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The Rendille are an African ethnic group of the Kaisut Desert of Kenya. They are often referred to as "the holders of the stick of God".

They are nomadic pastoralists who roam with their camels across about 16,000 square kilometers of Northern Kenya. Woman, children, and older men live in semi-permanent villages that are moved only a few times a year and rarely more than a few kilometers.

The Rendille believe that they belong in the desert not by mistake but because its their "promised land". In their popular morning prayers they pray "your people God cannot climb mountains, cross seas but remain in this promised land in which You have looked after our fore fathers, us and our children's children...."

Rendille staple foods include meat, and a mixture of milk and blood, commonly known as "Banjo". Men traditionally dress by tying a loin cloth around their loins while women dress in sheep and goat skins tied around their waists going down while the trunk remains naked. Many Rendille have appropriated western clothing and are commonly seen wearing kikoys and t-shirts.

Rendilles have age sets fourteen years apart. An ageset is a group of men circumcised together and remain in the warriorhood for 14 years before they are allowed to marry and give way to another age set. Since 1962, there have been six age set namely; ILMAURI, ILKIMANIGI, ILKICHILI, ILKIRORO, ILMAULI and the current ageset, who are scheduled to be circumcised in August 2007, ILMETILI.