Regnum Marianum Community

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The Regnum Marianum Community is one of the Catholic movements in Hungary. Its name comes from the old Hungarian tradition of Regnum Marianum. The organization itself is mostly referred to as Regnum Marianum.


[edit] History of the Regnum Marianum Community

Regnum Marianum was started by a group of diocesian Catholic priests, who gathered, educated and raised youth in one of the impoverished suburbs of Budapest in the last decade of the 19th century. These priests gave mostly religious instruction in the neighbouring schools and they took special care of the poor children. Regnum Marianum was formally founded in 1902 and is registered as "congregation of Mary" in Rome.

Shortly after the introduction of the boy scouting movement into Hungary, Regnum was among its first propagators, and became one of the founders of the Hungarian Scout Association in 1912. However, the formal connection between scouting and Regnum Marianum has ended at the end of the 1940s. The Regnum Marianum Community exerted its influence through religious instruction, boy scout activities and publishing the monthly "Zászlónk" (Our Flag, circulation about 10-20 thousands), where they presented a very attractive model of Catholic youth in the age group from 10 years to 18. The Regnum continued its usual work, until the end of the World War II, when Soviet troops occupied Hungary.

In 1951, when the Soviet-backed Communists finished the takeover of Hungary, the activity of Regnum Marianum had been banned. (Just like almost all religious orders and communities related to the church.)

The Regnum Marianum Community was the only Catholic youth care group in Hungary, which, despite constant harassment, continuously worked under the Communist regime, secretly organizing groups, meetings, summer camps and other events. Some of the priests and the lay group-leaders were sentenced in three separate conceptional trials (in 1961, 1965 and 1971) to a sum of 72 years, most of it served. Other forms of persecutions (firing from jobs, non-acceptance to universities, moving priests to faraway, run-down parishes) were abundant, too.

[edit] Spirituality of the Regnum Marianum Community

Regnum Marianum is a Catholic community, without any innovative theology. Originally Regnum was a community of diocesian priests, teaching and raising 10-18 year old boys, following the model of Saint Philip Neri and Don Bosco. After 1951 girls also joined the groups, and the age of members was growing. Now the Regnum is a community of priests and lay people, taking care of everybody from the youngest to the elderly. Some say, that Regnum is a parish without a geographical area.

Regnum is a special Hungarian community, with very few links to international movements, but their activities resemble those of the Communione e Liberazione in Italy.

[edit] The Regnum Marianum Community nowadays

Since the fall of the Communism in Hungary in 1989 Regnum could appear openly in the public life, and using its tradition and potential takes part in reevangelization of Hungary. In 2005 the Regnum Marianum has approximately 2500 members.

The members of Regnum Marianum Community takes part in the everyday life of the Church, and are active in other Christian movements as well.

[edit] External links

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