Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics
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- Please follow the Wikipedia conventions of not capitalizing words in an article title except for the first letter and proper names. That is, write your request as This and such theorem instead of This And Such Theorem.
[edit] Abstract algebra
Affine quantum group - Asymmetric range/Symmetric range - Basic perturbation lemma - Central factor - Cosocle - Dedimensionalisation - Descendant subgroup - Eigenvariety (needs to be defined and explained in brief detail) - Hyper-finite field - Precrossed module (perhaps redirect to an expanded Crossed module?) - Predicative arithmetic - Pseudo-finite field - Serial subgroup -
[edit] Actuarial mathematics
See also Requested articles in finance.
Exponential dispersion model - Computation of actuarial reserves -
[edit] Algebraic geometry
Arakelov geometry (see also the Arakelov theory red link at Glossary of arithmetic and Diophantine geometry) - Crystalline cohomology - Dianalytic structure - Elliptic modulus - Flat cohomology - Klein surface - Linear complex (see, e.g., [1]) - p-adic Hodge theory - Secant-secant theorem - Shimura variety - Zernike moment
[edit] Calculus of variations
Deformation theorem - Ekeland's variational principle - Abstract comunitronics - Geometric theory of regression - Oskar Bolza -
[edit] Category theory
Accessible category - Atomic topos - Coquasitriangular Hopf algebra - Effective topos - Enriched limit (mathematics) - Monadic length - Ribbon category - Rigid monoidal category - Semi-abelian category (with redirect from Semiabelian category) -
[edit] Coding theory
Check matrix - Coding lemma - Disguise operation - Parity code - Satisfiability coding lemma -
[edit] Combinatorics
Macdonald polynomials (with redirect from Macdonald polynomial) - MacMahon master theorem - Polyhedral combinatorics - Oligomorphic group
[edit] Complex analysis
Gram polynomial - Hyperbolicity - Mittag-Leffler star - Shilov boundary -
[edit] Complexity theory
Crossing sequence - Dimensional shrinkage - Homeokinetics - Pollaczek-Khintchine formula branching programs
[edit] Convex analysis / Optimization
Constrained conjugate gradient / Conjugate gradient with barriers (how does the barrier effects the conjugate gradient solution) - Difference map algorithm - Error surface (see, e.g., [2]) - Grid search method - Hopscotch method - Bland's rule - Noisy optimization - Supporting functional - Waterfilling theorem - Bundle method [3] The Bundle Method in Combinatorial Optimization] - Princess and Monster game -
[edit] Cryptography
Ari David Levie - Comp128v2 - Cryptographic Quarterly - Forking lemma - KEA [4] - Keystore - Multilinear modular hashing - Lattice sieving - Online/offline signature [5] - Decision linear assumption - Yao's XOR lemma - Perfect forward security -
[edit] Decision theory
[edit] Differential equations
Backwards diffusion equation - Bellman-Gronwall inequality (a generalization of Gronwall's inequality) - Extended linearity principle - Majda's model - Nahm equations (Nahm equation) - Nonstandard finite difference scheme (Nonstandard finite difference schemes) - Orr-Sommerfeld equation - Similarity solution - Singular limit - Spheroidal wave function -
[edit] Differential geometry and topology
Ambrose-Singer holonomy theorem - Atiyah-Hitchin-Singer theorem - Gibbons-Hawking space - Grothendieck lemma - Light cone quantization - Natural bilinear concomitant - Partial tangent functor - Polyvector field - Pseudofunction and partie finie (with redirects from Hadamard's partie finie, Hadamard's finite part) - Randers manifold - Ricci's lemma - Seiberg-Witten invariants - Symmetric part of a tensor - Symplectic connection - Tight surface (see, for example, [6]) -
[edit] Dynamical systems
Paterson's worm (see [7]) - Zeeman catastrophe machine (see, e.g., [8]) -
[edit] Elementary arithmetic
[edit] Functional analysis
Bornology - Codistribution - Coercive operator - Convenient analysis - Fundamental lemma of interpolation theory (see e.g. Cwikel et al., On the fundamental lemma of interpolation theory, J. Approx. Theory 60 (1990) 70-82) - Garding domain - Hermite-Gaussian - Nonlinear operator theory - Operator space - Spectral triple - Fundamental period - Symbol filtered algebra - Logarithmic norm- Function algebra
[edit] Game theory
Nontransitive game - Penney's game - Search game -
[edit] Geometry
