, andrefusal to see beyond persnal hatred.

whe losing an argument, tries for a pity party -

edit summary cleraly shows his lack of willkingness to discuss -

refusal not to engage in edit warring -

edit summary , highly insulting refuses to take warnings seriously -

insulting summary, refusing to see good will and good faith of oters -




blantantly lies -

clearn;ly doenst understand MY intention of asking the single question, resulting in strange, rude behaviour -

when i trid to help him, by pointing out when he could avoid valdalsim, he called me one



me starting to get al little annoyed at the lack of repsonse -

tries to cite origional research policey for ghis own purposes, while still tothis day, refusing to cite sources for his medical perspectives section and clinical lycanthropy linkage -

antoher editor offers to cease hostillites, and this is what he gets -

(here i was trying to be of assistance, and he refused to see how his actions might be problematic)

calling me a vandal for asking simplest of questions which he refused and still refuses to answer -


refused to see how he was vandalissiong -

removes comments with uncivil edit sumamry, when later, will be very very upset when poeople remove his commetns from thier pages, even when polite -

please examine this edit summary of his, VERY inmcuviil, trying to hide behind acronyms, and is unaplologetic

many users try to make peace, all he does is get mad

claimes that showing respect to groups, is nonsense

clearly misundestands what vandalsims is -

not to mention how he casued a lot of trouble when going agsint consensus on vampire and vampire fiction, by moving an entire swction without asking anyone, then claiming people who were trying to re add it eere " creating fork sections"

and then theres his troublesome POV pushing on Vampire Lifestyle, charactorized by thios

more then one person getting anoyed with him by this point , yet he refuses to respond or even attempt to meet anyone at the middle -

insults my skills in edit summary -

rrefuses to discuss things when hes wrong, citing harassment which doenst exist -(il ladmit i sound pretty annoyed by this point, but he WOULDNT listen, and wouldnt stop POV pushing, so i was getting cross)


totally refuses to discuss problems other editors have with him ( see edit summary) hides behind flase claims of harassment and vadlalism -

he called me a vandal, so i tried to remove anything i posted there, to try to appease, whats he do? he re adds anything he wnated to see -

then there is the wehole fiasco where he moved missing sun myth to missing sun motif without discussion of any kinbd and got relaly uopset ant any user to tried to undo that.

he just gets worse and worse from there.

he, at the end of his SECOND RFC promised to become civil, this has obviously failed.

that is the reason for this RFA request.

he refuased to accept a possible solution of me having Otherkinb and Therianthropy to wesdit, and leaving him with well, everythuing else on his list, which includes " vampire fiction, Vampire, witchcraft, werewolf, werewolf fiction, and others. I unwatched all but the ones i wished to keep, when slimvirgin asked me to, ( which, to be specific, were only OTherkin, and Theerianthropy) as a show of good faith., he refused to have anything to do with it, in the summary ill show here . and

complete lack of civillity.... check slimvirgin's talk page history for more inciuvillioty towards ADMINS, and on his talk page as well

the follown is from a conversation i had with Elvenscout, that im trying to repost from an email as other proofs, in order to show that this isnt about just me and him. anything from here on down is from ElvenScouts point of view.

[1] is an example of DreamGuy not willing to admit that he has not won any argument, making a personal attack on a number of users (calling Llywrch and Paul August "clueless"), alleging that I (Elvenscout742) was removing a "correct definition" of the word "mythology" (in the article of that name) even though I just want to enforce consensus by also including the more common definition, alleging I have no such consensus and making a personal attack against me (by referring to my "bullheadedness").

[2] is an example of DreamGuy blanking my response to 1 above without responding. (I added his comment and my response back in since then, only to have the page blanked again.)

[3]: The recent history of the discussion page for the Mythology article is littered with another destructive conflict, this time over DreamGuy refusing to allow the article to include any reference to a particular definition (the more commonly used one) of the word. I have cited many sources, including a number of general dictionaries, one "specialized reference for the field in question" (as DreamGuy has said) and the works of several scholars in the field that support what I say, but he has yet to give any real evidence to justify his PoV other than claims that the mythologists to which I refer were not real mythologists and some ominous references to the "people in the field" who despise them. The closest he's come to naming any specific sources in this area is to ask me if I have read any "classical authors", which I can only assume is in reference to ancient Greek and Roman writers (like Homer and Hesiod) - not serious scientists in this field at all - as he has not responded to my pointing this out in over four weeks, and seems unwilling to actually discuss anything. This seems like an attempt to provoke another edit war in the actual article (something I have no intention of doing) so he can earn more sympathy from outside parties. He is leaving those who disagree with his unproven ideas no choice but to revert his edits, as he has not returned to the Talk page even after I asked him to do so [ here].

[4]: An outright lie about what I said, apparently fabricated to defame me. I had not said everyone else was wrong - perhaps the result of DreamGuy's delusions that everyone is on his side. I do not refuse to compromise if it is for good, but the use of awkward wording solely to appease DreamGuy (and only DreamGuy) when consensus is obviously against him is not for good. (Two outside parties have posted their opinions on this dispute, [5] and [6], both siding with me, both to be insulted by DreamGuy when I pointed this, and the fact that noone there agrees with him. He claims he has a consensus against me and I have lost the argument, evn though it is currently - as of 11:15, 21 August 2005 (UTC) - at a standstill because he refuses to return to the table.)