Renewable Portfolio Standard

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A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a flexible, market-driven policy that can ensure the increased production of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy . Because it is a market standard, the RPS relies almost entirely on the private market for its implementation. Producers of alternate energy claim that market implementation will result in competition, efficiency and innovation that will deliver renewable energy at the lowest possible cost, allowing renewable energy to compete with cheaper fossil fuel energy sources.1

RPS regulations vary from state to state, and there is no national policy. Currently there are 20 states plus the District of Columbia that have RPS policies in place. Together these states account for more than 42% of the electricity sales in the United States.2

The Edison Electric Institute, a trade association for America’s investor-owned utilities, has taken a stand against a nationwide RPS, saying it would “raise consumers’ electricity prices and create inequities among states.”3

[edit] SOURCES

1 [1]

2 [2]

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States with RPS Regulations [4]

American Wind Energy Association [5]

Edison Electric Institute [6]