Replicator characters in Stargate

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In the Stargate fictional universe, the Replicators are a race of self-replicating machines, arguably one of the top two most advanced races in the Stargate universe.

This is a list of the human-form Replicators that have appeared so far in Stargate SG-1.


[edit] First

Stargate character

First in Unnatural Selection
Race Human-form Replicator
Gender Male-form
Rank Leader of the Replicator Army
Birthplace Halla
Portrayer Ian Buchanan
None (film)
First episode "Unnatural Selection"

First was a male human-form Replicator, and was the first ever created. First considered himself and his kind to be superior to non-Replicators, and firmly believed it was his species' right to rule the universe. His programming was based on the corrupted programming from the android Reese.

After the android Reese, who had created the first generation of Replicators many centuries ago, was discovered and eventually killed by SG-1, her remains were given to the Asgard. The Asgard used the body to lure every Replicator in the known universe to Halla, an abandoned Asgard planet. After the Replicators came in contact with Reese, they hailed her as their creator, and found her nanite cells contained advantages that the standard Replicator blocks lacked. Using the nanites in Reese's self-repair mechanism, they were able to create the nanite-based First.

It was the Asgard's intention to trap the Replicators in a massive time-dilation field, but when the time-dilation device was supposed to activate, First could penetrate a miniscule crack in the neutronium shell protecting the time-dilation device. He subsequently stopped and even reversed the device, allowing his brethren to completely consume Halla's civilization within what appeared only days to the outside universe. Several other human-form Replicators were eventually created, including Fifth. However, First treated Fifth as a flawed creation, when in fact Fifth was the only Replicator in existence that was not governed by Reese's flawed programming.

After the Asgard contacted SG-1 to figure out what had happened on Halla and reactivate the time-dilation device, the team was captured after their landing. First probed Jack O'Neill's mind in an attempt to gain intelligence regarding the worlds the team had visited in the Milky Way. He forced O'Neill to cooperate by making him relive his worst memory, the memory of his son accidentally shooting himself, every time O'Neill refused.

Eventually, after Fifth reactivated the time-dilation device, First was trapped on Halla along with the rest of his species. [1] It is believed First was destroyed when Halla's star was converted in a black hole by the Asgard in an attempt to destroy the Replicator threat once and for all. [2]

[edit] Second

Stargate character

Second in Unnatural Selection
Race Human-form Replicator
Gender Female-form
Birthplace Halla
Portrayer Kristina Copeland
None (film)
First episode "Unnatural Selection"

Second was a female human-form Replicator, and was apparently the second to be formed on Halla after the discovery of Reese.

Second firmly believed in the inferiority of non-Replicators, and was one of the first four who got the chance to enter the minds of SG-1 to gain intelligence about the planets the team had explored in the Milky Way. She was later trapped on Halla after SG-1 was able to activate the time-dilation field. [1]

Second was probably killed when Halla's star was converted into a black hole by the Asgard in an attempt to destroy the Replicator threat once and for all. [2]

[edit] Third

Stargate character
Race Human-form Replicator
Gender Male-form
Birthplace Halla
Portrayer Tahmoh Penikett
None (film)
First episode "Unnatural Selection"

Third was a male human-form Replicator, and was apparently the third to be formed on Halla after the discovery of Reese.

Third was one of the first four who got the chance to enter the minds of SG-1 to gain intelligence about the planets the team had explored in the Milky Way. He was later trapped on Halla after SG-1 was able to activate the time-dilation field. [1]

Third was probably killed when Halla's star was converted into a black hole by the Asgard in an attempt to destroy the Replicator threat once and for all. [2]

[edit] Fourth

Stargate character
Race Human-form Replicator
Gender Female-form
Birthplace Halla
Portrayer Rebecca Robbins
None (film)
First episode "Unnatural Selection"

Fourth was a female human-form Replicator, and was apparently the fourth to be formed on Halla after the discovery of Reese.

Fourth was one of the first four who got the chance to enter the minds of SG-1 to gain intelligence about the planets the team had explored in the Milky Way. She was later trapped on Halla after SG-1 was able to activate the time-dilation field. [1]

Fourth was probably killed when Halla's star was converted into a black hole by the Asgard in an attempt to destroy the Replicator threat once and for all. [2]

[edit] Fifth

Main article: Fifth (Stargate)

Fifth was the result of the Replicators' first attempt to repair the flaw in Reese's programming. As a result, Fifth experienced human emotions, but was considered a failure by the human-forms before him, who thought of him as weak. He eventually developed an interest in Samantha Carter and because of his feelings for her agreed to help the team in trapping his comrades in a time-dilation prison. However, Jack O'Neill ordered Carter to betray him, using his humanity against him.

