Reichstag (institution)

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The Reichstag (German for "Imperial Diet") was the parliament of the Holy Roman Empire, the North German Confederation, and of Germany until 1945. The main chamber of the German parliament is now called Bundestag ("Federal Diet"), but the building in which it meets is still called "Reichstag" (see Reichstag (building)).

The term "Reichstag" (listen ) [ˈʀaɪçstaːk] is a compound of German Reich ("realm") and Tag ("assembly"; does not mean "day" here, but is derived from the verb tagen "to assemble"). The Latin term, a direct translation, was curia imperialis. (Still today, the parliaments on the various federal levels in Germany are called Bundestag, Landtag etc. and the parliament in Sweden is called Riksdag, )


[edit] The Reichstag in the Holy Roman Empire

While the Holy Roman Empire lasted (formally until 1806), the Reichstag never was a parliament in today's sense; instead, it was the assembly of the various estates of which the Empire was comprised. More precisely, it was the convention of the Reichsstände ("imperial states"), those legal entities that, according to feudal law, had no authority above them besides the king himself (see Holy Roman Empire for details).

The precise role and function changed over the centuries, as did the Empire itself, while the states gained more and more control at the expense of the imperial power. Initially, there was neither a fixed time nor location for the Reichstag. It started as a convention of the dukes of the old Germanic tribes that formed the Frankish kingdom when important decisions had to be made, probably based on the old Germanic law that each leader relied on the support of his leading men. For example, already under Charlemagne, the Reichstag in Aachen in 802/803 officially declared the laws of the Saxons and other tribes. The Reichstag of 919 in Fritzlar elected the first king of the Germans who was a Saxon, Henry the Fowler, thus overcoming the longstanding rivalry between Franks and Saxons and laying the foundation for the German Empire. In 1158, the Diet of Roncaglia finalized four laws that would significantly alter the (never formally written) constitution of the Empire, marking the beginning of the steady decline of the central power in favor of the local dukes. In 1356, the Golden Bull cemented the concept of Landesherrschaft ("territorial rule"), the largely independent rule of the dukes over their respective territories.

However, until the late 15th century, the Reichstag was not actually formalized as an institution. Instead, the dukes and other princes would irregularly convene at the court of the king; these assemblies were usually referred to as Hoftage (from German Hof "court"). Only beginning in 1489 was the Reichstag called as such, and was formally divided into several collegia ("colleges"). Initially, the two colleges were that of the Kurfürsten ("prince-electors") and that of the other dukes and princes. Later, the imperial cities, that is, cities that were reichsunmittelbar and were oligarchic republics independent of a local ruler that were formally only responsible to the king himself, managed to be accepted as a third party.

Several attempts to reform the Empire to end its slow disintegration, starting with the Reichstag in 1495, did not have much effect. In contrast, this process was quite concluded with 1648's Peace of Westphalia, which formally bound the Emperor to all decisions made by the Reichstag, in effect depriving him of his few remaining powers. From then to its end in 1806, the Reich was not much more than a collection of largely independent states.

Probably most well known are the Reichstage in Worms of 1495, where the Imperial Reform was concluded, another in 1521, where Martin Luther was banned (see Edict of Worms), and several in Nuremberg; see Diet of Worms and Diet of Nuremberg for details.

Only with the induction of the Immerwährender Reichstag ("permanent Imperial Diet") in 1663 did the Reichstag permanently convene in a fixed location, the city of Regensburg.

For a list of members of the Reichstag as of 1792, near the end of the Empire, refer to List of Reichstag participants (1792).

[edit] The Reichstag as the German Parliament

The opening of the German parliament in 1894
The opening of the German parliament in 1894

After the collapse of the Empire in 1806, the term was subsequently used for the Parliament of the 1849 Frankfurt constitution draft that never came into effect, the Parliament of the North German Confederation from 1867-1871 and finally that of the 1871 German Empire. In all three cases, it was a parliament elected by the people, albeit with varying degrees of power.

In the 1919 Weimar Republic, the Reichskanzler (chancellor, head of government) was responsible to the Reichstag, which was directly elected by the people, and was a true democratic parliament. From 1930 on, however, the Reichstag was practically circumvented with the use of the extensive powers that were granted to the president under the Emergency Decree in Article 48 of the constitution. After Adolf Hitler was appointed Reichskanzler on January 30, 1933 the process of Gleichschaltung ("marching in step", "synthesis") commenced with the Reichstag Fire Decree (Reichstagsbrandverordnung) and the Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz), in which the Reichstag formally dispensed of its exclusive legislative powers. From then on it only functioned as a body of acclamation for the actions of the dictatorship. Even with this purpose, it had its last session on April 26, 1942.

The Reichstag building in Berlin was constructed as the seat of the Reichstag in the German Empire in 1894 and, after a major reconstruction, has been the seat of today's German parliament, the Bundestag, since 1999. After the building was gutted in the Reichstag fire of 1933, the puppet Nazi Reichstag met in the Kroll Opera House.