Birotunda - Casey's theorem - Diametral circle - Diametral lens - Haruki's lemma - Helmert transformation - Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma - Killing-Hopf theorem - Longuerre's theorem - Noncommutative plane - Omnitruncated 120/600 cell - Operational mathematics - Plane of rotation (generalizable to more dimensions than axis of rotation) - Plücker's conoid - Pythagorean solid - Semi-principal axis - Shadowing lemma - Shape grammar theory - Sphere-cylinder intersection - Sphere-sphere intersection (see Plane–sphere intersection) - Steiner's porism - Triangle midsegment conjecture (see [9], should probably be a redirect) - Ultralimit - Unduloid - Waterman polyhedron - Weak separation property (fractal geometry) - Zonal harmonic -
[edit] Graph theory
Berge's lemma - Dark geometry - Dynamic segmentation - Elimination order - Ellentuck's theorem Filled graph - Frerejaque number - Generalized net (extension to Petri net) - Horizontal constraint graph, Vertical constraint graph - Impossible puzzle - Intrinsically linked graph - law of detachment - Linear referencing - Midquad - Optimal bitonic tour - Points and lines - Restriction scaffold problem - Surface class - Tree metric - Uniconnected subgraph - Welch-Powell algorithm - Implicit and explicit domain and range
[edit] Group theory
Chief series - Cogroup - Floretion - Lattice-ordered group (also listed in Order theory) - Recoupling theory - Rédei's theorem - Reidemeister-Schreier rewriting process - Singer cycle - Normalizer of Singer cycle- Cliquet theory - repeating group - automata group - Baumslag-Solitar group
[edit] History of mathematics
Etymology of mathematical notation - Rigorization of analysis, usually referred to in 19th century - Numerical Mathematics Consortium - Ancient chinese finger counting - [10] gives the basic numbering - but how do you do multiplication, division etc? -
[edit] Lie groups / Lie algebras
10-j symbol - 15-j symbol - Kač determinant - Klimyk's formula - Primitive invariant - Quantum double - Racah-Wigner algebra - Racah's multiplicity formula - Reductive Lie algebra (currently redirects to Lie algebra which does not mention the reductive case; see the Talk page at Reductive group) - Satake diagram - Steinberg formula - SU(2) - SU(3) - SU(5) - Tangent Lie group SE(3) - Lie group of rigid body transformations McKay correspondence Crystal graph [11]
[edit] Linear algebra
Componentwise inequality - Eigengap - Invariant factor - Khatri-Rao product - Matrix lumping - Nested dissection algorithm (also listed in Numerical analysis) - Tracy-Singh product - Test matrix - Montante's method (See article in Spanish) - Fast Givens rotation - Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (linear programming)
[edit] Logic
[edit] Proof theory
Epsilon calculus - Harrop formula - Minimal Herbrand model - Peano-Russell notation - Realizability -
[edit] Model theory
Amalgamation property - Forking (model theory) - Homogeneous model - Stable theory - Tennenbaum's theorem - Vaught conjecture - Modal algebra -
[edit] Recursion theory
Hyperarithmetical reducibility - Ordinal logic - PA degree
[edit] Set theory
A: Adequate pointclass - Amenable set - Axiom of hyper-determinacy - Axiom of quasi-determinacy - Anscombe's quartet - C: C-measurable set - Cardinal invariant - Core model program - E: Extended set theory (D L Childs et al.) - Effective Polish space - G: Grothendieck's axiom I: Infinitary combinatorics - Inner model program - J: Jensen hierarchy - L: Leftmost branch (of a tree) - M: Mitchell order - Modified Wadge hierarchy - Moschovakis' coding lemma - P: Paris model - Q: Quasi strategy (for a game) - R: Ramified forcing - S: Scale property - Strong partition cardinal - U: Unfolded Banach-Mazur game - Universally Baire set - V: V=OD - W: Wadge game - Weakly homogeneously Suslin set - Y: Yannakakis' algorithm
[edit] Requested logic articles
E-connection Generative set - Logic alphabet - Matrix logic - Multi-attribute utility theory - Multicriteria decision analysis - Outranking analysis - Pragmatic fallacy - Reductive reasoning - Self-reference puzzle - Simple multi-attribute rating technique - Sortal - Transaction logic -
[edit] Mathematical analysis
Eikonal approximation (in WKB theory) - Remez inequality - Maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) - Perfect differential - Percent recovery - Steffensen's method - Spatial covariance - Positive invariance - Whittaker-Watson formula fallacious induction
[edit] Mathematicians
(a redirect page using only the last name should also be created for each of these, if the last name is both famous and unambiguous. For example: Bourgain should redirect to Jean Bourgain and so on.)
