Remember (Desperate Housewives episode)

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Rex and Bree Van De Kamp move to Fairview in 1994.
Episode No. Season 2 (2005-2006)
Episode 46, 2-23
Writer(s) Marc Cherry and Jenna Bans (teleplay)
Tom Spezialy and Alexandra Cunningham (story)
Director Larry Shaw
Original Airdate May 21, 2006 (ABC)
Episode chronology
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"Remember" is the 46th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. The episode was also the season finale for the show's second season. The episode was written by Marc Cherry and Jenna Bans with a story by Tom Spezialy and Alexandra Cunningham and was directed by Larry Shaw. It originally aired on Sunday, May 21, 2006.


[edit] Guest starring

[edit] Special guest stars

[edit] Episode recap

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Betty Applewhite and Caleb prepare for their departure from Wisteria Lane one night at 2 a.m. As they pack, Betty remembers the year prior when Caleb allegedly murdered Melanie Foster. While Betty played a tune on the piano, Melanie and Matthew quarreled in the next room. Caleb overheard their fight and planned to meet Melanie at the lumber yard that night. Caleb arrived at the lumber yard first, much to Melanie's chagrin, and attempted to kiss her. Melanie then hit him which caused Caleb to punch back. Caleb then picked up a stick and struck her, leaving her seriously wounded. As Betty and Caleb leave their house, the police surround them and they are placed into police cars as the entire neighborhood watches.

Meanwhile, Bree begins her stay at the psychiatric hospital where she meets up with Susan's friend, Orson Hodge, who is visiting a sick friend. As Bree tries to defend herself, she struggles but manages to give a viable excuse. Orson then proceeds to talk to his friend who stares out a window. Bree finds comfort from another patient who is convinced that the doctor is the most psychotic. During a therapy session, the doctor finds Bree troubled but has problems trying to relate to her since Bree will not explain her reasons for admitting herself. When Bree attempts to leave after receiving a phone call from Betty, she is put into restraints and is forced to remain in bed. During another session, she throws a bowl of sand at the doctor and makes a run for the door. Bree is seen by Orson who looks on without intervening.

Gabrielle plans golf lessons for Carlos and herself but is upset to learn that Carlos must complete his community service. While taking a break at hole 9, Gabrielle visits the bar and is shocked to learn that Carlos has died after being run over by a car. Gabrielle then returns home where she breaks the news to Xiao-Mei who begs for her forgiveness. Gabrielle soon finds Carlos in the kitchen and demands an explanation. Carlos then tells Gabrielle he paid Ralph, the gardener, to be in his place. Gabrielle is relieved but puzzled by the way Xiao-Mei acted outside. When she asks Xiao-Mei why she said that, Xiao-Mei lies and says that Ralph died, not Carlos. Gabrielle, convinced Carlos is having an affair, decides to place baby monitors in suspected places. While visiting Lynette, Penny's baby monitor acquires a frequency coming from the Solis' home. Gabrielle rushes over where she sees Carlos and Xiao-Mei in the garage making love. Gabrielle then throws Carlos' clothes out the window and recommends he find himself a new living arrangement. When Xiao-Mei asks if she can leave, Gabrielle says that she cannot leave until she gives birth to her baby. Xiao-Mei then replies in Chinese before Gabrielle tells her that if she does not comply she will make it the "worst nine months of her life".

Zach Young visits Paul in jail and is asked to go to his grandfather Noah for help since Paul needs money for a trial. Zach is forced against his will to do this since Paul brings up his deceased mother. Zach fails in his attempt when Noah quickly realizes the money is not for him. Zach then pulls the plug on Noah's ventilator which kills him instantly. All of Noah's assets quickly go to Zach who is the heir apparent. Zach then calls Paul and tells him that Noah would not give him and that he will not be visiting any more.

Lynette checks into a motel with the children which they soon become tired of when their father never arrives. Porter then jumps off of the balcony when he is upset that he cannot go in the pool again. Porter is then rushed to the hospital where Tom meets them. Lynette informs Tom that Porter only endured an arm injury. Tom then asks Lynette why she left and apologizes for his actions. Tom then reveals to Lynette that years prior before they met, Tom inadvertently impregnated a woman on a cruise and lost contact with her. The woman, Nora, has an 11-year-old daughter named Kayla who lives in Atlantic City. Lynette then shoves Tom into a row of chairs and agrees to meet the woman. Quickly, the two are at odds and have nothing in common. Nora then threatens to sue Lynette and Tom for years of child support. They quickly come up with a settlement; however, Nora is still not happy. Nora surprisingly announces that she has purchased a home in Fairview and will be moving in. Nora then tries to settle her animosity with Lynette who is still angry with her.

Susan moves into a motor home with Julie temporarily until she can get her priorities in order. Karl soon learns that Susan is living in a trailer and attempts to help his family by convincing Susan to move into something much more liveable. One morning, Karl breaks into the trailer and drives them to a house which Karl has purchased for them. Mike soon finds out what Karl did and gets into a fight with him since he was planning on proposing to Susan. Susan decides not to move into the house after the news that Mike was going to propose. Instead she invites him for a romantic dinner where she will propose. As Mike drives to the park, he is followed by Orson who runs him over after Mike buys roses for Susan, leaving his fate unknown.

