Reissner's membrane

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Reissner's membrane
Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the cochlea. (label is 'vestibular membrane')
Cross section of the cochlea.
Latin paries vestibularis ductus cochlearis
Gray's subject #232 1054
Dorlands/Elsevier p_06/12615626

Reissner's membrane (vestibular membrane, vestibular wall) is a membrane inside the cochlea of the inner ear. It separates scala media from scala vestibuli. Together with the basilar membrane it creates a compartment in the cochlea filled with perilymph, which is important for the function of the organ of Corti.

Histologically, the membrane is composed of two layers of flattened epithelium, separated by a basal lamina. Its structure suggests that its function is transport of fluid and electrolytes.

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