- Achemmel, Gottfried
- Bezrukavnikov, Roman
- Bickel, Peter
- Bol, Gerrit
- Braverman, Alexander
- Brenier, Yann
- Bruck, Richard Hubert
- Caginalp, Gunduz
- Chakerian, Gulbank Don (USA)
- Donoho, David
- Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej
- Faddeev, Dmitrii Konstantinovich
- Fikhtengol'ts, Gregory M.
- Filippov, Aleksei Fedorovich
- Flach, Matthias
- Franel, J. (France, 19th century-20th century)
- Frenkel, Edward
- Friedman, Sy
- Fuks, Dmitry (Fuchs)
- Grabowski, Janusz
- Gratzer, George
- Goundar Rajaram
- Hildebrand, Francis B. ( 1915? - 29 Nov 2002)
- Hildebrandt, Theophil Henry (T. H.)
- Hofmann, Steven (or Steven Hoffman?)
- Jarvis, Frazer
- Karp, Carol
- Kato, Tosio (Konuma, Giappone, 25 Aug 1917 - Oakland, California, USA, 2 Oct 1999)
- Katsevich, Gene
- Kaull, Donald
- Kelley, Kyle
- Knoer, Alvin
- Edna Kramer
- Kreisel, Georg
- Longyear, Judith Q.
- Lansey, Jonathan
- Legnani, Tom
- Magidor, Menachem
- Maharam, Dorothy
- Mad Mathmos (a group at Cambridge University)
- Morita, Kiiti (Hamamatsu, Japan, 11 Feb 1915 - Tokio, 4 Aug 1995)
- Norden, Aleksandr Petrovich
- Natanson, Isidor Pavlovich
- Pimenov, Revolt Ivanovich
- Prabhakar, Tilak Raj
- Preiss, David
- Rickert, John
- Schlesinger Ludwig (see de:Ludwig Schlesinger)
- Sendova, Eugenia
- Shult, Ernest
- Stein, Sherman K.
- Syski, Ryzard (or Ryszard Syski)
- Van Loan, Charles
- Villareal, Federico
- Wright, Margaret H.
- Yatsenko, Yuri
- Zahorski, Zygmunt
- Zhai, Alex
[edit] Number theory
[edit] Algebraic number theory
B-math - Liardet's theorem - Infrastructure (number theory) - Siegel's lemma -
[edit] Analytic number theory
Bobak Hossainkhani - Brandt matrix - Brandt module - Fundamental lemma of sieve theory - Markov spectrum - Vaughan's lemma -
[edit] Numerical analysis
Absorbing boundary condition (with redirect from absorbing boundary conditions and mentioning perfectly matched layer) -- Bramble-Hilbert lemma - Céa's lemma - Faure sequence - Lentz's algorithm (for the evaluation of continued fractions) - Model order reduction - Nested dissection algorithm (also listed in Linear algebra) - Sobol sequence (yes, I know it's blue; currently a redirect but deserves an article) - Zeta multi-evaluation algorithm (by Odlyzko and Schönhage) -- Orthomin(1) algorithm (for approximating Ax=b)
[edit] Order theory
Algebraic poset - Continuous poset - East Gawley overlap algorithm - Ideal completion - Irreducible element (order theory) - Join-dense set - Kaucher arithmetic - Lattice-ordered group (also listed above in Group theory) - Lawson topology - Localic group - Meet-dense set - Partially ordered monoid - Pointwise order - Powerdomain - Prime element (order theory) - Scott information system - Way-below relation (sometimes called 'way inside') - Mathematical relaxation - Von Neumann stability analysis -
[edit] Population genetics
Nucleotide polymorphism -
[edit] Potential theory
[edit] Probability theory
Bayesian mapping - Campbell's theorem - Continuous tree - Derived distribution - Feinstein's fundamental lemma - Iterative proportional fitting - Laplace estimator - Luders rule - Marked point process - Occupancy theorem (Putting indistinguishable balls into boxes) - Probabilistic potential theory - Probability summation - Threshold function and their relation to combinatorics/graph theory, number theory, etc. - Tracy-Widom distribution - Verdu-Han lemma -
- Homogeneous process - Constant parameters process.