Betty is then taken into custody where she is shown a picture of Melanie's dead body. Betty quickly notices Matthew's jacket on her body and warns the police that the jacket belongs to her other son. A flashback then reveals that Melanie was attacked when Matthew arrived and that she planned to sue him and his family. Matthew then picks up the stick killing her instantly. Later, Matthew and Danielle return to Wisteria Lane for money when they run out. Danielle quickly remembers that her mother had a safe with a suitable amount of money in it. When Danielle learns that the combination has been changed, Matthew returns to his home for a sledge hammer. Matthew is soon confronted by Betty who knows that it was he who killed Melanie and not Caleb. After being outed, Matthew leaves and steals the money from Bree's safe. Betty then calls the police. Bree soon catches both of them and warns Danielle that Matthew is a killer. Matthew then puts Bree at gunpoint and threatens to kill her if she does not move. Bree comes closer and dares him. Before Matthew pulls the trigger, he is shot by a police squad and is pronounced dead. Matthew's body is then wheeled into an ambulance as the neighborhood watches. The following morning, Betty and Caleb leave Wisteria Lane for good. Bree is then visited by Orson who presents her with flowers and congratulates her on the escape. Pleased with his kind gestures, Bree invites Orson into her home. As the door closes behind them, the view turns toward the sky as ominous music begins to play.

[edit] Flashbacks

The episode also features several flashbacks to the women on the day they moved to the neighborhood. They include:

Carlos and Gabby move to the neighborhood in 2003.
Carlos and Gabby move to the neighborhood in 2003.
  • 1990: Mary Alice and husband Paul (aka Angela and Todd Forrest) move to Wisteria Lane with baby Zach. (as revealed in One Wonderful Day)
  • 1992: Susan Mayer and her husband Karl along with 2 year old Julie move to Wisteria Lane. While taking boxes out of the truck, she locks herself in as baby Julie watches from her stroller. Susan then tries to yell for help and meets Mary Alice Young who invites her in for coffee.
  • 1994: Bree Van De Kamp and her husband Rex move in with children Andrew (6) and Danielle (4). Bree then introduces herself to Mary Alice and forces her son Andrew to apologize when he stole a garden frog statue.
  • 1998: A pregnant Lynette Scavo and husband Tom Scavo quarrel while bringing baby items into their home. When the other ladies introduce themselves, they quickly become friends with Lynette since they fear her as an enemy.
  • 2003: Newlyweds Gabrielle and Carlos Solis move in. They are then greeted by the other wives while Gabrielle unpacks in her underwear. The situation becomes awkward when Carlos recommends he and Gabrielle have sex in the kitchen.

The episode also flashes back to other pivotal moments in the lives of the wives prior to Mary Alice's suicide:

  • 2001: Rex has his prescriptions filled by his pharmacist (and future murderer) George Williams. Bree compliments George for having a solid upbringing as she argues with Rex about Danielle's hair color.
  • 2004: Gabrielle successfully seduces John Rowland, her gardener after being angered at Carlos' continued absences.
  • 2004: Penny Scavo, Tom and Lynette's fourth child is born.
  • 2005: Flashback 1 - Betty Applewhite prepares to flee to Wisteria Lane after discovering that Caleb may have supposedly murdered Melanie Foster / Flashback 2 - Matthew murders Melanie.

[edit] Notes

  • This is the show's first two-hour episode. It is being aired as two episodes in syndication.
  • When the episode aired in the UK as two episodes, some scenes were aired in a different order, e.g. Zach claiming Noah's fortune was moved to the second hour.
  • Brenda Strong (Mary Alice Young) is seen in this episode, for the second and last time in season 2.
  • This episode marks the return of former cast member Steven Culp as a special guest star, reprising the role of Bree's husband Dr. Rex Van De Kamp in flashbacks. Former cast member Jesse Metcalfe, who has not been seen since the third episode of the second season, also returns. Roger Bart who played George Williams, also returns for a brief cameo when the episode flashes back to 2001.
  • Although credited, Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan) and Andrew Van De Kamp (Shawn Pyfrom) do not appear in this episode, although Andrew does appear in a flashback at age 6.
  • For the second time, the season finale features flashbacks from before Mary Alice's suicide which opened the show.
  • The 3rd season premiere will take place 6 months after the events of the finale.
  • This is the last episode featuring Alfre Woodard as Betty Applewhite, Mehcad Brooks as Matthew Applewhite and NaShawn Kearse as Caleb Applewhite although there has been speculation that Betty may return in a later season with a new mystery.

[edit] Trivia

  • This is not the first character played by Marcia Cross to spend time in a psychiatric institution. Her character Kimberley Shaw from Melrose Place was also institutionalised for a time. This may be an in-joke or homage to Melrose Place on the part of the writers Kevin Murphy and Chris Black.
  • In the scene where Mike is at Orson Hodge's dental surgery, the diploma on Hodge's wall says he has the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. However, the initials on his white lab coat are DDS; the abbreviation of Doctor of Dental Surgery, an identical degree albeit with a different name.

[edit] Title reference

[edit] International titles

  • French: Les tourbillons de la vie (The Twisters of Life)
  • German: Erinnerungen (Memories)