Talk:REO Speed Wagon

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Not sure on spelling --Speed Wagon --orSpeedWagon however,the truck remains the same(ref the truick on this site) It was not known as a pick up,bu't was called an Express Wagon back in late 30-s. The section for cagro was enclosd with what we now call "chain link fence". During winter cold curtlilns were on outside of chAin link. Driver was a bit cooler. First saw truck with just j Misseltoe (sp?) Express logo. Very loud on exaust. No muffler. Just noise. Across western Oklahoma flat land,mid nightsound about a mile. Few autos of that day could maintain sight to say nothing of passing on the road. Those drivers knew only one speed--flat out. No idea if this will be seen.Just an old duff down memory lane. Take care,I enjoy reading about old things,and thanks. Drumtrap..