[edit] Real analysis
Bi-Pareto distribution - Half-exponential function - Inverse distribution function - Lusin-Menchoff theorem - Maharam theorem - Negative exponential distribution - Vitali covering lemma -
[edit] Recreational mathematics
[edit] Statistics
See also Requested articles in Econometrics
Bateson's cube - Bayesian deviance - Best linear unbiased prediction - Burstiness - Burg's method - used in Matlabs arburg() for estimating AR process coeffs. Biostatistics Clisy - Cochran's Q - Statistical disclosure - Discriminant function - Duncan-Waller k-ratio t-test - Dunn-Sidak bound - Empirical likelihood - Estimated symbol - Extended spatial decorrelation - Fisher-Neyman factorization theorem - Fisher's protected LSD - Fractional error - Gap statistic - Generalized estimating equations- Geodosy - Half-normal distribution - Harmonic mean estimator - Holm Bonferroni method - Hyperparameter - Inherent zero - Iteratively reweighted least squares - JADE (ICA) (an Independent component analysis algorithm) - Interrater reliability - Linear feature extraction (a collection of pattern recognition algorithms used in science and engineering) - Ljung-Box Q - Log-logistic distribution - Log-Pearson type III distribution - log-rank test - Lower tail dependence - Morisita-Horn index - Multivariate t-distribution - Nonlinear curve fitting - Noncentrality parameter - Nonparametric Bayesian method - Normal power family - Probability limit or P-lim - Polychoric correlation matrix - Probit analysis - Profile likelihood - Pseudoreplication - Quantile regression - REDATAM [12] - Ryan Einot Gabriel Welsch method - Scheffe method - Smallest singular value of the hessian Student Newman Kuels method - Studentized range - Superpopulation models - Symmetrical MAPE (SMAPE) - Systematic variation - Tukey B method - Tukey-Kramer method - Upper tail dependence - Varimax factor analysis - noncentrality parameter -
[edit] Topology
[edit] Algebraic topology
Artin-Mazur profinite completion - James construction - Lefschetz duality - Motive (topology) Poincaré-Verdier duality - Strong shape theory - Transgression (fiber bundle) - Witt space - Hyperbolic simplicial complex
[edit] General topology
Absolute neighborhood retract - Affine fibration - Baire set (general topology) (see the disambig page Baire set) - Contiguity space - Double fibration - Hutchinson metric
[edit] Geometric topology
Cerf theory - Cohen immersion theorem - Geometric structure - Geometrization - Lambda lemma - Propeller twisting - Regular neighborhood - String topology - McShane's identity -
[edit] Knot theory
Chayes-McKellar-Winn theorem - Singular braid monoid
[edit] Set-theoretic topology
L-space (mathematics) - Luzin set (please also create redirects Łuzin set and Lusin set) - S-space
[edit] Still uncategorized
Please try to classify the rest of these requests. Bounding lemma - Compendo and dividendo - Coupled map lattice - Cousin's lemma - Definition (mathematics) - Dobrushin's lemma - D-triangle number (redirect to Pascal's triangle?) Dual norm - Dynamic subtraction - Fourier goniometry (related to Goniometric) - Graph (application) (equation plotter) - Graphmatica (equation plotter) - Hilbert-Huang transform - Hindu lattice - Hyperslab - Interior degree - Kadison–Singer problem - Klop's lemma - Mathematical algorithms list and general contrasts to computer algorithms - Mean square quantization error (MSQE) - Model management - Object coloring - Polydromy - polynomiograph, polynomiography - Robert's cross operator - Search theory - Seven point code - Simplistic algorithm - Smallest number - Strict positivity restriction - Uniform bounding lemma -