[edit] Collection of Reichstag Records

After the 1871 formation of the German Empire the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences started to collect imperial records (Reichsakten) and imperial diet records (Reichstagsakten). In 1893 the commission published the first volume. At present the years 1524 - 1527 and years up to 1544 are being collected and researched. A volume dealing with the 1532 Reichstag in Regensburg, including the peace negotiations with the Protestants in Schweinfurt and Nuremberg, by Rosemarie Aulinger of Vienna was published in 1992.

The enormous amount of records in numerous archives and libraries in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, England and Poland needs to be made available, gathered and worked through.

A list on the Internet identifies the thousands of different localities. It gives an indication of the monumental task of locating and working on these official records, spread over large areas by the many different rulers, who all had the choice of their preferred seat of residence and government.

[edit] Reichstag places

Note: this list is incomplete
Year Place President Theme
754 Quierzy-sur-Oise    
777 Paderborn    
782 Lippspringe   division of Saxony into counties
788 Ingelheim am Rhein   deposition of Tassilo III
799 Paderborn   Charlemagne clears with Pope Leo III his installation as Emperor
806 Diedenhofen   Division of the Empire
817 Aix-La-Chapelle    
826 ?   Inviting of the Sorbs;
829 Worms    
831 Aix-La-Chapelle    
835 Diedenhofen    
872 Forchheim Louis II, the German  
874 Forchheim Louis II, the German Discussion and regulation of inheritance
887 Tibur    
889 Forchheim Arnulf of Carinthia  
892 Forchheim Arnulf of Carinthia Preparing a War against the Slavs
896 Forchheim Arnulf of Carinthia  
903 Forchheim Louis the Child Execution of the Babenberg Rebel Adalhard
907 Forchheim Louis the Child Council about the Magyar attacks
911 Forchheim   Election of Conrad of Franconia King
914 Forchheim Conrad of Franconia War against Arnulf I of Bavaria
919 Fritzlar    
926 Worms Henry the Fowler  
952 on the Lech meadows near Augsburg Otto I the Great  
961 Forchheim Otto I the Great  
967 Ravenna Otto II  
972 Quedlinburg    
976 Regensburg    
978 Dortmund Otto II War against France in the Autumn
983 Verona   Election of Otto III
985     End of the usurpation of Henry the Wrangler
993 Dortmund Otto III  
1066 Tibur    
1076 Worms Henry IV  
1077 Augsburg    
1098 Mainz Henry IV.  
1105 Ingelheim Henry IV.  
1119 Tibur Henry IV.  
1122 Worms Henry V  
1147 Frankfurt Conrad III
1152 Dortmund/Merseburg Frederick I Barbarossa  
1154 Goslar  
1157 Bisanz Frederick I Barbarossa  
1158 Diet of Roncaglia near Piacenza Frederick I Barbarossa  
1165 Würzburg Frederick I Barbarossa  
1168 Bamberg Frederick I Barbarossa / Henry VI  
1180 Gelnhausen Frederick I Barbarossa / Henry VI Investiture of the Archbishop of Cologne with the Duchy of Westphalia
1181 Erfurt Henry VI Exile of Henry the Lion
1188 Mainz Henry VI  
1196 Frankfurt Henry VI  
1235 Mainz Frederick II  
1287 Würzburg Adolf of Nassau-Weilburg  
1338 Frankfurt    
1379 Frankfurt    
1356 Nuremberg Charles IV Issuance of the Golden Bull
1389 Eger Wenzel of Luxemburg Peace of Eger
1487 Nuremberg Frederick III  
1488 Esslingen Frederick III Formation of the Swabian League
1495 Worms Maximilian I Imperial Reform; Gemeiner Pfennig in the wake of the Swabian War
1496/97 Lindau    
1497/98 Freiburg    
1500 Augsburg    
1505 Cologne   Schiedsspruch im Landshuter Erbfolgekrieg
1507 Konstanz    
1512 Trier/Cologne   10 Reichskreise
1518 Augsburg    
1521 Worms Charles V Diet of Worms, ban of Martin Luther, Edict of Worms
1522 Nuremberg I    
1522/23 Nuremberg II    
1524 Nuremberg III    
1526 Speyer I   Suspension of the Edict of Worms
1529 Speyer II   Reinstatement of the Edict of Worms, Protestation at Speyer. Proclamation of the Wiedertäufermandat condemning Anabaptists
1530 Augsburg   Diet of Augsburg presentation of the Augsburg Confession
1532 Regensburg Ferdinand I Constitutio Criminalis Carolina
1541 Regensburg    
1542 Speyer    
1542 Nuremberg    
1543 Nuremberg    
1544 Speyer    
1548 Augsburg   Augsburg Interim
1550/51 Augsburg    
1555 Augsburg   Peace of Augsburg
1557 Regensburg    
1559 Augsburg    
1566 Augsburg    
1567 Regensburg    
1570 Speyer    
1576 Regensburg    
1582 Augsburg    
1594 Regensburg    
1597/98 Regensburg    
1603 Regensburg    
1608 Regensburg    
1613 Regensburg    
1640/41 Regensburg    
1653/54 Regensburg Ferdinand III. Jüngster Reichsabschied (recessus imperii novissimus))
1663-1806 in the Reichssaal of the Regensburg town hall
als Immerwährender Reichstag (permanent diet)

[edit] External links