Eventually, Fifth was able to excape his prison, and became the leader of the Replicators. After his attack against Orilla failed, he created another human-form Replicator which resembled Carter and even had her memories. Fifth was later betrayed by Replicator Carter, who tricked both Fifth and the SGC in an elaborate scheme to access the Replicator Disruptor based on Ancient technology.

[edit] Sixth

Stargate character
Race Human-form Replicator
Gender Female-form
Birthplace Halla
Portrayer Shannon Powell
None (film)
First episode "Unnatural Selection"

Sixth was a female human-form Replicator, and was apparently the sixth to be formed on Halla after the discovery of Reese.

She was the only one who didn't get the chance to probe the minds of SG-1, and became later trapped on Halla after SG-1 was able to activate the time-dilation field. [1]

Sixth was probably killed when Halla's star was converted into a black hole by the Asgard in an attempt to destroy the Replicator threat once and for all. [2]

[edit] Eighth

Stargate character

Eighth in New Order
Race Human-form Replicator
Gender Male-form
Birthplace Halla
Portrayer James Bamford
None (film)
First episode "New Order"

Eighth was a human-form Replicator discovered in orbit around Orilla after the Asgard had destroyed an approaching Replicator vessel commanded by Fifth.

Eighth, who was heavily damaged and inoperable at the time, was brought on board by Thor, who attempted to access the datastream that linked all Replicators together in order to learn more about the Replicators down on the surface of Orilla. However, the attempt led Fifth to revive Eighth, who subsequently attempted to kill everyone on board. Eighth was killed by Jack O'Neill, using the newly constructed Replicator Disruptor, testing the device in the process.

Eighth broke the previously observed pattern, commented on by Colonel O'Neill in "Unnatural Selection", of odd-numbered Replicators being male and even-numbered Replicators being female.

  • Eighth was not referenced by name in the episode and was the seventh human-form Replicator encountered by SG-1. His name was revealed to be Eighth in the ending credits of the episode, but what became of the logically-existent 'Seventh' was never revealed. [2]

[edit] Replicator Carter

Main article: Replicator Carter

After Fifth, who had fallen in love with Samantha Carter, realised he would never have a relationship with her in the form he desired, he created a perfect replica of her intended to accept him. He intended her to be his consort, but because of her nature she despised everything Fifth was trying to do. She eventually betrayed Fifth in an elaborate scheme to rid herself of her previous master and become immune to the Ancient Replicator Disruptor at the same time. She subsequently became the leader of the Replicator race.

Replicator Carter was eventually killed by the Dakara Superweapon during her invasion of the Milky Way, as she attempted to recover the Ancient knowledge in Daniel Jackson's mind following his Ascension.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e "Unnatural Selection" (Stargate SG-1)
  2. ^ a b c d e f "New Order" (Stargate SG-1)
Recurring characters on Stargate SG-1 Edit
Tau'ri Malcolm Barrett | Jacob Carter | Chekov | Adrian Conrad | Major Davis | Paul Emerson | Louis Ferretti | Janet Fraiser
Walter Harriman | Charles Kawalsky | Robert Kinsey | Carolyn Lam | Catherine Langford | Bill Lee | Harry Maybourne
Rodney McKay | Lionel Pendergast | Robert Rothman | Frank Simmons | Pete Shanahan | Siler | Richard Woolsey
Other Humans Cassandra | Kasuf | Linea | Ma'chello | Martin Lloyd | Sha're | Shifu | Skaara
Goa'uld Amonet | Anubis | Apophis | Ba'al | Cronus | Hathor | Heru-ur
Nerus | Nirrti | Osiris | Ra | Sokar | Tanith | Yu | Zipacna
Jaffa Bra'tac | Gerak | Ishta | Rya'c
Other Adria | Chaka | Fifth | Harlan | Merlin | Oma Desala | Reese | Replicator Carter | Thor
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, Langaran, Lucian Alliance
Ori, Replicator, Tok'ra, Tollan, System Lord